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H o n e y ! I s h r u n k t h e K i S S
fuel 23 - sept 2o17 Hello again fellow ansi addicts. I apologize for the lack of content in the .nfo file of our previous pack 22.
The remedy is here, however! And i present to you Mel Farr Suppastar who will be writing the remainder of this .nfo file packed with very useful and in some cases true information. the knight.fuel
What up scene! Goede dag mensen van de scene! Mel Farr Suppastar here I would love 2 say that Im super excited to be writing the fuel nfo file, but I am not. A lot of tragedies and bullshit have occured since Fuel obliterated the scenes collective mind with Fuel22 and it falls on me to set the record straight. So put this shit in 80x50 because we need to talk and it is not a laughing matter if you want to laugh, look at Cthullus fb profile. I. Chester
R.I.P. Chester Bennington 1996-2017 As most of you know, Chester of Linkin Park the unofficial mascot
of Fuel, passed away between Fuel22 and Fuel23. In Belgium, where large portions of Fuel are based, the only music you are allowed to listen to are Jacques Brel, Plastic Bertrand and Linkin
Park. Fuel has a rule -- we only listen to Linkin Park when were
drawing, jerking or fucking, so like 95 of the time. When Chester died, Fuel cried. Burps called a Fuelsmoot to determine what to do about this. We all pretty much agreed with Necros suggestion to disband because, in the ennnnd, it doesnt even maaaaaater, but at the last moment, Pinguino spoke up and told a long spoke up and told a long story
about a party at a con she went to in Cali but then also said what if we all got Chesters face tattooed on our palms so that we could draw through him, and then she told another story about a con party
that she went to in California and we all agreed that her suggestion was the right move.
Propane wanted to say a few words about Chester and he said good for him for becoming famous and going by Chester. Gordon was apparently not good enough for STiNG. STiNG should be a group that stands for SiK TAleNT In a New Group ... youre welcome Anywhoo, because we love Linkin Park so much, we decided that our NFO file had to have a picture of them so included above, you will
see a picture of our favorite band, Linkin Park! II. Merger!
Fuel is super excited to announce that we finally merged w/ legendry group BUTTRAiDERZ. This did not result in any new members, but it totally resulted in more butts which has been TKs mantra since da group started. We still have one less butts member in Fuel for diversitys sake and his name is Knocturnal. Post merger, we have officially changed our group motto from Fuel: dickz to Fuel: dickz and butts! Thats right folks, were all 20
years older, but the humor is still @ the 14 yr old level of 1996. III. Declaration of Juar war The original version of this NFO file had a SAVAGE declaration of juar against AMiSH for making fun of our amish girlfriends. It was pretty funny and had some good puns about churning butter and buggy whips and j33p33s mom. When i showed it to tkburps they were like this is too intense, you need to make it about every group not just amish. So then I made a less intense version and they were like no make it intense but about every group in the scene. We should declare war on the whole scene!
I tried...and except the part where i congratulated DuoDaughters for being mature and helpful, the results were just not good, because 4 some reason, declaring war on AMSHiT is funny to me, but doing every group in the scene at once is not. And because I am pretentious enuf to consider NFO files artistic works in their own right jeez whats wrong with me, the lack of inspiration was a problem. My heart goes out to people who have to write other peoples comedy ideas for a living. based on my minimal experience taking someone elses ideas making it funny is rough. So we just wanted to let you know tht there is a VERY CONCERTED SERIOUS EFFORT @ THE HAHAHAS HERE @ FUEL. I even had an entire parag
raph dedicated to insulting my good buddy Grymmjack that will never see the light of day. So as a result I am asking the entire scene to declare war on TK BURPS! They are foes of funnys! They are opposers of humor! They lay waste to laughs! CAN U IMAGINE WHAT THIS NFO FILE WOULD LOOK LIKE WITHOUT THEIR CENSORIAL AESTHETICS?!?!? CAN YOU IMAGINE?!?! IF IT WERE UP 2 TK BURPS, WE WOULD ALL HAVE AN .NFO FILE SO BORING THAT BOTH BLOCKTRONICS MISTRIGRIS RECENT .NFO FILES WOULD ACTUALLY BECOME READABLE IN COMPARISON admittedly this seems impossible. I WONT LET THAT HAPPEN. THE SCENE HAS ENOUGH SHITTY .nfo FILES. ITs 2017 - ITS TIME FOR ENTERTAINING .NFO FILES. THIS I DEMAND!! OTHER GROUPS PLEASE STEP YOUR .NFO GAME UP!! except duodaughters please stop trying to be funny I DECLARE: .NFOWARS!! obligatory alexjones reference Imagine a scene with consistently entertaining .nfo files --- this could be our future!! Otherwise Chester died for nothing! IV. Gif2Ans At the last fuelsmoot Thrasher brought up the fact that not every artist in Fuel uses gif2ansi and that some of us are still actually drawing ansi by pixel. As we all know, using gif2ansi increases ones ability to gain acclaim in the demo scene, which is the sole purpose of Fuels existence. As such, he brought up the motion to make Fuel strictly a gif2ansi. Fucking otium made the argument that ansi art is actually more impressive if its drawn by pixel rather than converted which was such a stupid argument that we...gave him a hug
So, we at FUEL are thrilled to announce that absolutely none of our art is drawn in a drawing program! This is the breakdown: 0 Pixel Drawn 35 Gif2Ansi 20 Png2AnsiBack2PngAgain
45 Mp32ansi this reminds me of the time RaDMaN told us to get over ansi and that
Hi-REz was the future! Were killing hand-drawn ansi again! Youre Welcome!!!
V. Top 5 Recent Individual Fuel Achievements 5. Burps has been trying really really hard to convince TheKnight that climate change is real. Teach the controversy! 4.5 Deep Freeze something something something something something. 4. bobafett is chained to a server rack deep in the facebook packet mines, and he regrets his appearances in the prequels.
3. Propane either won or should have won the ansi portion of evoke20 2. ZeusII likes to cook - tk! 1. Avenging Angel and Angel of Hell got into a fight to determine
whose the most badass angel. Angel of Hell totally won but then Avenging Angel avenged himself by joining avenge. VI. Op het einde maakt het er niet eens toe Massive greetz to all the ansi artists for keeping the scene thriving in 2017! We do this for yall! We love yall! Until next Pack!! - mfs.fuel burpslumn.
well hello, since youve read this far, you already know that we
sought and found a solution for the very brief nfo file in 22. and although i didnt have a chance to read mel farrs latest version im confident that he wrote something nice and friendly, especially about our friends in other groups as this was exactly the thing i wanted to touch. this month, we again have some guest appearances in our pack. and we are delighted to have them contribute to our packs. first on the list is none other than Luciano Ayres who doesnt need an introduction
at all. also filth has put in a contribution and we were surpised by the excitement he has put in. were grateful for your support and i would like to take this opportunity to mention here that when we made this comeback after 2 decades, we realized what an effort it has
been for everyone that sticked around doing this and keeping it up.
blocktronics and sense are examples of the groups that come to mind when we think about what now looks like the dark ages of ansi art. keeping up with it while we were minding other, likely less important business : you have all of our respect. we have another guest entry this month and when i asked about what he was up to, the answer ive got from tk was he is a permanent
guest but not a member - really not. so erh.. well hug him once in a while tk and give him the attention he requires. i have adapted the memberlist to reflect this. we are in any case very
happy with already the third guest entry of nail. the fuel 23 line ansi compo - in this pack you find something that looks like a rushed 23 line colly. this is actually a competition that just happened on our fb chat group. propane is the one that lit fire on this one and started poking around. rules were still invented while others were already drawing. we ended up with a partipant list that could make a the blender organizer jealous. and we even had to sacrifice one participant knocturnal as we couldnt find someone to
judge this on such short notice. the entire thing from idea to finish only took a couple of hours. main rules for this compo were a regular ansi palette and a maximum of 23 lines and 80 columns. congratulations go to the winner: avg. we have included our rush compo entries as a colly in this pack. gaz! burps fuel What do climate change cow farts have in common?
nfo layout by tk.fuel
fuel 23 - sept 2o17 Hello again fellow ansi addicts. I apologize for the lack of content in the .nfo file of our previous pack 22.
The remedy is here, however! And i present to you Mel Farr Suppastar who will be writing the remainder of this .nfo file packed with very useful and in some cases true information. the knight.fuel
What up scene! Goede dag mensen van de scene! Mel Farr Suppastar here I would love 2 say that Im super excited to be writing the fuel nfo file, but I am not. A lot of tragedies and bullshit have occured since Fuel obliterated the scenes collective mind with Fuel22 and it falls on me to set the record straight. So put this shit in 80x50 because we need to talk and it is not a laughing matter if you want to laugh, look at Cthullus fb profile. I. Chester
R.I.P. Chester Bennington 1996-2017 As most of you know, Chester of Linkin Park the unofficial mascot
of Fuel, passed away between Fuel22 and Fuel23. In Belgium, where large portions of Fuel are based, the only music you are allowed to listen to are Jacques Brel, Plastic Bertrand and Linkin
Park. Fuel has a rule -- we only listen to Linkin Park when were
drawing, jerking or fucking, so like 95 of the time. When Chester died, Fuel cried. Burps called a Fuelsmoot to determine what to do about this. We all pretty much agreed with Necros suggestion to disband because, in the ennnnd, it doesnt even maaaaaater, but at the last moment, Pinguino spoke up and told a long spoke up and told a long story
about a party at a con she went to in Cali but then also said what if we all got Chesters face tattooed on our palms so that we could draw through him, and then she told another story about a con party
that she went to in California and we all agreed that her suggestion was the right move.
Propane wanted to say a few words about Chester and he said good for him for becoming famous and going by Chester. Gordon was apparently not good enough for STiNG. STiNG should be a group that stands for SiK TAleNT In a New Group ... youre welcome Anywhoo, because we love Linkin Park so much, we decided that our NFO file had to have a picture of them so included above, you will
see a picture of our favorite band, Linkin Park! II. Merger!
Fuel is super excited to announce that we finally merged w/ legendry group BUTTRAiDERZ. This did not result in any new members, but it totally resulted in more butts which has been TKs mantra since da group started. We still have one less butts member in Fuel for diversitys sake and his name is Knocturnal. Post merger, we have officially changed our group motto from Fuel: dickz to Fuel: dickz and butts! Thats right folks, were all 20
years older, but the humor is still @ the 14 yr old level of 1996. III. Declaration of Juar war The original version of this NFO file had a SAVAGE declaration of juar against AMiSH for making fun of our amish girlfriends. It was pretty funny and had some good puns about churning butter and buggy whips and j33p33s mom. When i showed it to tkburps they were like this is too intense, you need to make it about every group not just amish. So then I made a less intense version and they were like no make it intense but about every group in the scene. We should declare war on the whole scene!
I tried...and except the part where i congratulated DuoDaughters for being mature and helpful, the results were just not good, because 4 some reason, declaring war on AMSHiT is funny to me, but doing every group in the scene at once is not. And because I am pretentious enuf to consider NFO files artistic works in their own right jeez whats wrong with me, the lack of inspiration was a problem. My heart goes out to people who have to write other peoples comedy ideas for a living. based on my minimal experience taking someone elses ideas making it funny is rough. So we just wanted to let you know tht there is a VERY CONCERTED SERIOUS EFFORT @ THE HAHAHAS HERE @ FUEL. I even had an entire parag
raph dedicated to insulting my good buddy Grymmjack that will never see the light of day. So as a result I am asking the entire scene to declare war on TK BURPS! They are foes of funnys! They are opposers of humor! They lay waste to laughs! CAN U IMAGINE WHAT THIS NFO FILE WOULD LOOK LIKE WITHOUT THEIR CENSORIAL AESTHETICS?!?!? CAN YOU IMAGINE?!?! IF IT WERE UP 2 TK BURPS, WE WOULD ALL HAVE AN .NFO FILE SO BORING THAT BOTH BLOCKTRONICS MISTRIGRIS RECENT .NFO FILES WOULD ACTUALLY BECOME READABLE IN COMPARISON admittedly this seems impossible. I WONT LET THAT HAPPEN. THE SCENE HAS ENOUGH SHITTY .nfo FILES. ITs 2017 - ITS TIME FOR ENTERTAINING .NFO FILES. THIS I DEMAND!! OTHER GROUPS PLEASE STEP YOUR .NFO GAME UP!! except duodaughters please stop trying to be funny I DECLARE: .NFOWARS!! obligatory alexjones reference Imagine a scene with consistently entertaining .nfo files --- this could be our future!! Otherwise Chester died for nothing! IV. Gif2Ans At the last fuelsmoot Thrasher brought up the fact that not every artist in Fuel uses gif2ansi and that some of us are still actually drawing ansi by pixel. As we all know, using gif2ansi increases ones ability to gain acclaim in the demo scene, which is the sole purpose of Fuels existence. As such, he brought up the motion to make Fuel strictly a gif2ansi. Fucking otium made the argument that ansi art is actually more impressive if its drawn by pixel rather than converted which was such a stupid argument that we...gave him a hug
So, we at FUEL are thrilled to announce that absolutely none of our art is drawn in a drawing program! This is the breakdown: 0 Pixel Drawn 35 Gif2Ansi 20 Png2AnsiBack2PngAgain
45 Mp32ansi this reminds me of the time RaDMaN told us to get over ansi and that
Hi-REz was the future! Were killing hand-drawn ansi again! Youre Welcome!!!
V. Top 5 Recent Individual Fuel Achievements 5. Burps has been trying really really hard to convince TheKnight that climate change is real. Teach the controversy! 4.5 Deep Freeze something something something something something. 4. bobafett is chained to a server rack deep in the facebook packet mines, and he regrets his appearances in the prequels.
3. Propane either won or should have won the ansi portion of evoke20 2. ZeusII likes to cook - tk! 1. Avenging Angel and Angel of Hell got into a fight to determine
whose the most badass angel. Angel of Hell totally won but then Avenging Angel avenged himself by joining avenge. VI. Op het einde maakt het er niet eens toe Massive greetz to all the ansi artists for keeping the scene thriving in 2017! We do this for yall! We love yall! Until next Pack!! - mfs.fuel burpslumn.
well hello, since youve read this far, you already know that we
sought and found a solution for the very brief nfo file in 22. and although i didnt have a chance to read mel farrs latest version im confident that he wrote something nice and friendly, especially about our friends in other groups as this was exactly the thing i wanted to touch. this month, we again have some guest appearances in our pack. and we are delighted to have them contribute to our packs. first on the list is none other than Luciano Ayres who doesnt need an introduction
at all. also filth has put in a contribution and we were surpised by the excitement he has put in. were grateful for your support and i would like to take this opportunity to mention here that when we made this comeback after 2 decades, we realized what an effort it has
been for everyone that sticked around doing this and keeping it up.
blocktronics and sense are examples of the groups that come to mind when we think about what now looks like the dark ages of ansi art. keeping up with it while we were minding other, likely less important business : you have all of our respect. we have another guest entry this month and when i asked about what he was up to, the answer ive got from tk was he is a permanent
guest but not a member - really not. so erh.. well hug him once in a while tk and give him the attention he requires. i have adapted the memberlist to reflect this. we are in any case very
happy with already the third guest entry of nail. the fuel 23 line ansi compo - in this pack you find something that looks like a rushed 23 line colly. this is actually a competition that just happened on our fb chat group. propane is the one that lit fire on this one and started poking around. rules were still invented while others were already drawing. we ended up with a partipant list that could make a the blender organizer jealous. and we even had to sacrifice one participant knocturnal as we couldnt find someone to
judge this on such short notice. the entire thing from idea to finish only took a couple of hours. main rules for this compo were a regular ansi palette and a maximum of 23 lines and 80 columns. congratulations go to the winner: avg. we have included our rush compo entries as a colly in this pack. gaz! burps fuel What do climate change cow farts have in common?
nfo layout by tk.fuel
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