this image contains text
Heres my FUQU colly.
- -- --- +++ ++ + metamorphosis + ++ +++ --- -- -
my second ever official colly. I have changed my handle from curious yellow
back to haliphax, because.. well.. I have no idea. I just like it more, and
the sound of it kind of represents my ascii in some deep, philosophical
manner I dont want to try and understand yet.
but anyway.. there are a few asciis in here that say bitchED on them.. well,
thats because I drew them in bitchED, and the look best in bitchED.. I have
converted them to GIFSCII, I think necromancer called it, and sent them
to mjay seperately.. I dont know wether or not hell put them in the pack,
but the reason I did some bitchED screen-captures for you people is so you
can see what the font was SUPPOSED to look like without drudging around for
a copy of AFS.COM, and going through the bother of loading it, etc..
so.. I guess Ill make an index and a fileid and wrap this sucker up.
ps, Im Audi..
- -- --- +++ ++ + fuckyou + ++ +++ --- -- -
hX::::/ :::
- -- --- +++ ++ + fuckyou, too + ++ +++ --- -- -
/ f u fuckyouasciiproductionsnideyskevvin
c k
// / / hX? /
/ yyYy / O U! @@
- -- --- +++ ++ + kwest + ++ +++ --- -- -
/ hX /
- -- --- +++ ++ + in bloom + ++ +++ --- -- -
- -- --- +++ ++ + constipation of the mind + ++ +++ --- -- -
c o n s t i p a t i o n o f t h e m i n d
hX:::::::::/ /:::/ / :::::::::
-o+b hALIPHAX /
+ 1 5 7 3 4 4 6 - 4 4 2 7
- -- --- +++ ++ + date rape + ++ +++ --- -- -
:: :: for: title:
hX .::::::::::::::::::::. :::::.:::::.:::::.,::::.
iiiiiiii ::: ::.::::: :: ::::: :: :::.::::::: :::::::: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
iiiiiiii ::: ::::: :: :: ::..:: :: ::: :::::::::..:: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
- -- --- +++ ++ + death star + ++ +++ --- -- -
hX. . : . . . . : : . /
s t a r
- -- --- +++ ++ + bion + ++ +++ --- -- -
hX. / / : /
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. / /: /. / / : /mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
- -- --- +++ ++ + death star + ++ +++ --- -- -
/ / // / / / 7 /
// // //hX! // //
s t a r
- -- --- +++ ++ + radioactive aardvark dung + ++ +++ --- -- -
hX / /
/ Y /
Y . Y
: radioactive aardvark :
. dung issue number .
- -- --- +++ ++ + daydream nation NOT luptin + ++ +++ --- -- -
hX /
/ daydream
- -- --- +++ ++ + neverland + ++ +++ --- -- -
hX / /
n e v e r
- -- --- +++ ++ + executive + ++ +++ --- -- -
/ / / L // / / / /
e xxx e CU ti V e !!
- -- --- +++ ++ + the end -- 185 lines + ++ +++ --- -- -
well, that concludes my colly, metamorphosis. I hope you liked it.. but..
fuckyou isnt serious enough for me, so Ill be applying for membership
into another group.. but Ill still be giving fuckyou ORIGINAL i.e. -- not
just recycled from another group releases, because I figure I owe mjay
that much.. so anyway.. thats how it is, folks.
that last font looks kinda fucked up.. and thats because it is. Im just
trying to come up with original styles, and they look kinda lopsided.. ehh.
of fuckyou
- -- --- +++ ++ + metamorphosis + ++ +++ --- -- -
my second ever official colly. I have changed my handle from curious yellow
back to haliphax, because.. well.. I have no idea. I just like it more, and
the sound of it kind of represents my ascii in some deep, philosophical
manner I dont want to try and understand yet.
but anyway.. there are a few asciis in here that say bitchED on them.. well,
thats because I drew them in bitchED, and the look best in bitchED.. I have
converted them to GIFSCII, I think necromancer called it, and sent them
to mjay seperately.. I dont know wether or not hell put them in the pack,
but the reason I did some bitchED screen-captures for you people is so you
can see what the font was SUPPOSED to look like without drudging around for
a copy of AFS.COM, and going through the bother of loading it, etc..
so.. I guess Ill make an index and a fileid and wrap this sucker up.
ps, Im Audi..
- -- --- +++ ++ + fuckyou + ++ +++ --- -- -
hX::::/ :::
- -- --- +++ ++ + fuckyou, too + ++ +++ --- -- -
/ f u fuckyouasciiproductionsnideyskevvin
c k
// / / hX? /
/ yyYy / O U! @@
- -- --- +++ ++ + kwest + ++ +++ --- -- -
/ hX /
- -- --- +++ ++ + in bloom + ++ +++ --- -- -
- -- --- +++ ++ + constipation of the mind + ++ +++ --- -- -
c o n s t i p a t i o n o f t h e m i n d
hX:::::::::/ /:::/ / :::::::::
-o+b hALIPHAX /
+ 1 5 7 3 4 4 6 - 4 4 2 7
- -- --- +++ ++ + date rape + ++ +++ --- -- -
:: :: for: title:
hX .::::::::::::::::::::. :::::.:::::.:::::.,::::.
iiiiiiii ::: ::.::::: :: ::::: :: :::.::::::: :::::::: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
iiiiiiii ::: ::::: :: :: ::..:: :: ::: :::::::::..:: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
- -- --- +++ ++ + death star + ++ +++ --- -- -
hX. . : . . . . : : . /
s t a r
- -- --- +++ ++ + bion + ++ +++ --- -- -
hX. / / : /
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. / /: /. / / : /mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
- -- --- +++ ++ + death star + ++ +++ --- -- -
/ / // / / / 7 /
// // //hX! // //
s t a r
- -- --- +++ ++ + radioactive aardvark dung + ++ +++ --- -- -
hX / /
/ Y /
Y . Y
: radioactive aardvark :
. dung issue number .
- -- --- +++ ++ + daydream nation NOT luptin + ++ +++ --- -- -
hX /
/ daydream
- -- --- +++ ++ + neverland + ++ +++ --- -- -
hX / /
n e v e r
- -- --- +++ ++ + executive + ++ +++ --- -- -
/ / / L // / / / /
e xxx e CU ti V e !!
- -- --- +++ ++ + the end -- 185 lines + ++ +++ --- -- -
well, that concludes my colly, metamorphosis. I hope you liked it.. but..
fuckyou isnt serious enough for me, so Ill be applying for membership
into another group.. but Ill still be giving fuckyou ORIGINAL i.e. -- not
just recycled from another group releases, because I figure I owe mjay
that much.. so anyway.. thats how it is, folks.
that last font looks kinda fucked up.. and thats because it is. Im just
trying to come up with original styles, and they look kinda lopsided.. ehh.
of fuckyou
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