this image contains text
Fuel 15 July 1997
1. introduction
yoho, this is burps again, im packaging again. the knight went on
vacation he really needed it g. and ofcourse he asked his most
humble slave to take over his lousy job.
it has been a busy month, we attended wired 97, a belgian scene-party
more info below. we also made our second ansi intro dirty old people
2 wich is included in this months pack more info below:.
were also very busy setting up our domain fuel.org, many things went
wrong in the past but now were getting there. getting there!?
its very complicated but we have everything ready, were only
waiting for the domain to be registered correctly. if everything goes
well we hope to have our own domain up somewhere next month.
thats it for the introduction, i dont like writing this so move on to
the next part :
hey hey hey... dont i get to say anything in this nfo file anymore!?
uh...so hey, this is the knight.. i just got back from my trip to
germany with deepfreezer. needless to say that we had a lot of fun and
that we got high every day. the problem was getting unhigh to drive
back to belgium actually. but okay, we managed. uhm something else now..
were in need of a serious attitude adjustment. we need the following
ingredients. one lord drakul, a bit of catch22, some warpus and hennifer,
a little rotting christ and a big spoon of 4thdiscyple. to create the
right taste of sauce, you need to chambreer the chateau de numb and let
the wator serve it with a stonecold handjob...uh shake...milk...damn...
was this stupid enough for an nfo file ? okay...
a little word about wired97. the party was cool, most of the ppl were
too. the ansi compo sucked as usual. i got a bad result so im pissed.
now leave me alone. parties suck, im never going to a party again.
an even smaller word about fuel.org... we had some troubles with the
registering of the domain coz some fucknut decided to register it.
so we had to give in on the name. itll be fuel97.org...
you might think were stupid and stuff coz the domain name will be
useless to us in 1998. well, youre completely right, but we can do
that kind of stuff, coz were rich.. you know..g fuel97.org will
be up next month. im sick of writing nfos and i dont have a lot of
time. and i wanna go smoke a joint. so there.. see you next month.
theknight fuel
2. memberflow
this month radical left us for fire and his own group fade.
we did gain also a few members this mont : the first one was sad
who left triloxy to join our ansi division. meggahertz joined
our ascii division. joining our vga departement are mark, utopian
dragon, psyanide and superlou.
drynwhyl nerp is doing a one time guest appeareance in this
months pack.
3. burpslumn
its not my habit to write shit in info files,
my english sucks, i dont really have writing
skills, etc... so dont expect something
great. some people might know fuel was born
in belgium europe. europe has a very demo-
minded scene. not that i care but it it
also means there are more scene parties
which are fun. at least when there are no
walen. walen are the new red danger. the red part in the
belgian flag represents walen. walen always fuck up party
networks, they steal network cables, they speak french and
they actually have no right to live. so thats why belgium
is gonna split. at least thats what we hope its going to
do. the upper rich north cant go on with the expansion of economy,
technology and industry because the southern part is an obstacle. we
want to get rid of walonia in the south. so the northen flanders can
go his on way. the flemish people have to stand up for
their rights!
ok, i guess you dont care me neither, dont
take this shit serious. i just returned from
wired 1997, a belgian scene party. wich was great
at the start but ended quite frustrating for some
people. the reason are the ansi compos. compos
are never 100 fair. i competed once, two years ago
i never competed in the ansi compo again because
i stopped drawing pics but to be honest i didnt like competing
anymore because i ended on a very low place while people who
made real shit ansis ended before me. and i mean real shit :
at that time i was alone i was in one small belgian group and i
was quite the only one present at the party. so i didnt get
votes at all. the guy who was in the biggest group won. thats whats
happening at these parties. these arent ansi compos, the best ansi never
wins, the artist with the most friends does. these arent ansi compos,
these are friend compos! so far the 95 story.
in 96 the shit turned even more shitty then before, necrofiliac fuel
won the compo with an ansi he drew in like 3minutes before the dead-
line. it was a joke, a shit ansi, it represented 2 guys saying something
like saturne sucks, yeah so does your mother everyone was surprised
by the result. some people thought we did set the thing up to fuck up
some people. i hate those accusations, why would we fuckup an ansi
compo? to disrespect ourselfs? to make our disrespected medium even more
disrespected? sorry but this is complete nonsense. we didnt even release
necros ansi, it was quality controlled! what really happened:
some people who are in no way related to the ansi scene asked around to
vote on necros joke ansi. and it seemed they were quite good at it.
what happened this year? noize fire won the ansi compo. noize isnt
a bad artist at all. i respect him and his work but you should admit
this ansi wasnt a winner. i consider myself as quite neutral because
i didnt compete. you people cant say im jealous because it didnt
win : it was the third time the ansi compo was held, and it was the
third time it wasnt fair. i really think noize won the compo because
hes german. i have a strong suspect that most of the germans voted on
noize wich are a lot of votes. i can be wrong and will take my words
back if it will be proven that im wrong.
to noize and nail: you guys can think im looking for trouble but that
aint true. i didnt compete, i cant be jealous or something like that.
the only thing i do care about here is the position of ansi artists in
this european scene. were taking down our own low reputation if this
goes on. i dont want to hear youre wrong or youre right from you
guys, i would be happy of you guys would be honest with yourself. i dont
like people at a party asking for votes. im open for discussion but
not for fights. if this will result in a group-war between fuel and
fire i will be sorry. i just want the best and i for sure want to be
honest with myself an everyone else on this scene!
burps fuel
4. dirty old people 2
fuel productions 1997 presents you might have seen our first
ansi intro we made. it was a
dirty old people II joke and so is dop2. we made
it at a belgian scene party.
ansi-intro released at wired 1997 actually we wanted to compete
music: gus needed in the pc intro compo but we
were not able to finish the
intro in time. we managed to
finish it at the end of the
dop2 should be funny, at least
we did our best. i know the
kind of humor we used is quite
low but people like it :
sometimes people just need to
bs do something low thats why
dop2 is filled with bestiality.
dop2 contains some real music thanks radical. you will only hear
music when you have a gravis ultrasound, were sorry about that but
it was quite hard to put some music in a real small intro. 56kb
everybody knows the mmmbop song from hanson, it has been on the air for
such a long time that it became anoying. thats why a chiptune of this
hated song would be the perfect tune for dop2. and we were right :
dop2 was coded by thrasher and ir, ansi graphics were done by burps and
the knight and the music by radical. please check out fl-dop2.zip wich
is included in this archive. reading the included text file wont be
a bad idea. check it out and give us some feedback if you like it or
burps fuel
5. irc quotes
acidjack and i went into channel hack and said can i be a hacker?
and they said yah and then kick banned me so now im a hacker i think.
gasoline burps you aint seen nothing yet!
burps seen theknight
*** gasoline sets mode: +o burps
gasoline burps: I last saw theknight on this channel 38 seconds ago.
F7 and may Itake this oppertunity to say that burps is one helluva
F7 P
burps skatter.. can you show me something ?
burps skatter burps: sure..
burps * skatter takes off his shirt
burps * skatter see this scar, got it in nam
*** Quits: thrashie Connection reset by peer
*** Joins: thrashie thrasher@dialup135.leuven.eunet.be
thrashie what happened ??
Nighty-D connection reset by peer..
burps *** Quits: thrashie Connection reset by peer
thrashie I HATE PEER!
catch22 im just being elite
catch22 acolyte: i need ansi for it
acolyte c22: keep trying.
Fuel 15 July 1997
1. introduction
yoho, this is burps again, im packaging again. the knight went on
vacation he really needed it g. and ofcourse he asked his most
humble slave to take over his lousy job.
it has been a busy month, we attended wired 97, a belgian scene-party
more info below. we also made our second ansi intro dirty old people
2 wich is included in this months pack more info below:.
were also very busy setting up our domain fuel.org, many things went
wrong in the past but now were getting there. getting there!?
its very complicated but we have everything ready, were only
waiting for the domain to be registered correctly. if everything goes
well we hope to have our own domain up somewhere next month.
thats it for the introduction, i dont like writing this so move on to
the next part :
hey hey hey... dont i get to say anything in this nfo file anymore!?
uh...so hey, this is the knight.. i just got back from my trip to
germany with deepfreezer. needless to say that we had a lot of fun and
that we got high every day. the problem was getting unhigh to drive
back to belgium actually. but okay, we managed. uhm something else now..
were in need of a serious attitude adjustment. we need the following
ingredients. one lord drakul, a bit of catch22, some warpus and hennifer,
a little rotting christ and a big spoon of 4thdiscyple. to create the
right taste of sauce, you need to chambreer the chateau de numb and let
the wator serve it with a stonecold handjob...uh shake...milk...damn...
was this stupid enough for an nfo file ? okay...
a little word about wired97. the party was cool, most of the ppl were
too. the ansi compo sucked as usual. i got a bad result so im pissed.
now leave me alone. parties suck, im never going to a party again.
an even smaller word about fuel.org... we had some troubles with the
registering of the domain coz some fucknut decided to register it.
so we had to give in on the name. itll be fuel97.org...
you might think were stupid and stuff coz the domain name will be
useless to us in 1998. well, youre completely right, but we can do
that kind of stuff, coz were rich.. you know..g fuel97.org will
be up next month. im sick of writing nfos and i dont have a lot of
time. and i wanna go smoke a joint. so there.. see you next month.
theknight fuel
2. memberflow
this month radical left us for fire and his own group fade.
we did gain also a few members this mont : the first one was sad
who left triloxy to join our ansi division. meggahertz joined
our ascii division. joining our vga departement are mark, utopian
dragon, psyanide and superlou.
drynwhyl nerp is doing a one time guest appeareance in this
months pack.
3. burpslumn
its not my habit to write shit in info files,
my english sucks, i dont really have writing
skills, etc... so dont expect something
great. some people might know fuel was born
in belgium europe. europe has a very demo-
minded scene. not that i care but it it
also means there are more scene parties
which are fun. at least when there are no
walen. walen are the new red danger. the red part in the
belgian flag represents walen. walen always fuck up party
networks, they steal network cables, they speak french and
they actually have no right to live. so thats why belgium
is gonna split. at least thats what we hope its going to
do. the upper rich north cant go on with the expansion of economy,
technology and industry because the southern part is an obstacle. we
want to get rid of walonia in the south. so the northen flanders can
go his on way. the flemish people have to stand up for
their rights!
ok, i guess you dont care me neither, dont
take this shit serious. i just returned from
wired 1997, a belgian scene party. wich was great
at the start but ended quite frustrating for some
people. the reason are the ansi compos. compos
are never 100 fair. i competed once, two years ago
i never competed in the ansi compo again because
i stopped drawing pics but to be honest i didnt like competing
anymore because i ended on a very low place while people who
made real shit ansis ended before me. and i mean real shit :
at that time i was alone i was in one small belgian group and i
was quite the only one present at the party. so i didnt get
votes at all. the guy who was in the biggest group won. thats whats
happening at these parties. these arent ansi compos, the best ansi never
wins, the artist with the most friends does. these arent ansi compos,
these are friend compos! so far the 95 story.
in 96 the shit turned even more shitty then before, necrofiliac fuel
won the compo with an ansi he drew in like 3minutes before the dead-
line. it was a joke, a shit ansi, it represented 2 guys saying something
like saturne sucks, yeah so does your mother everyone was surprised
by the result. some people thought we did set the thing up to fuck up
some people. i hate those accusations, why would we fuckup an ansi
compo? to disrespect ourselfs? to make our disrespected medium even more
disrespected? sorry but this is complete nonsense. we didnt even release
necros ansi, it was quality controlled! what really happened:
some people who are in no way related to the ansi scene asked around to
vote on necros joke ansi. and it seemed they were quite good at it.
what happened this year? noize fire won the ansi compo. noize isnt
a bad artist at all. i respect him and his work but you should admit
this ansi wasnt a winner. i consider myself as quite neutral because
i didnt compete. you people cant say im jealous because it didnt
win : it was the third time the ansi compo was held, and it was the
third time it wasnt fair. i really think noize won the compo because
hes german. i have a strong suspect that most of the germans voted on
noize wich are a lot of votes. i can be wrong and will take my words
back if it will be proven that im wrong.
to noize and nail: you guys can think im looking for trouble but that
aint true. i didnt compete, i cant be jealous or something like that.
the only thing i do care about here is the position of ansi artists in
this european scene. were taking down our own low reputation if this
goes on. i dont want to hear youre wrong or youre right from you
guys, i would be happy of you guys would be honest with yourself. i dont
like people at a party asking for votes. im open for discussion but
not for fights. if this will result in a group-war between fuel and
fire i will be sorry. i just want the best and i for sure want to be
honest with myself an everyone else on this scene!
burps fuel
4. dirty old people 2
fuel productions 1997 presents you might have seen our first
ansi intro we made. it was a
dirty old people II joke and so is dop2. we made
it at a belgian scene party.
ansi-intro released at wired 1997 actually we wanted to compete
music: gus needed in the pc intro compo but we
were not able to finish the
intro in time. we managed to
finish it at the end of the
dop2 should be funny, at least
we did our best. i know the
kind of humor we used is quite
low but people like it :
sometimes people just need to
bs do something low thats why
dop2 is filled with bestiality.
dop2 contains some real music thanks radical. you will only hear
music when you have a gravis ultrasound, were sorry about that but
it was quite hard to put some music in a real small intro. 56kb
everybody knows the mmmbop song from hanson, it has been on the air for
such a long time that it became anoying. thats why a chiptune of this
hated song would be the perfect tune for dop2. and we were right :
dop2 was coded by thrasher and ir, ansi graphics were done by burps and
the knight and the music by radical. please check out fl-dop2.zip wich
is included in this archive. reading the included text file wont be
a bad idea. check it out and give us some feedback if you like it or
burps fuel
5. irc quotes
acidjack and i went into channel hack and said can i be a hacker?
and they said yah and then kick banned me so now im a hacker i think.
gasoline burps you aint seen nothing yet!
burps seen theknight
*** gasoline sets mode: +o burps
gasoline burps: I last saw theknight on this channel 38 seconds ago.
F7 and may Itake this oppertunity to say that burps is one helluva
F7 P
burps skatter.. can you show me something ?
burps skatter burps: sure..
burps * skatter takes off his shirt
burps * skatter see this scar, got it in nam
*** Quits: thrashie Connection reset by peer
*** Joins: thrashie thrasher@dialup135.leuven.eunet.be
thrashie what happened ??
Nighty-D connection reset by peer..
burps *** Quits: thrashie Connection reset by peer
thrashie I HATE PEER!
catch22 im just being elite
catch22 acolyte: i need ansi for it
acolyte c22: keep trying.
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