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fuel productionz pack 20
lms jf k
1. introduction
well first off, happy new year, and whatever else.
the reason the pack is kinda late, is because i been hung-
over for the past few days and since everyone in fuel left
everything up to me to do, i kinda freaked out when only
10 ansis were on the bot. now, that isnt sad, thats
fucked up.
hmmm, as the new year starts, fuel will go through
afew changes and there will be new things to come. a new
outlook for the group and its time to put the fuel back
into the scene.
2. general
people are bugging me in fuel to write faster, so
lets see what i have to say still, oh ya, we welcome a new
artist by the name of luminator, and i know that alot of
vga artists have left and i cant wait to kick zeus ass
when he comes back from vacation.
if you have any suggestions or ideas for the new fuel
era, fuel underground... please drop by at fuel and talk
with me or zeus. we would love to hear your ideas and such
ps. thanks to cryogenic for all his help.
da drug fuel
- info file layout art by the knight -
lms jf k
1. introduction
well first off, happy new year, and whatever else.
the reason the pack is kinda late, is because i been hung-
over for the past few days and since everyone in fuel left
everything up to me to do, i kinda freaked out when only
10 ansis were on the bot. now, that isnt sad, thats
fucked up.
hmmm, as the new year starts, fuel will go through
afew changes and there will be new things to come. a new
outlook for the group and its time to put the fuel back
into the scene.
2. general
people are bugging me in fuel to write faster, so
lets see what i have to say still, oh ya, we welcome a new
artist by the name of luminator, and i know that alot of
vga artists have left and i cant wait to kick zeus ass
when he comes back from vacation.
if you have any suggestions or ideas for the new fuel
era, fuel underground... please drop by at fuel and talk
with me or zeus. we would love to hear your ideas and such
ps. thanks to cryogenic for all his help.
da drug fuel
- info file layout art by the knight -
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