hellos fall out to: .
filth . /
pinguino oO / .
caller . .,// .,---
sedition . /,.l---
copen . . /:style/ ::: .
wator / ./:l /. --- ascii empire
klenzir -- - - : // .
skully *-----+-- /
br0k3n b0y / -----l--+---/l/: / /:
doomd / / ascii : - /,. :
Mudpuppy / : :/-+ F U C K .
all of sysfail . . :. Y O U -- /l //
all of pla . . . phoman!fuckyou .:/ .
-------------------------------------------I have decided to quit the scene and release oldschool ascii only with this
group and this group only. My board will always be up 911:717868-3766
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