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FUEL26 -
April 2o18
Hello and welcome to the 26th Fuel ansipack release. We went to Revision demo party, Ping even flew over from L.A. to Belgium to go to Germany. How cool is that! ? Thanks to all involved in making that work, including my brother, Necro and TQ. After my wall of text, ill stop rambling now and leave you in the very capable hands of Mel Farr Suppastar. Everything he writes is either totally true or totally made up. Enjoy ! @TheKnightFuel CUCK-free BELGIUM - An Oral History of Fuel Inc. Feb-Apr 2018 Filth, B7 It started with rumors. Whispers. Rumblings Fuel is dead. Fuel is back. Fuel is incorporating. They got a building in Brussels. They got fancy cars. Big staff Big office. Accordion It made no sense. Why would an ansi group need an office....in 2018?!?! It reminded me of when RaDMaN started trying to legally enforce ACiD But in 2018?? Well see how the ansi turns out. Nail, Guy on the couch I dont know what Im doing here. Its loud. The accordion never stops Ping is always fitting me for new dresses. I say things like Im just a guy crashing on the couch, I dont need to be fitted for a dress bu t no one listens. All I wanna do is read 90s comic books and sleep but someone is always shouting about pablo this draw that. To be honest I want to leave. But the rent is cheap. I cant complain about that. Its weird having something that I cant be negative about.
TK, Art Dept. I love Fuel. I really do. But do we need to go corporate??? Mel says its legally necessary But I just want to draw ansi and goof off with my Fueligans. I mean some of it is nice. Theres a lovely couch for NAiL. All the monster drinks for PiNG. And the cute girl in the ACiD beanie. Its hard to focus on drawing when she comes over to talk to me. Cthullu, Music Dept High school was rough. Squamish winters are cold and unforgiving and when youre the only bearded jewish 14 year old for 80km, it aint easy. There was always one thing that made me happy tho. Accordion. Ive been fondling my squeee box for decades. Many of my fondest memories are from Spartacus, just me playing accordion amongst all the books. Books never heckle you. So when Fuel hired me to be their accordion player, I jumped. I didnt know what their deal was. I thought fuel was pretty cool so I said sure. Man, I was not prepared for this. They are some accordion FFRREAKS. K1, Cute Girl in ACiD Beanie. Stripper life is notoriously bad in Brussels. We dance to the sound of Chimay bottlecaps bouncing across the empty floor. A gentle, dull emptiness overlapped by music playing too loud at a party nobody shows up for. The merry sound of loose change jangling in your bag becomes a taunting reminder that you probs only made enough dosh to buy two emergency packets of crisps outta the vending machine downstairs to save yourself from spewing when you get too drunk too fast. The tight arse spectators multiply. Us dancers know the variety well. The I-don go-for-dances-I-buy-the-girls-drinks kind. They think theyre being generous, but they insist they be in control of what you spend their money on. Drinks. Not your rent. Not your children. Not food. Not your vet bills. Drinks. Not even a bag of dicks to go with your low level brand of hummus. Mel Farr Suppastar, Legal Counsel The fucking courier. Its bad enough that once the government figures out what Necro is really up to were all going to prison, and TK just wants to draw his ansi, but do we have to add to it a maniac who cant upload an artpack without running people over? Do we really need that? Jesus christ, I shouldve just stayed @ home and played second fiddle to hawk hubbard. K1, Cute girl in ACiD Beanie Everything changed when I joined FUEL, suddenly it was nothing but cash. More cash than I knew what to do with. And these fueligans the last thing they want is for me to take it off. ACiD beanie stays on, ive heard over and over and over again. They do want me in assless chaps too. And TK keeps saying he wants to draw me. Im not sure what to think about that. Pinguino, Costumes Animal Dept. I was thrilled. T-H-R-I-L-L-E-D. Draw ansi Necro said. How about make costumes? I replied. Wrangle Cats propane said. All 3 Necro said. So now Im an artist/wardrobe/cat wrangler. I said how will I do that? Necro shoved me against the wall and said youll have all the Monster Energy + Accordion you will ever fucking need. And that was it. I havent slept in 3 months. Ill sleep when Im dead. Propane, Regulations Division It was a clear black night, a clear white moon P-P-E was on the streets, trying to consume some food for the eve, so i can get some buttz rollin in my ride, chillin w/ my slutz La Necro, President + CEO of Fuel, Inc. Put. That kratom. Down. Kratoms for artists only. You think Im fucking with you? I am not fucking with you. Im here from IRC. Is your name Propane? You play accordion? If not than shut the fuck up! Savage Ivan, Courier T be onest, I basically look at it as ow many blokes can I kill in a single day w/out getting charged. Ive made a game out of it. 400 points for a regular pedestrian. Less if theyre older or younger More if theyre armed. Eres the thing tho -- youre not gonna end up delivering great artpacks if you dont ave reliable delivery, and youre not gonna get reliable delivery w/out breaking a few -- eggs, legs, whatever. Propane, Regulations Div. just hit the eastside of the I-L-L on a mission trying to find mr burger king seen a car full of artists aint no need to freak all you cucks know whats up with P-P-E TK, Art Department All I saw was like 9000 LCDs all with pablodraw servers and people drawing and shouting and throwing things. Eventually I just started screaming and shouting and acting like a madman. How will this lead to a good pack? Necro came up and said keep it up kid -- youre learning real fast! If you can hear Cthullus accordion, youre not screaming loud enough. Then Nail barfed. Nail, guy crashing on the couch When you live alone, you no longer know what it is to tell a story: the plausible disappears at the same time as your friends. You let events flow by too: you suddenly see people appear who shout and then go away, you plunge into scenes of which you cant make head or tail Youd make a terrible witness. People who live in society have learned how to see themselves in mirrors as they appear to their friends. I have no friends. Is that why my flesh is so naked? Savage Ivan, Courier I grew the mustache back. It was Pings idea, onest. She said that the fastest delivery is a mustache ride. Shes not wrong. So far Ive accidentally killed 3 innocents with me Stache. And Mila ripped a mans dick off. But whos counting? Fuel is currently delivering the fastest packs in the scene and thats what matters. thats what matters. La Necro, President and CEO of Fuel, Inc. Fuck you! Thats my name! You know why? You used a 14.4k modem to get here. I jacked into the matrix with my MiND. Thats my name. Your name is Cuck Everlasting. You cant play in the mans game. You cant draw ansi - go home and tell your wife your troubles. Because only one thing counts in this life: 16 colors. 80 columns. You hear me, you f ucking AMSHiT wannabes? A-B-D. Always Be Drawing. Always be drawing. ALWAYS BE DRAWING Propane, Regulations Div. So I hooks a left from Brussels to Leuven Some brothas smashin blocks so I said whos screwin? I jumped out the ride, they said whassup? They ripped off my pants and they said nice butt TK, Ansi Dept. La Necro is worried. He doesnt show it, but hes terrified about something. Something legal. Mel is always storming in screaming at him and then they go into some office. I dont think this can last. Theres some kind of scheme going on here. No one seems to notice. Cthullu just blares on with his KoRn covers on Accordion. Ping is always fitting us for armor. I try to just keep drawing. Maybe if I can draw enough we can cover the expenses of whatever legal war were facing. Nail, Guy on the couch Drawing ansi? I think they do it to pass the time, nothing more. But time is too large, it cant be filled up. Everything you plunge into it is stretched and disintegrates. I Exist. It is soft, so soft, so slow. And light: it seems as though it suspends in the air. It moves Three oclock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do. I wanted for the moments in my life to follow each other and order themselves like those of a life remembered. It would be just as well to try to catch time by the tail. Savage Ivan, Courier Mel says to stop postin the films of my kills, but oo the ell is e to tell me what to do? s my job to make sure the PACKS UPLOADED is job is to clean up the mess i leave. I want people to see my work I want them to know what I do for FUEL La Necro, President CEO of Fuel You wanna go out today and draw? DRAW. Its yours. If not, youre gonna be begging AMiSH for affils. And you know what theyll be saying - a bunch of cucks sittin around on IRC. Oh yeah. I used to be an artist. Its a tough racket. These are the new REQS. These are the 10/line reqs. And to you, theyre gold and you dont get them. Why? because to give them to you is just throwing them away. Theyre for ARTIST. Id wish you good luck but you wouldnt know what to do with it if you got it. Propane, Regulations Div. Since these dudes peepin me ima glide and swerve these traders lookin so hard they straight hit the curb gotta fuck with better things then these butt burglars gonna hit up mickie Ds for some juicy burgers. Pinguino, Costumes Dept. Its such a visual job that youcan just talk about a purple dress for Mel Farr. You have to show exactly what purple, what style, what fit. I have always worked this way. I start by analyzing the emotions of the members in the chat, and then my second step is a pablodraw spreadsheet. I need to know how many pieces Im designing, what the ansibudget is, and then I can focus on making those the right items for the personalities rather than the other way around. Misfit, AMiSH Blocktronics Those fucktards in Fuel are now incorporated you say?! So what, sounds like a bunch of pervs who cant get ass the old fashioned way -- by being the baddest motherfucker in the room. We kicked the shit out of them in scenewarz 2017 and so theyve incorporated? who cares? Yeah I know I know, supposedly theyre wearing armor or whatever but lemme ask you this. How do you think they look in straw hats?? I think you know the answer. AMiSH RULEZZZ. Competish Droolz. Grymmjack, Cybercrimes, FBI Today, these computer intrusion cases - counterterrorism, counterintelligence, and criminal -- are the paramount priorities of our cyber program because of their potential relationship to national security. But number 1 on our list is FUEL. I havent been able to find ALL the goods yet, but when I do, there will be HELL TO PAY. I dont like Mel Farr, but I dont wish this upon him. Mel Farr, Legal Counsel Hey NECRO, I dont need this! I swear to God, I do not need this right now, okay? Ive got a judge thats just aching to find me in contempt of court, an idiot who wants to fight me over 13.8 belgian francs. DuoDaughters packs. Giant loud accordions. I aint slept in 5 days -- I aint fiddled in 5 weeks! Im out of money. Ive got a dress code problem. Savage killin people like its a game. Also not to mention the goddam wars on Facebook. Is there any more scene-related BULLSHiT we can pile on top of the outcome of this case? Is it possible?! Cthullu, Music Dept The biggest problem is the groupies. You join a group like FUEL you know youre getting some action but nobody told me tht dicks out for the accordion player was the official motto. I just wish the guys and gal -- hi ping! knew that I am saving myself for marriage and that this behaviour makes me uncomfortable. Still, the appreciation means a lot. The girl in the ACiD beanie tho. Dont know if I can resist her charms. CONTD in FUEL Incorporated, Vol 27.
nfo layout by
tk ppe mfs ping
April 2o18
Hello and welcome to the 26th Fuel ansipack release. We went to Revision demo party, Ping even flew over from L.A. to Belgium to go to Germany. How cool is that! ? Thanks to all involved in making that work, including my brother, Necro and TQ. After my wall of text, ill stop rambling now and leave you in the very capable hands of Mel Farr Suppastar. Everything he writes is either totally true or totally made up. Enjoy ! @TheKnightFuel CUCK-free BELGIUM - An Oral History of Fuel Inc. Feb-Apr 2018 Filth, B7 It started with rumors. Whispers. Rumblings Fuel is dead. Fuel is back. Fuel is incorporating. They got a building in Brussels. They got fancy cars. Big staff Big office. Accordion It made no sense. Why would an ansi group need an office....in 2018?!?! It reminded me of when RaDMaN started trying to legally enforce ACiD But in 2018?? Well see how the ansi turns out. Nail, Guy on the couch I dont know what Im doing here. Its loud. The accordion never stops Ping is always fitting me for new dresses. I say things like Im just a guy crashing on the couch, I dont need to be fitted for a dress bu t no one listens. All I wanna do is read 90s comic books and sleep but someone is always shouting about pablo this draw that. To be honest I want to leave. But the rent is cheap. I cant complain about that. Its weird having something that I cant be negative about.
TK, Art Dept. I love Fuel. I really do. But do we need to go corporate??? Mel says its legally necessary But I just want to draw ansi and goof off with my Fueligans. I mean some of it is nice. Theres a lovely couch for NAiL. All the monster drinks for PiNG. And the cute girl in the ACiD beanie. Its hard to focus on drawing when she comes over to talk to me. Cthullu, Music Dept High school was rough. Squamish winters are cold and unforgiving and when youre the only bearded jewish 14 year old for 80km, it aint easy. There was always one thing that made me happy tho. Accordion. Ive been fondling my squeee box for decades. Many of my fondest memories are from Spartacus, just me playing accordion amongst all the books. Books never heckle you. So when Fuel hired me to be their accordion player, I jumped. I didnt know what their deal was. I thought fuel was pretty cool so I said sure. Man, I was not prepared for this. They are some accordion FFRREAKS. K1, Cute Girl in ACiD Beanie. Stripper life is notoriously bad in Brussels. We dance to the sound of Chimay bottlecaps bouncing across the empty floor. A gentle, dull emptiness overlapped by music playing too loud at a party nobody shows up for. The merry sound of loose change jangling in your bag becomes a taunting reminder that you probs only made enough dosh to buy two emergency packets of crisps outta the vending machine downstairs to save yourself from spewing when you get too drunk too fast. The tight arse spectators multiply. Us dancers know the variety well. The I-don go-for-dances-I-buy-the-girls-drinks kind. They think theyre being generous, but they insist they be in control of what you spend their money on. Drinks. Not your rent. Not your children. Not food. Not your vet bills. Drinks. Not even a bag of dicks to go with your low level brand of hummus. Mel Farr Suppastar, Legal Counsel The fucking courier. Its bad enough that once the government figures out what Necro is really up to were all going to prison, and TK just wants to draw his ansi, but do we have to add to it a maniac who cant upload an artpack without running people over? Do we really need that? Jesus christ, I shouldve just stayed @ home and played second fiddle to hawk hubbard. K1, Cute girl in ACiD Beanie Everything changed when I joined FUEL, suddenly it was nothing but cash. More cash than I knew what to do with. And these fueligans the last thing they want is for me to take it off. ACiD beanie stays on, ive heard over and over and over again. They do want me in assless chaps too. And TK keeps saying he wants to draw me. Im not sure what to think about that. Pinguino, Costumes Animal Dept. I was thrilled. T-H-R-I-L-L-E-D. Draw ansi Necro said. How about make costumes? I replied. Wrangle Cats propane said. All 3 Necro said. So now Im an artist/wardrobe/cat wrangler. I said how will I do that? Necro shoved me against the wall and said youll have all the Monster Energy + Accordion you will ever fucking need. And that was it. I havent slept in 3 months. Ill sleep when Im dead. Propane, Regulations Division It was a clear black night, a clear white moon P-P-E was on the streets, trying to consume some food for the eve, so i can get some buttz rollin in my ride, chillin w/ my slutz La Necro, President + CEO of Fuel, Inc. Put. That kratom. Down. Kratoms for artists only. You think Im fucking with you? I am not fucking with you. Im here from IRC. Is your name Propane? You play accordion? If not than shut the fuck up! Savage Ivan, Courier T be onest, I basically look at it as ow many blokes can I kill in a single day w/out getting charged. Ive made a game out of it. 400 points for a regular pedestrian. Less if theyre older or younger More if theyre armed. Eres the thing tho -- youre not gonna end up delivering great artpacks if you dont ave reliable delivery, and youre not gonna get reliable delivery w/out breaking a few -- eggs, legs, whatever. Propane, Regulations Div. just hit the eastside of the I-L-L on a mission trying to find mr burger king seen a car full of artists aint no need to freak all you cucks know whats up with P-P-E TK, Art Department All I saw was like 9000 LCDs all with pablodraw servers and people drawing and shouting and throwing things. Eventually I just started screaming and shouting and acting like a madman. How will this lead to a good pack? Necro came up and said keep it up kid -- youre learning real fast! If you can hear Cthullus accordion, youre not screaming loud enough. Then Nail barfed. Nail, guy crashing on the couch When you live alone, you no longer know what it is to tell a story: the plausible disappears at the same time as your friends. You let events flow by too: you suddenly see people appear who shout and then go away, you plunge into scenes of which you cant make head or tail Youd make a terrible witness. People who live in society have learned how to see themselves in mirrors as they appear to their friends. I have no friends. Is that why my flesh is so naked? Savage Ivan, Courier I grew the mustache back. It was Pings idea, onest. She said that the fastest delivery is a mustache ride. Shes not wrong. So far Ive accidentally killed 3 innocents with me Stache. And Mila ripped a mans dick off. But whos counting? Fuel is currently delivering the fastest packs in the scene and thats what matters. thats what matters. La Necro, President and CEO of Fuel, Inc. Fuck you! Thats my name! You know why? You used a 14.4k modem to get here. I jacked into the matrix with my MiND. Thats my name. Your name is Cuck Everlasting. You cant play in the mans game. You cant draw ansi - go home and tell your wife your troubles. Because only one thing counts in this life: 16 colors. 80 columns. You hear me, you f ucking AMSHiT wannabes? A-B-D. Always Be Drawing. Always be drawing. ALWAYS BE DRAWING Propane, Regulations Div. So I hooks a left from Brussels to Leuven Some brothas smashin blocks so I said whos screwin? I jumped out the ride, they said whassup? They ripped off my pants and they said nice butt TK, Ansi Dept. La Necro is worried. He doesnt show it, but hes terrified about something. Something legal. Mel is always storming in screaming at him and then they go into some office. I dont think this can last. Theres some kind of scheme going on here. No one seems to notice. Cthullu just blares on with his KoRn covers on Accordion. Ping is always fitting us for armor. I try to just keep drawing. Maybe if I can draw enough we can cover the expenses of whatever legal war were facing. Nail, Guy on the couch Drawing ansi? I think they do it to pass the time, nothing more. But time is too large, it cant be filled up. Everything you plunge into it is stretched and disintegrates. I Exist. It is soft, so soft, so slow. And light: it seems as though it suspends in the air. It moves Three oclock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do. I wanted for the moments in my life to follow each other and order themselves like those of a life remembered. It would be just as well to try to catch time by the tail. Savage Ivan, Courier Mel says to stop postin the films of my kills, but oo the ell is e to tell me what to do? s my job to make sure the PACKS UPLOADED is job is to clean up the mess i leave. I want people to see my work I want them to know what I do for FUEL La Necro, President CEO of Fuel You wanna go out today and draw? DRAW. Its yours. If not, youre gonna be begging AMiSH for affils. And you know what theyll be saying - a bunch of cucks sittin around on IRC. Oh yeah. I used to be an artist. Its a tough racket. These are the new REQS. These are the 10/line reqs. And to you, theyre gold and you dont get them. Why? because to give them to you is just throwing them away. Theyre for ARTIST. Id wish you good luck but you wouldnt know what to do with it if you got it. Propane, Regulations Div. Since these dudes peepin me ima glide and swerve these traders lookin so hard they straight hit the curb gotta fuck with better things then these butt burglars gonna hit up mickie Ds for some juicy burgers. Pinguino, Costumes Dept. Its such a visual job that youcan just talk about a purple dress for Mel Farr. You have to show exactly what purple, what style, what fit. I have always worked this way. I start by analyzing the emotions of the members in the chat, and then my second step is a pablodraw spreadsheet. I need to know how many pieces Im designing, what the ansibudget is, and then I can focus on making those the right items for the personalities rather than the other way around. Misfit, AMiSH Blocktronics Those fucktards in Fuel are now incorporated you say?! So what, sounds like a bunch of pervs who cant get ass the old fashioned way -- by being the baddest motherfucker in the room. We kicked the shit out of them in scenewarz 2017 and so theyve incorporated? who cares? Yeah I know I know, supposedly theyre wearing armor or whatever but lemme ask you this. How do you think they look in straw hats?? I think you know the answer. AMiSH RULEZZZ. Competish Droolz. Grymmjack, Cybercrimes, FBI Today, these computer intrusion cases - counterterrorism, counterintelligence, and criminal -- are the paramount priorities of our cyber program because of their potential relationship to national security. But number 1 on our list is FUEL. I havent been able to find ALL the goods yet, but when I do, there will be HELL TO PAY. I dont like Mel Farr, but I dont wish this upon him. Mel Farr, Legal Counsel Hey NECRO, I dont need this! I swear to God, I do not need this right now, okay? Ive got a judge thats just aching to find me in contempt of court, an idiot who wants to fight me over 13.8 belgian francs. DuoDaughters packs. Giant loud accordions. I aint slept in 5 days -- I aint fiddled in 5 weeks! Im out of money. Ive got a dress code problem. Savage killin people like its a game. Also not to mention the goddam wars on Facebook. Is there any more scene-related BULLSHiT we can pile on top of the outcome of this case? Is it possible?! Cthullu, Music Dept The biggest problem is the groupies. You join a group like FUEL you know youre getting some action but nobody told me tht dicks out for the accordion player was the official motto. I just wish the guys and gal -- hi ping! knew that I am saving myself for marriage and that this behaviour makes me uncomfortable. Still, the appreciation means a lot. The girl in the ACiD beanie tho. Dont know if I can resist her charms. CONTD in FUEL Incorporated, Vol 27.
nfo layout by
tk ppe mfs ping
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