this image contains text
the knight of fuel presents
i had some fonts and stuff scattered around,
so i thought to put them into this pack.
euh, some might look very similar in places.
fuel14 dont remind me, i know, im a lazy bumm,
logos and copy and paste is so very tempting :
oh yeah... pHEAR fuel at the wired97 grin
hope to meet some of you guys there, so we
can get some joints done right nail
nocturnal desire logo funky version
dont you know youre never going to get to france
scent logo for toxix
raven font for dracula
fuck font for anybody
hm yeah.. i was in a pretty
bad mood...
tk i dont think anybody could
ever use it, but feel free
to take it if you think its
usefull for you.
octane wfc screen
BBS Name Node:04 Name of Sysop
-- RING --
Local Login OK Total Calls 03
Terminal Mode Total Users 03 System Config ..Lastcallers.. Total Files 100 Modem Setup 01 Comatose 12:30 Total Posts 354 Dos Shell 02 The Knight 1:54 Total Days 12
Quit 03 Skaboy101 6:02
04 Nonkel bob 6:66
05 Tante Ophelia 8:30
scroll txt in here too.. scroll txt in here
octane ascii
NNNNNnNSsNN4y.SYS for ,,, Yy.4YN S y.NNsy. SnnNSnn 0ctane n4 .. .4.nN nnnnnN 4nn. 4Nnn. 4nn. sS 4 . N s .N . .. S . .. sn Ss s ,N?Nn S 9 S : :S:4. .n S : S :s N: :.s 6 SS sSN
s . ... .. . S . s ..ss..N
t Y. sSs .Y .: :NnsS:NSs.S ::... : S : n n4SSS.n. .SS s.NN . S .. . ss S . .. s :. . tk :
SsNN. : . ...:nN: :Ss:.: . ....: sS. : : . :
: . :.:: :: s . . :..yy .. . : ..S.. .: :
uhm yeah.. my first ascii ever... can anybody tell me if its halfway decent ?
the end
i had some fonts and stuff scattered around,
so i thought to put them into this pack.
euh, some might look very similar in places.
fuel14 dont remind me, i know, im a lazy bumm,
logos and copy and paste is so very tempting :
oh yeah... pHEAR fuel at the wired97 grin
hope to meet some of you guys there, so we
can get some joints done right nail
nocturnal desire logo funky version
dont you know youre never going to get to france
scent logo for toxix
raven font for dracula
fuck font for anybody
hm yeah.. i was in a pretty
bad mood...
tk i dont think anybody could
ever use it, but feel free
to take it if you think its
usefull for you.
octane wfc screen
BBS Name Node:04 Name of Sysop
-- RING --
Local Login OK Total Calls 03
Terminal Mode Total Users 03 System Config ..Lastcallers.. Total Files 100 Modem Setup 01 Comatose 12:30 Total Posts 354 Dos Shell 02 The Knight 1:54 Total Days 12
Quit 03 Skaboy101 6:02
04 Nonkel bob 6:66
05 Tante Ophelia 8:30
scroll txt in here too.. scroll txt in here
octane ascii
NNNNNnNSsNN4y.SYS for ,,, Yy.4YN S y.NNsy. SnnNSnn 0ctane n4 .. .4.nN nnnnnN 4nn. 4Nnn. 4nn. sS 4 . N s .N . .. S . .. sn Ss s ,N?Nn S 9 S : :S:4. .n S : S :s N: :.s 6 SS sSN
s . ... .. . S . s ..ss..N
t Y. sSs .Y .: :NnsS:NSs.S ::... : S : n n4SSS.n. .SS s.NN . S .. . ss S . .. s :. . tk :
SsNN. : . ...:nN: :Ss:.: . ....: sS. : : . :
: . :.:: :: s . . :..yy .. . : ..S.. .: :
uhm yeah.. my first ascii ever... can anybody tell me if its halfway decent ?
the end
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