this image contains text
1998 Edition
filth function is an elite name
Welcome to the first Function art pack. I
f you saw our previously
released infopack, then you should be familiar with Func
tion. If not, please
download the pack www.scenelink.org has it -
fxinfo.zip and check it out.
We would like to thank all the members who took the
risk of joining
this group before we released a pack. It takes guts to
submit art to a new
group which hasnt proven itself worthy of holding a pre
sence in the scene,
and hopefully, we wont let you down
Thanks to Konami for bugging us to release
and stuff.
Thanks also to the artist formerly known
as Dead Soul for drawing that
fine ascii that you will continually see while unzipping
present, past, and
future Function packs. I say artist formerly known as
because in the info-
pack FXINFO.ZIP, Warpus mistakingly mentione
d Dead Soul as Dark Soul.
After spotting the error, we forced Dead Soul to change
his handle to
Dark Soul. Remember kids, we are always
In our first month of existence, we gained 4 great a
nsi artists, and
one great vga artist for Internet graphics. Iron
ghost joined up to display
his wacky ansi stylings check out his joint with Ha
ji and ZeusII! Konami,
formerly known as Seraphim, has decided to relea
se with us, and has submitted
two excellent pieces this month. Pedantik, a
sadly-inactive 604 ansi artist,
joined up, but has been too busy tending to his newly-fo
rmed BBS, Zero, to
submit any more yeah, right Pedantik has also final
ly decided to release
his Lost Colly. This colly was d rawn while h
e was under the alias Genocide
Kitten, and was apparently drawn over 8 years ago, when
AcidDraw wasnt even
available he used dos-edit, and manually typed in each
ansi escape code!
A while after drawing the entire colly, he lost it, but
recently retrieved it
from a disk and sent it to us for release. Putrid
Carcass, also of Dark,
joined, and has a small colly of cool logos in this rele
ase. Silent Knight,
former Mistigris vga division coordinator, has decided t
o help us with our web
page in that he will provide graphics for it. More on t
he web page later in
this document.
When Function was founded, there was much commot
ion throughout the
Mistigris and 604 art scene community. Most discussion
was concerning Quips
loyalty to Mistigris, and whether he would continue to s
ubmit artwork on a
regular basis. The truth is, Quip felt that he needed s
omething to spark his
interest further, because he was growing tired of Mistig
ris I wont get into
why. People called Quip a sell-out and a
major wanker, but eventually
sobered up and came to their senses. Thanks, but no tha
nks, weinerdogs!
Shortly after the birth of Function and before
the release of the
infopack, another art group entitled Milk mer
ged from the depths of the art
scene. Milk was founded by Creamix, a Mistigris
artist and an extremely
inactive one, at that. After both Warpus and
Quip denied invites into the
group, Creamix viciously took over Functions EFnet IRC
channel, function,
and even foolishly tried to steal some of Functions art
ists. This is
serious stuff, and its definitely not something that th
e scene needs right
now. Although the rival was only between two new up-and
-coming groups, the
actions exchanged between both parties could have been c
omparable to the
rival between ACiD and iCE from about
1992-1995. Creamix, we hope youre
When Function was born, it was decided that to show
a strong sense of
organization that the Function web page a small and ver
y user-friendly one,
at that would go up before the first pack was released.
We are sorry to
announce that not everything went as planned, and even t
hough we have released
an infopack, and our first pack, the web page is still c
urrently under
construction. Maybe next month.
Big thanks to Mafesto and Neoncrayon M
ultimedia for providing us with
ftp space for the time being. You can find all Function
releases at
Thank you for downloading the first Function art pac
k, and we hope you
will continue to follow our art as we continue to releas
e our art If you
would like more information about joining, or want to su
bmit some guest art,
please use the following routes of communication to do s
@Warpus - warpus@girlofyourdreams.com
function / hax0rs519 / dark / septic
@Quip - jmalcolm@geocities.com
function / mist
The Jade Monkey - 604730-2467
ftp - neoncrayon.ml.org
-------------------------- infofile by Quip
// top logo by Haquisaq
ps. One of the current Function members is a cann
ibal. Try to guess which one
We think youll be pleasantly surprised.
1998 Edition
filth function is an elite name
Welcome to the first Function art pack. I
f you saw our previously
released infopack, then you should be familiar with Func
tion. If not, please
download the pack www.scenelink.org has it -
fxinfo.zip and check it out.
We would like to thank all the members who took the
risk of joining
this group before we released a pack. It takes guts to
submit art to a new
group which hasnt proven itself worthy of holding a pre
sence in the scene,
and hopefully, we wont let you down
Thanks to Konami for bugging us to release
and stuff.
Thanks also to the artist formerly known
as Dead Soul for drawing that
fine ascii that you will continually see while unzipping
present, past, and
future Function packs. I say artist formerly known as
because in the info-
pack FXINFO.ZIP, Warpus mistakingly mentione
d Dead Soul as Dark Soul.
After spotting the error, we forced Dead Soul to change
his handle to
Dark Soul. Remember kids, we are always
In our first month of existence, we gained 4 great a
nsi artists, and
one great vga artist for Internet graphics. Iron
ghost joined up to display
his wacky ansi stylings check out his joint with Ha
ji and ZeusII! Konami,
formerly known as Seraphim, has decided to relea
se with us, and has submitted
two excellent pieces this month. Pedantik, a
sadly-inactive 604 ansi artist,
joined up, but has been too busy tending to his newly-fo
rmed BBS, Zero, to
submit any more yeah, right Pedantik has also final
ly decided to release
his Lost Colly. This colly was d rawn while h
e was under the alias Genocide
Kitten, and was apparently drawn over 8 years ago, when
AcidDraw wasnt even
available he used dos-edit, and manually typed in each
ansi escape code!
A while after drawing the entire colly, he lost it, but
recently retrieved it
from a disk and sent it to us for release. Putrid
Carcass, also of Dark,
joined, and has a small colly of cool logos in this rele
ase. Silent Knight,
former Mistigris vga division coordinator, has decided t
o help us with our web
page in that he will provide graphics for it. More on t
he web page later in
this document.
When Function was founded, there was much commot
ion throughout the
Mistigris and 604 art scene community. Most discussion
was concerning Quips
loyalty to Mistigris, and whether he would continue to s
ubmit artwork on a
regular basis. The truth is, Quip felt that he needed s
omething to spark his
interest further, because he was growing tired of Mistig
ris I wont get into
why. People called Quip a sell-out and a
major wanker, but eventually
sobered up and came to their senses. Thanks, but no tha
nks, weinerdogs!
Shortly after the birth of Function and before
the release of the
infopack, another art group entitled Milk mer
ged from the depths of the art
scene. Milk was founded by Creamix, a Mistigris
artist and an extremely
inactive one, at that. After both Warpus and
Quip denied invites into the
group, Creamix viciously took over Functions EFnet IRC
channel, function,
and even foolishly tried to steal some of Functions art
ists. This is
serious stuff, and its definitely not something that th
e scene needs right
now. Although the rival was only between two new up-and
-coming groups, the
actions exchanged between both parties could have been c
omparable to the
rival between ACiD and iCE from about
1992-1995. Creamix, we hope youre
When Function was born, it was decided that to show
a strong sense of
organization that the Function web page a small and ver
y user-friendly one,
at that would go up before the first pack was released.
We are sorry to
announce that not everything went as planned, and even t
hough we have released
an infopack, and our first pack, the web page is still c
urrently under
construction. Maybe next month.
Big thanks to Mafesto and Neoncrayon M
ultimedia for providing us with
ftp space for the time being. You can find all Function
releases at
Thank you for downloading the first Function art pac
k, and we hope you
will continue to follow our art as we continue to releas
e our art If you
would like more information about joining, or want to su
bmit some guest art,
please use the following routes of communication to do s
@Warpus - warpus@girlofyourdreams.com
function / hax0rs519 / dark / septic
@Quip - jmalcolm@geocities.com
function / mist
The Jade Monkey - 604730-2467
ftp - neoncrayon.ml.org
-------------------------- infofile by Quip
// top logo by Haquisaq
ps. One of the current Function members is a cann
ibal. Try to guess which one
We think youll be pleasantly surprised.
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