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Pl a y gr oun d
- Im kind of proud a bout this. I dont know why Im proud a bout this, may be
its becoused Im so tired. Wow 75 liner huh. I was planing to draw body, face and everything but I thought that I whould only blow it all up if i whould try drawing something special n good looking. I have allways whanted to draw
something nice, but I have allways failled as you all probably sume.
- Im kind of proud a bout this. I dont know why Im proud a bout this, may be
its becoused Im so tired. Wow 75 liner huh. I was planing to draw body, face and everything but I thought that I whould only blow it all up if i whould try drawing something special n good looking. I have allways whanted to draw
something nice, but I have allways failled as you all probably sume.
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