this image contains text
Zeus II Presents: A scifi themed menu colly for Error 404 BBS
Visit Error404bbs.com!
2.mail menu n.node chat .
3.doors and games o.one liner
4.file / cd-rom are p.add your BBS
5.sysop q.system bulletins
6.python doors r.Error 404 Trade Wars Server
7.TAG BBS s.telnet to another BBS
a.account settings t.login sequence again
b.page solaris u.add a rumor
c.E-Mail Solaris v.thank you
d.mystic docs w.News
e.about this BBS x.Mystic demos
f.ansi art viewer y.Mystic Relay Chat
g.board usage z.Clock
h.check sysop status *.eject
i.send node messsage !.log off
j.your stats .Current Moon Phase
k.whos online .Post on Twitter
l.last callers .Load File Server
m.user listing
Local Games
t.trivis tournament
u.double up
w.dope wars
x.steele hack
z.sands/Deep space MMO
Game Servers @.tele arena
+.EWBBS COMBATNET .ambroshia 4.5
l.BBSLink menu m.murder mansion
.DoorParty n.black jack
!.Error 404 BBS TradeWars Server o.today in history
.BCR Game Server p.food fight
1.main .VHS TradeWars q.master mind
2.messages .Black Flag space quest 2112 r.jezebel
4.files .ExoDus Game Server s.greed
b.set base scan
c.view archive
d.download qd files
e.edit batch q
f.download file list
g.upload a file
h.search for a file
j.set file scan date
k.show new files
m.list new filesdelay
1.Main menu
2.message menu
3.door menu
n.file browser
i.list files
l.change file group
a.change area
a.area list j.join a group
b.node list k.message quick scan s.auto signature
c.check mail l.all net mail list index t.write e-mail
d.scan date m.set area scan u.out / sent mail
e.page user n.new message scan v.IRC chat
f.find message o.MRC Mystic Relay Chat w.echo mail stats
g.global scan p.post message 1.main menu
h.move back to area q.colour codes 3.d00r menu
i.move foward to area r.read messages 4.file menu
Command: ZII
Visit Error404bbs.com!
2.mail menu n.node chat .
3.doors and games o.one liner
4.file / cd-rom are p.add your BBS
5.sysop q.system bulletins
6.python doors r.Error 404 Trade Wars Server
7.TAG BBS s.telnet to another BBS
a.account settings t.login sequence again
b.page solaris u.add a rumor
c.E-Mail Solaris v.thank you
d.mystic docs w.News
e.about this BBS x.Mystic demos
f.ansi art viewer y.Mystic Relay Chat
g.board usage z.Clock
h.check sysop status *.eject
i.send node messsage !.log off
j.your stats .Current Moon Phase
k.whos online .Post on Twitter
l.last callers .Load File Server
m.user listing
Local Games
t.trivis tournament
u.double up
w.dope wars
x.steele hack
z.sands/Deep space MMO
Game Servers @.tele arena
+.EWBBS COMBATNET .ambroshia 4.5
l.BBSLink menu m.murder mansion
.DoorParty n.black jack
!.Error 404 BBS TradeWars Server o.today in history
.BCR Game Server p.food fight
1.main .VHS TradeWars q.master mind
2.messages .Black Flag space quest 2112 r.jezebel
4.files .ExoDus Game Server s.greed
b.set base scan
c.view archive
d.download qd files
e.edit batch q
f.download file list
g.upload a file
h.search for a file
j.set file scan date
k.show new files
m.list new filesdelay
1.Main menu
2.message menu
3.door menu
n.file browser
i.list files
l.change file group
a.change area
a.area list j.join a group
b.node list k.message quick scan s.auto signature
c.check mail l.all net mail list index t.write e-mail
d.scan date m.set area scan u.out / sent mail
e.page user n.new message scan v.IRC chat
f.find message o.MRC Mystic Relay Chat w.echo mail stats
g.global scan p.post message 1.main menu
h.move back to area q.colour codes 3.d00r menu
i.move foward to area r.read messages 4.file menu
Command: ZII
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