this image contains text
tutorial on how to draw hearts, by Dr Dooom. step 1
first off, draw a square. nice and
simple. we will carve off some of
off characters from the side to
begin with. later i will show you
how to make inverted and angled
hearts. pay attention. i love you.
tutorial on how to draw hearts, by Dr Dooom. step 2
d next, we take off some characters
: from the left side, or the ride
i side. it all depends on preference
but i like the left side. its
4 still in early stages, ergo, easy.
tutorial on how to draw hearts, by Dr Dooom. step 3
dd this is the hard part. copy the
:: entire half of your heart and copy
ii it. if youre still with me, you
4 then reverse it and paste it right
44 beside your leftor right! side.
tutorial on how to draw hearts, by Dr Dooom. step 4
d dd almost finished. now all youre
:i: left to do is to polish it up
ii a bit, and change some characters
7 around. i changed the 4s to 7s.
tutorial on how to draw hearts, by Dr Dooom. step 5
d dSi::id as you can also see, i added sort
:iSi:: of a groove in the middle of the
iSiLi heart that gives it some dimension
SS7 now, all you do is add hilights.
d dSi::id
:iSi:: i hope you learned how to draw
iSiLi good. im tired, so i will have to
SS7 leave the other tuts for next time
4SS7 look out for them in future packs.
7+ Dr. Dooom funkyass!ascii
dbdb / .dbdb.
7 ::
7 7
first off, draw a square. nice and
simple. we will carve off some of
off characters from the side to
begin with. later i will show you
how to make inverted and angled
hearts. pay attention. i love you.
tutorial on how to draw hearts, by Dr Dooom. step 2
d next, we take off some characters
: from the left side, or the ride
i side. it all depends on preference
but i like the left side. its
4 still in early stages, ergo, easy.
tutorial on how to draw hearts, by Dr Dooom. step 3
dd this is the hard part. copy the
:: entire half of your heart and copy
ii it. if youre still with me, you
4 then reverse it and paste it right
44 beside your leftor right! side.
tutorial on how to draw hearts, by Dr Dooom. step 4
d dd almost finished. now all youre
:i: left to do is to polish it up
ii a bit, and change some characters
7 around. i changed the 4s to 7s.
tutorial on how to draw hearts, by Dr Dooom. step 5
d dSi::id as you can also see, i added sort
:iSi:: of a groove in the middle of the
iSiLi heart that gives it some dimension
SS7 now, all you do is add hilights.
d dSi::id
:iSi:: i hope you learned how to draw
iSiLi good. im tired, so i will have to
SS7 leave the other tuts for next time
4SS7 look out for them in future packs.
7+ Dr. Dooom funkyass!ascii
dbdb / .dbdb.
7 ::
7 7
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