this image contains text
april 21, 2017 the fuel phenomenon
You are about to enter another dimension, a dimension not only of
sight and sound, but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land of
imagination and colored blocks.
Why why why? the fuel phenomenon
-- Flashback to the end of 2016
The knight watches a magnificent rendition of Aaron Fricks TCF/b7
making of Maleficent on youtube. Its so incredibly cool that he
decides to send the link to his old fuel buddy Necrofiliac on FB.
For a few days, nothing particularly exciting happens. But then
tK gets a message from Necro saying hey man, i watched that stuff,
and i made an ansi. Take a look at it plz. He proceeds to send the
file to tK. Naturally its in .ans format. tK is panicking. Dude!
No idea how im gonna watch that. I used to watch everything in
ACiDview back in the day in Oh but thats easy, just
download Pablodraw and you can watch it Necro replied.
Reluctantly, tK installed Pablodraw, just to be able to view his
old pals ansi. It was nice, but it seemed quite unfamiliar. This
wasnt how he remembered ansi. The colors were out of whack. Not
like the old days. It seemed to be some sort of extension of the
color palette, something strange called iCE colors. Yeah you could
really do extraordinary things with this new Pablodrawing program,
Next day, Necro sent him another work in progress ansi, asking to
take a look at it. The day after he sent a rough outline and asked
tK to work on it.
Problem: How on earth am i going to explain to Necro that its cool
but that there is no point really in doing this artblock medium again?
His reply was that there doesnt need to be a point, but that its
just for fun, and if i was a real Fuel homie, that i would draw again
too, and that i should stop hiding under my bed.
I really didnt have much else to do so i asked around on FB how to
actually draw in this new and weird Pablo program. Turned out, its
incredibly easy if you are already familiar with TheDraw and ACiDdraw.
It just has a lot more features. Before i knew it, i was hacking away
and doing F1 F2 F3s and the lot again. This is fun! All the old
shortcuts i cant repeat by heart but theyre still strangely in my
fingers also seemed to work. The copy-paste under command works! Great!
The pick up color alt-u command works. Oh wait, whats this? We got
brushes and circle and line tools too now? No way!? Too good to be
true! Exploring that new tool gave me the impression of having landed
in another dimension. A different dimension, but yet a strangely
and unnervingly familiar one. The ansi era of today.
After looking up so much new and old packs from 2000-2017, i came to
the conclusion that everything really all evolved into one big and
almighty group, blocktronics. They are basically the essence of all
that is ansi. Big respect to all those guys!
So i tried my hand at a few ansi pieces, while keeping an eye on FB
groups involved in the medium. Strangely hooked up with burps again,
and told him about me and Necro drawing again. He seemed sceptical
at first. I tried the same trick that Necro pulled on me, and told him
to install Pablodraw, but he wouldnt have any of it. He burps has
always drawn his ansi in an exotic program called A3E. It doesnt use
the F keys to put the blocks, it uses the numpad for that. And besides,
even if he could get the program running again in dosbox or so, he
lost his registration key and it wouldnt work. He contacted the
original programmer of A3E and actually got a new license key for
that software. Now thats the spirit!
Maybe we can do a new fuel pack? the fuel phenomenon
Music to my ears! We had at least 3 of the old crew together again,
willing to draw those magic bright colored blocks. But hmm, we have
some sort of weird legacy to live up to. Plenty people actually
remember our packs from back in the day. So we cant suck. We mustnt!
The search for our old members started. A painstakingly slow process,
because back in the day, people would just sign up with their nickname,
and really not much more info than that. Old e-mail addresses that
no longer worked etc...
Due to dilligent Sherlock Holmes work of several people also thx to
Misfit, we managed to find some of our old guys again. Some didnt
really care, or didnt have time, but others found it interesting
and fun enough to give it a go and try their hand at ansi again.
Lost members we have found have shown interest in our group
and are drawing again. They are like long lost friends we havent
talked to in almost 2 decades. Its really awesome to have you guys
back onboard. Thanks a lot to you all! Some of them are also drawing
in other groups, but we are extremely happy that they did not
forget their old roots in fuel, and we hope they stay for the long run
and we can continue to bring you more nice ansi packs in the future.
Luminator at the keys the fuel phenomenon
Fuel was the first big art group I joined. It was super exciting
to get a chance in a group like that. Full of artists who you
looked up to and admired at the time. Being just 12 or 13 at
the time, I felt I had finally made it. The years, blood and tears
leading to that hadnt gone to waste. Then just one pack in to
my Fuel membership the fuckers called it quits - the bastards.
Didnt hear anything from them until one morning 20 years
later when tk sent me a message about this pack. I thought about
it for few secondds, giggled like a little girl and felt like it was
1998 again - it sure is great to be drawing again for the best art
group of the 90s.
2cents from propane the fuel phenomenon
As the time ticks by till the deadline, I realize its been more
than a decade since ive had a pack to submit to. So many hours
spent drawing as a youth, then years of block silence. Two decades
of silence in the case of Fuel. much like herpes, I, and Fuel show up
when you least expect. So wash your old saggy balls and enjoy the
blocks, cause next go round we might be pushing 60. Just for the
record, if you mention Burps on social media, he will show up like
words from the lady the fuel phenomenon
Nothing is truer to digital art than ANSi, distilled down to only
16 colors. Its even more amazing to see what can happen when artists
with twenty years of experience push boundaries and their skills.
Id kept an eye on the scene, as many of you have, astonished
that artists were still releasing packs and honing their skills.
Out of nowhere, the knight asked if I wanted to contribute to Fuel,
a group I always admired. I couldnt say no, and its been like a
time machine full of familar faces. Welcome back, Fuel!
pinguino kolb
so eh... thanks! the fuel phenomenon
you wouldnt be looking at this pack without the help and contributions
from a lot of people. and this is obviously not limited to those who
actually have some work in our pack, weve received help in various
ways to put this together and to hunt people down. even those weve
found and joined our group but didnt get to release in the end, its
been valuable to us to have you around and to receive your support.
were also very patient, one day youll be doing blocks again for our
next pack in uh... 30 years from now? : you all rock, thank you very
And now the real truth the fuel phenomenon
hey there kids,
last year, this day, the purple midget died...
so what? heres some real important news: fuel releases its 21st pack!!
and how did this happen? well, necro just had some shrooms, tk sent him
a movie of tcf drawing a cool ansi, necro tried to put some blocks himself asked tk gently if he was also interested in drawing an ansi actually
I had to put the fucker in a nelson hold and chocked him, twice!!
...et voila, suddenly after 19 years pack nr 21 arrives. magic!
ps: i fuck your little pony.
the fuel phenomenon
Terrible! Horrendous!
that wasnt so bad
it had some good
i loved it!
april 21, 2017 the fuel phenomenon
You are about to enter another dimension, a dimension not only of
sight and sound, but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land of
imagination and colored blocks.
Why why why? the fuel phenomenon
-- Flashback to the end of 2016
The knight watches a magnificent rendition of Aaron Fricks TCF/b7
making of Maleficent on youtube. Its so incredibly cool that he
decides to send the link to his old fuel buddy Necrofiliac on FB.
For a few days, nothing particularly exciting happens. But then
tK gets a message from Necro saying hey man, i watched that stuff,
and i made an ansi. Take a look at it plz. He proceeds to send the
file to tK. Naturally its in .ans format. tK is panicking. Dude!
No idea how im gonna watch that. I used to watch everything in
ACiDview back in the day in Oh but thats easy, just
download Pablodraw and you can watch it Necro replied.
Reluctantly, tK installed Pablodraw, just to be able to view his
old pals ansi. It was nice, but it seemed quite unfamiliar. This
wasnt how he remembered ansi. The colors were out of whack. Not
like the old days. It seemed to be some sort of extension of the
color palette, something strange called iCE colors. Yeah you could
really do extraordinary things with this new Pablodrawing program,
Next day, Necro sent him another work in progress ansi, asking to
take a look at it. The day after he sent a rough outline and asked
tK to work on it.
Problem: How on earth am i going to explain to Necro that its cool
but that there is no point really in doing this artblock medium again?
His reply was that there doesnt need to be a point, but that its
just for fun, and if i was a real Fuel homie, that i would draw again
too, and that i should stop hiding under my bed.
I really didnt have much else to do so i asked around on FB how to
actually draw in this new and weird Pablo program. Turned out, its
incredibly easy if you are already familiar with TheDraw and ACiDdraw.
It just has a lot more features. Before i knew it, i was hacking away
and doing F1 F2 F3s and the lot again. This is fun! All the old
shortcuts i cant repeat by heart but theyre still strangely in my
fingers also seemed to work. The copy-paste under command works! Great!
The pick up color alt-u command works. Oh wait, whats this? We got
brushes and circle and line tools too now? No way!? Too good to be
true! Exploring that new tool gave me the impression of having landed
in another dimension. A different dimension, but yet a strangely
and unnervingly familiar one. The ansi era of today.
After looking up so much new and old packs from 2000-2017, i came to
the conclusion that everything really all evolved into one big and
almighty group, blocktronics. They are basically the essence of all
that is ansi. Big respect to all those guys!
So i tried my hand at a few ansi pieces, while keeping an eye on FB
groups involved in the medium. Strangely hooked up with burps again,
and told him about me and Necro drawing again. He seemed sceptical
at first. I tried the same trick that Necro pulled on me, and told him
to install Pablodraw, but he wouldnt have any of it. He burps has
always drawn his ansi in an exotic program called A3E. It doesnt use
the F keys to put the blocks, it uses the numpad for that. And besides,
even if he could get the program running again in dosbox or so, he
lost his registration key and it wouldnt work. He contacted the
original programmer of A3E and actually got a new license key for
that software. Now thats the spirit!
Maybe we can do a new fuel pack? the fuel phenomenon
Music to my ears! We had at least 3 of the old crew together again,
willing to draw those magic bright colored blocks. But hmm, we have
some sort of weird legacy to live up to. Plenty people actually
remember our packs from back in the day. So we cant suck. We mustnt!
The search for our old members started. A painstakingly slow process,
because back in the day, people would just sign up with their nickname,
and really not much more info than that. Old e-mail addresses that
no longer worked etc...
Due to dilligent Sherlock Holmes work of several people also thx to
Misfit, we managed to find some of our old guys again. Some didnt
really care, or didnt have time, but others found it interesting
and fun enough to give it a go and try their hand at ansi again.
Lost members we have found have shown interest in our group
and are drawing again. They are like long lost friends we havent
talked to in almost 2 decades. Its really awesome to have you guys
back onboard. Thanks a lot to you all! Some of them are also drawing
in other groups, but we are extremely happy that they did not
forget their old roots in fuel, and we hope they stay for the long run
and we can continue to bring you more nice ansi packs in the future.
Luminator at the keys the fuel phenomenon
Fuel was the first big art group I joined. It was super exciting
to get a chance in a group like that. Full of artists who you
looked up to and admired at the time. Being just 12 or 13 at
the time, I felt I had finally made it. The years, blood and tears
leading to that hadnt gone to waste. Then just one pack in to
my Fuel membership the fuckers called it quits - the bastards.
Didnt hear anything from them until one morning 20 years
later when tk sent me a message about this pack. I thought about
it for few secondds, giggled like a little girl and felt like it was
1998 again - it sure is great to be drawing again for the best art
group of the 90s.
2cents from propane the fuel phenomenon
As the time ticks by till the deadline, I realize its been more
than a decade since ive had a pack to submit to. So many hours
spent drawing as a youth, then years of block silence. Two decades
of silence in the case of Fuel. much like herpes, I, and Fuel show up
when you least expect. So wash your old saggy balls and enjoy the
blocks, cause next go round we might be pushing 60. Just for the
record, if you mention Burps on social media, he will show up like
words from the lady the fuel phenomenon
Nothing is truer to digital art than ANSi, distilled down to only
16 colors. Its even more amazing to see what can happen when artists
with twenty years of experience push boundaries and their skills.
Id kept an eye on the scene, as many of you have, astonished
that artists were still releasing packs and honing their skills.
Out of nowhere, the knight asked if I wanted to contribute to Fuel,
a group I always admired. I couldnt say no, and its been like a
time machine full of familar faces. Welcome back, Fuel!
pinguino kolb
so eh... thanks! the fuel phenomenon
you wouldnt be looking at this pack without the help and contributions
from a lot of people. and this is obviously not limited to those who
actually have some work in our pack, weve received help in various
ways to put this together and to hunt people down. even those weve
found and joined our group but didnt get to release in the end, its
been valuable to us to have you around and to receive your support.
were also very patient, one day youll be doing blocks again for our
next pack in uh... 30 years from now? : you all rock, thank you very
And now the real truth the fuel phenomenon
hey there kids,
last year, this day, the purple midget died...
so what? heres some real important news: fuel releases its 21st pack!!
and how did this happen? well, necro just had some shrooms, tk sent him
a movie of tcf drawing a cool ansi, necro tried to put some blocks himself asked tk gently if he was also interested in drawing an ansi actually
I had to put the fucker in a nelson hold and chocked him, twice!!
...et voila, suddenly after 19 years pack nr 21 arrives. magic!
ps: i fuck your little pony.
the fuel phenomenon
Terrible! Horrendous!
that wasnt so bad
it had some good
i loved it!
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