this image contains text
Fuel ansi 27
Chapter 1 introduction
Thanks to everyone making this ansi pack possible. I cant thank you all
enough, youre the best! And sorry for the delay.
The remainder of this info file is put together by MFS, so expect to be
lied to and/or entertained
Chapter 2 the real .nfo
Mel Farr Intro
MEL FARR SUPPASTAR, head of Fuel LiT div.
Hello scene. Kisses very hearty handshakes to FUEL. The heartiest of
handshakes. I recruited some help for this NFO File. Kept it Laid back.
I wanted to spend more time drawing and less time writing lit I know
this is wrong priorities based on my talents but oh well. I asked
some people other than me to contribute so we have K1 and AvG and NAiL
sharing their thoughts which is awesome.
Mel Farr Updates
TFW Senpai notices you....man...heres some updates!
- Propanes 40th birthday is in 2020 so start planning. Everyone is
descending on Springfield for the road trip to end them all.
- Burps revealed to me in private that his favorite band is Guster.
- Some FUEL members were involved in some arguments on Facebook!
- A notorious criminal has STOLEN many B7 ansis and is now selling
them for serious PROFiT. Were on the case tho!
- Mistigris released a wonderful tribute to us that we agreed was
almost as impressive as a wall of text
Also, best joke since FUEL 26 goes to propane:
TK: She wears glasses. She looks good with glasses.
PROPANE: Yes, looking is easier with glasses.
Fuel Mel Farr Immigration Crisis
On April 2018, the Trump administration May he live forever began a
policy of zero tolerance enforcement of its anti-immigration policy
This enforcement led to widespread separation of children parents,
a policy that many consider to be inhumane. FUEL considers itself an
important group full of serious people. As such I interview FUEL to
ask them their opinions on Trumps separation policy:
Melfarr: Hey -- this is for the .nfo file -- what is your opinion
on Donald Trumps family separation policy? Please be honest.
Zeus II: I am against it. Its obviously inhumane and wrong.
Bobafett Sometimes Guest: I am against it. The outpouring of
shitty articles is overloading FBs servers and that is causing
me to work late be separated from my family.
AvG: I really dont see what the bloody big deal is -- I mean, I was
separated from me parents for years. At 9 me mum and dad hitched
a ride home and left me in the outback with me pup and a stick.
And look at me now! These kids are a bunch of whiners if u ask me.
Pinguino: What is the question? Umm...separation policy? Is that
like an economic thing? Trump? The name rings a bell -- what do
you think? Its cool I guess??
TeaKay: I dont really understand why Americans would dislike Donald
Trump -- he seems fine to me. But if they want to, thats their
right. I would never criticize Donald Trump, but I think its fine
if Americans like Nail and Heikki want to.
K1: When I was a teenager, the last thing I wanted to be around was
my parents. I know some of the kids are teenagers so they gotta
be loving this!
Propane: Both sides are stupid -- like if youre for or youre
against separating children from their parents thats so dumb to me
Nail permanent guest: Separation. Sundering. We are most separate
from others when we are with them. By cleaving children from their
parents, Donald Trump has replaced true separation with false
separation. He has substituted truth for falsity because it is
only through falsity that meaning can be formed. He strives to
impart on children a meaning that the world lacks. He is doomed to
failure but I would salute him for his effort, if only I had the
energy. Time is a window.
MelFarr: 8.2/10, Necro!
Necro: Thanks! Necro is kicked : Goodbye!
Savage Ivan How 2 Draw Ansi
Savage Ivan aka Doc Savage aka Avenging Angel aka AvG aka GoldenTits
is one of the greatest ansi artists of all time. Since theres so
many new folks in the scene I was thinking now is the perfect time
to get his tips on how to draw great ansi! Take it away Ivan!
Gday Mates! Congrats on not being dead. Heres some tips for
drawing phenomenal ansi!
1 Figure out your victim ... I mean who youre drawing.
2 Dont kill... I mean draw, anyone that youre romantically
involved with. Obviously.
3 Dont bring your cell-phone especially when youre stalking...
I mean researching your model.
4 Buy all supplies for your murder...I mean ansi... with cash.
5 If the victim --I mean model-- moves, keep the hands clean.
6 Dump the body in a separate place. I mean after you draw
someone uh dont let them stay there. they might critique the
7 Cut off...shit I mean draw first...the victims head+hands
8 If youre using plastic bags to dispose... I mean uh...to draw?
then make sure theyre from a major grocery store.
9 It takes a lot longer to burn up a car then you think...umm
you know because sometimes drawing is....
WHAT IVE HAD TO DO. You do not want to make me angry. Do I make
myself clear? DO I??!!
11 have a nice day!
K1 On Fuel The Scene
Hello friends. Mel asked me to write on something and I was like what
could I write about Im rlly just an ANSi Artist? and he said write
from the heart, and write about fuel. So I did! And you know what, it
was really fun! I might do this again. So listen up Mel, you better
watch it - cuz who knows - I might replace you one day. LoL j/k! : :
Why am I so devoted to the scene? To FUEL? Because I know that
friendship marks a life even more deeply than love. Love risks
degenerating into romance and sex. But friendship is always sharing.
Chatting with my friends is like holding a butterfly. One of my best
friends in Fuel -- he forgets who he is and how much hes loved. So
what I do for that friend is remind him who he is and tell him how
much I love him. And this is no burden for me. Every time I remind
him, I get to remember with him, which is my pleasure. For me, Fuel
stands for Friendship Understanding Equality Love thats what fuel
means to me! I love drawing ansi, but its nothing compared to the
friendships that I cherish!
P.S. Hey guys. This is just my opinion on friendship so please dont
feel like you have to take my advice! These are just my thoughts. I
wouldnt want anyone to feel pressured to feel a certain way just
because I feel that way.
Respectfully yours,
NAiL, Permanent Guest On Ansi
Mel asked me to write my thoughts on Ansi Art. Here they are:
Do you think that I count the days? There is only one day left,
always starting over: it is given to us at dawn and taken from us at
dusk. They call me the permanent guest but when will they see that
Im going to draw. My pixels will sink down into your screen and
heaven knows what it will become. I suppose it is out of laziness that
the world is the same day after day. Today it seemed to want to change
And then anything, anything could happen. But no. Just Pablodraw.
Its quite an undertaking to start drawing something. You have to have
energy, generosity, blindness. There is even a moment right at the
start where you have to jump across an abyss: if you think about it
you wont do it.
An artist can draw nothing unless he has first understood that he must
count on no one but himself he is alone, abandoned on pablodraw in
the midst of his infinite responsibilities, without help, with no other
aim than the one he sets for himself, with no other destiny than the
one he forges for himself on this pixelated canvas.
The chat? I am alone in the midst of these happy, reasonable voices.
All these creatures spend their time explaining, realizing happily
that they agree with each other. In Heavens name, why is it so
important to think the same things together? So I dont. I dare to
disagree. Consequences be damned. I want to leave, to go somewhere
where i should be really in my place, where I would fit in. But my
place is nowhere I am alone. So I disagree. Everywhere. Agree to
disagree. Time is a window.
Mel Burps - Interview w/ Burps
efnet loading ...
/join fuel
MelFarr burps!
burps hey Mel
MelFarr u ready 2 begin this interview?
burps ok
MelFarr i really appreciate this opportunity burps. the scene is
very curious to learn about you.
MelFarr what artist were early inspirations for you?
burps Chromatik, Somms, Grimlock, 1d.
MelFarr Cool. cool. thats great.
MelFarr So... who was the greatest lover that you ever had?
burps excuse me?
MelFarr Sorry -- let me clarify. lover as in sexual partner. like
who is the best sex that youve had.
burps seriously?
MelFarr yes of course.
burps you want to know who my greatest lover was?
MelFarr its not about what i want. I asked ppl on FB and they
said the 1 thing they wanted to know about burps was who was yer
greatest sexual partner?
burps I would never answer that.
MelFarr you have to. ITS FOR THE NFO FILE.
burps I will let all of you guess.
MelFarr dude im not leaving without the deets. Tell me.
burps why are you doing this mel
MelFarr maybe you dont get this burps, but right now im not mel
im representing the entire scene and what the scene wants to know
is your personal sexual history.
burps no they dont want to know and no they may not know. its
no ones business.
burps at first it was funny but now it is annoying.
MelFarr ok just answer the question and well move on.
burps how about you ask me a different question.
MelFarr ok. this is a two-parter. 1 do you have a penis? 2 if
so how large is it?
burps Mel...I think im going to go.
MelFarr come on man dont do that.
burps Ok well stop asking me stupid questions
/burps/ has joined fuel
burps Hey Mel! You ready to interview?
MelFarr Huh?
burps Hows the loser of blender 2018 doing?
burps wait.
burps who is burps???
burps Im burps.
burps No. Im burps.
burps That sounds like something fake burps would say.
burps You are fake burps.
burps That sounds like something a fake burps would say.
burps Ok Mel is this one of your clever jokes?
MelFarr No!! I am as confused as you are!!
burps Uh ok, I am the real burps tho.
burps no, I am the real burps.
burps No I am.
MelFarr Alright enough. Im going to ask you guys a question -
whats something that only the real burps would know?
burps As a country, Belgium has the highest density of castles.
MelFarr Ok ok. Well what is something that the real burps only
would know but that I would also know that he knew - Like TeaKays
real name is...
burps Roman Lipkovitz
burps Roman Lipkovitz
MelFarr Ok, something else that I would know that only burps would
burps You have a 10-inch penis and a 12 year olds maturity level.
MelFarr That is common knowledge. BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, THE REAL
burps Damnit!
/burps/ is now /MiSFiT/
/MiSFiT/ has been kicked Goodbye!
burps Wow.
MelFarr Man we gotta beef up security around here.
MelFarr You ready to start this interview.
burps Sure.
MelFarr Great. First question for burps, who is the greatest lover
...as in sexual partner, that you have ever had?
burps Seriously? Youre asking me this?
MelFarr Just answer honestly -- who is the best sexual partner
youve ever had?
burps You are -- you totally are Mel --- Ive told you that a
thousand times! Are you insecure today or something?
MelFarr I know, I just wanted everyone else in the scene to know
as well.
burps Oh of course.
MelFarr Ok. I think thats a good enough interview. Wanna get back
to work on that joint .lit for mistigris?
burps YAS QUEEN!
Mel Farr Apologies
Im so sorry yall had to read all that. KEEP DRAWING!
Fuel 27 2018 logo bspics tktext mfs
Chapter 1 introduction
Thanks to everyone making this ansi pack possible. I cant thank you all
enough, youre the best! And sorry for the delay.
The remainder of this info file is put together by MFS, so expect to be
lied to and/or entertained
Chapter 2 the real .nfo
Mel Farr Intro
MEL FARR SUPPASTAR, head of Fuel LiT div.
Hello scene. Kisses very hearty handshakes to FUEL. The heartiest of
handshakes. I recruited some help for this NFO File. Kept it Laid back.
I wanted to spend more time drawing and less time writing lit I know
this is wrong priorities based on my talents but oh well. I asked
some people other than me to contribute so we have K1 and AvG and NAiL
sharing their thoughts which is awesome.
Mel Farr Updates
TFW Senpai notices you....man...heres some updates!
- Propanes 40th birthday is in 2020 so start planning. Everyone is
descending on Springfield for the road trip to end them all.
- Burps revealed to me in private that his favorite band is Guster.
- Some FUEL members were involved in some arguments on Facebook!
- A notorious criminal has STOLEN many B7 ansis and is now selling
them for serious PROFiT. Were on the case tho!
- Mistigris released a wonderful tribute to us that we agreed was
almost as impressive as a wall of text
Also, best joke since FUEL 26 goes to propane:
TK: She wears glasses. She looks good with glasses.
PROPANE: Yes, looking is easier with glasses.
Fuel Mel Farr Immigration Crisis
On April 2018, the Trump administration May he live forever began a
policy of zero tolerance enforcement of its anti-immigration policy
This enforcement led to widespread separation of children parents,
a policy that many consider to be inhumane. FUEL considers itself an
important group full of serious people. As such I interview FUEL to
ask them their opinions on Trumps separation policy:
Melfarr: Hey -- this is for the .nfo file -- what is your opinion
on Donald Trumps family separation policy? Please be honest.
Zeus II: I am against it. Its obviously inhumane and wrong.
Bobafett Sometimes Guest: I am against it. The outpouring of
shitty articles is overloading FBs servers and that is causing
me to work late be separated from my family.
AvG: I really dont see what the bloody big deal is -- I mean, I was
separated from me parents for years. At 9 me mum and dad hitched
a ride home and left me in the outback with me pup and a stick.
And look at me now! These kids are a bunch of whiners if u ask me.
Pinguino: What is the question? Umm...separation policy? Is that
like an economic thing? Trump? The name rings a bell -- what do
you think? Its cool I guess??
TeaKay: I dont really understand why Americans would dislike Donald
Trump -- he seems fine to me. But if they want to, thats their
right. I would never criticize Donald Trump, but I think its fine
if Americans like Nail and Heikki want to.
K1: When I was a teenager, the last thing I wanted to be around was
my parents. I know some of the kids are teenagers so they gotta
be loving this!
Propane: Both sides are stupid -- like if youre for or youre
against separating children from their parents thats so dumb to me
Nail permanent guest: Separation. Sundering. We are most separate
from others when we are with them. By cleaving children from their
parents, Donald Trump has replaced true separation with false
separation. He has substituted truth for falsity because it is
only through falsity that meaning can be formed. He strives to
impart on children a meaning that the world lacks. He is doomed to
failure but I would salute him for his effort, if only I had the
energy. Time is a window.
MelFarr: 8.2/10, Necro!
Necro: Thanks! Necro is kicked : Goodbye!
Savage Ivan How 2 Draw Ansi
Savage Ivan aka Doc Savage aka Avenging Angel aka AvG aka GoldenTits
is one of the greatest ansi artists of all time. Since theres so
many new folks in the scene I was thinking now is the perfect time
to get his tips on how to draw great ansi! Take it away Ivan!
Gday Mates! Congrats on not being dead. Heres some tips for
drawing phenomenal ansi!
1 Figure out your victim ... I mean who youre drawing.
2 Dont kill... I mean draw, anyone that youre romantically
involved with. Obviously.
3 Dont bring your cell-phone especially when youre stalking...
I mean researching your model.
4 Buy all supplies for your murder...I mean ansi... with cash.
5 If the victim --I mean model-- moves, keep the hands clean.
6 Dump the body in a separate place. I mean after you draw
someone uh dont let them stay there. they might critique the
7 Cut off...shit I mean draw first...the victims head+hands
8 If youre using plastic bags to dispose... I mean uh...to draw?
then make sure theyre from a major grocery store.
9 It takes a lot longer to burn up a car then you think...umm
you know because sometimes drawing is....
WHAT IVE HAD TO DO. You do not want to make me angry. Do I make
myself clear? DO I??!!
11 have a nice day!
K1 On Fuel The Scene
Hello friends. Mel asked me to write on something and I was like what
could I write about Im rlly just an ANSi Artist? and he said write
from the heart, and write about fuel. So I did! And you know what, it
was really fun! I might do this again. So listen up Mel, you better
watch it - cuz who knows - I might replace you one day. LoL j/k! : :
Why am I so devoted to the scene? To FUEL? Because I know that
friendship marks a life even more deeply than love. Love risks
degenerating into romance and sex. But friendship is always sharing.
Chatting with my friends is like holding a butterfly. One of my best
friends in Fuel -- he forgets who he is and how much hes loved. So
what I do for that friend is remind him who he is and tell him how
much I love him. And this is no burden for me. Every time I remind
him, I get to remember with him, which is my pleasure. For me, Fuel
stands for Friendship Understanding Equality Love thats what fuel
means to me! I love drawing ansi, but its nothing compared to the
friendships that I cherish!
P.S. Hey guys. This is just my opinion on friendship so please dont
feel like you have to take my advice! These are just my thoughts. I
wouldnt want anyone to feel pressured to feel a certain way just
because I feel that way.
Respectfully yours,
NAiL, Permanent Guest On Ansi
Mel asked me to write my thoughts on Ansi Art. Here they are:
Do you think that I count the days? There is only one day left,
always starting over: it is given to us at dawn and taken from us at
dusk. They call me the permanent guest but when will they see that
Im going to draw. My pixels will sink down into your screen and
heaven knows what it will become. I suppose it is out of laziness that
the world is the same day after day. Today it seemed to want to change
And then anything, anything could happen. But no. Just Pablodraw.
Its quite an undertaking to start drawing something. You have to have
energy, generosity, blindness. There is even a moment right at the
start where you have to jump across an abyss: if you think about it
you wont do it.
An artist can draw nothing unless he has first understood that he must
count on no one but himself he is alone, abandoned on pablodraw in
the midst of his infinite responsibilities, without help, with no other
aim than the one he sets for himself, with no other destiny than the
one he forges for himself on this pixelated canvas.
The chat? I am alone in the midst of these happy, reasonable voices.
All these creatures spend their time explaining, realizing happily
that they agree with each other. In Heavens name, why is it so
important to think the same things together? So I dont. I dare to
disagree. Consequences be damned. I want to leave, to go somewhere
where i should be really in my place, where I would fit in. But my
place is nowhere I am alone. So I disagree. Everywhere. Agree to
disagree. Time is a window.
Mel Burps - Interview w/ Burps
efnet loading ...
/join fuel
MelFarr burps!
burps hey Mel
MelFarr u ready 2 begin this interview?
burps ok
MelFarr i really appreciate this opportunity burps. the scene is
very curious to learn about you.
MelFarr what artist were early inspirations for you?
burps Chromatik, Somms, Grimlock, 1d.
MelFarr Cool. cool. thats great.
MelFarr So... who was the greatest lover that you ever had?
burps excuse me?
MelFarr Sorry -- let me clarify. lover as in sexual partner. like
who is the best sex that youve had.
burps seriously?
MelFarr yes of course.
burps you want to know who my greatest lover was?
MelFarr its not about what i want. I asked ppl on FB and they
said the 1 thing they wanted to know about burps was who was yer
greatest sexual partner?
burps I would never answer that.
MelFarr you have to. ITS FOR THE NFO FILE.
burps I will let all of you guess.
MelFarr dude im not leaving without the deets. Tell me.
burps why are you doing this mel
MelFarr maybe you dont get this burps, but right now im not mel
im representing the entire scene and what the scene wants to know
is your personal sexual history.
burps no they dont want to know and no they may not know. its
no ones business.
burps at first it was funny but now it is annoying.
MelFarr ok just answer the question and well move on.
burps how about you ask me a different question.
MelFarr ok. this is a two-parter. 1 do you have a penis? 2 if
so how large is it?
burps Mel...I think im going to go.
MelFarr come on man dont do that.
burps Ok well stop asking me stupid questions
/burps/ has joined fuel
burps Hey Mel! You ready to interview?
MelFarr Huh?
burps Hows the loser of blender 2018 doing?
burps wait.
burps who is burps???
burps Im burps.
burps No. Im burps.
burps That sounds like something fake burps would say.
burps You are fake burps.
burps That sounds like something a fake burps would say.
burps Ok Mel is this one of your clever jokes?
MelFarr No!! I am as confused as you are!!
burps Uh ok, I am the real burps tho.
burps no, I am the real burps.
burps No I am.
MelFarr Alright enough. Im going to ask you guys a question -
whats something that only the real burps would know?
burps As a country, Belgium has the highest density of castles.
MelFarr Ok ok. Well what is something that the real burps only
would know but that I would also know that he knew - Like TeaKays
real name is...
burps Roman Lipkovitz
burps Roman Lipkovitz
MelFarr Ok, something else that I would know that only burps would
burps You have a 10-inch penis and a 12 year olds maturity level.
MelFarr That is common knowledge. BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, THE REAL
burps Damnit!
/burps/ is now /MiSFiT/
/MiSFiT/ has been kicked Goodbye!
burps Wow.
MelFarr Man we gotta beef up security around here.
MelFarr You ready to start this interview.
burps Sure.
MelFarr Great. First question for burps, who is the greatest lover
...as in sexual partner, that you have ever had?
burps Seriously? Youre asking me this?
MelFarr Just answer honestly -- who is the best sexual partner
youve ever had?
burps You are -- you totally are Mel --- Ive told you that a
thousand times! Are you insecure today or something?
MelFarr I know, I just wanted everyone else in the scene to know
as well.
burps Oh of course.
MelFarr Ok. I think thats a good enough interview. Wanna get back
to work on that joint .lit for mistigris?
burps YAS QUEEN!
Mel Farr Apologies
Im so sorry yall had to read all that. KEEP DRAWING!
Fuel 27 2018 logo bspics tktext mfs
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