this image contains text
information file - fuel 13 - june 1997
1. if you had expected one of those funny fuel info files written by
The Knight, then youre wrong. The Knight is taking a break, due to
personal reasons he wasnt able to do anything concerning organising
and packaging this month, dont get me wrong he will probably be back
next month, hes not leaving the scene!
thats why i burps did the coordination of this months pack and also
writing this info file. i never really did this earlier and if you
like this info or not... i dont give a shit. g
2. for those who where desperately looking for the fuel pack on 15 may:
sorry guys! we used to release on the fifteenth but due to some changes
were now going to release the pack on the first of every month.
3. i sometimes wonder who the hell pays a lot of attention to memberlists,
but if you didnt check out fuel12.mem in the last fuel pack, you might
have missed something g. since we think were funny we added a gay
division to our 12th memberlist. ofcourse 300 lines beneath the normal
end of the list.
anyway here are some reactions we did get on it:
*** thorax has joined channel fuel.
burps uhoh that gay bastard called thorax
thorax well, im not in the fuel gay section am i
burps thorax.. damn we forgot you.. pity..
thrashie thorax, no. youre not. we dont want REAL gays inthere.
thorax ahaahh
thorax just janetten?
ize Woa
ize im not in the gay list :
burps you really wanted to be in it, dont you ? :
ize snuff
ize sniff
ize yea..
thrashie hey: tguardian, welcome to fuel baby!
1. official results of x97 takeover party arrived right after the release
of pack 12. necrofiliac ended on the 5th place in the vga compo,
congrats necro! you can find the competing pic in fuel12v.zip
2. were still looking for someone with a t1+ line, someone who wants to
host our domain fuel.org. we had some contacts wiht several people but
they didnt turn out like we wanted. we hope to have fuel.org online
offering a webpage and a ftp site as soon as possible. email is always
welcome fuel.app@hehe.com
1. it has been a quiet month concerning memberflow but we still got some
people joining us. the first one to join this month was code zero who
will make part of our internet division. whitesnake came back out of
nothing, we hope he will ever start drawing again, we added him to the
idle section. arty joined our vga division, warhawk and discofunk1974
joined ascii div. we did gain some members from fade the dutch artgroup wich died lately. so pino aka bigbird joined our ansi division.
savannah is our latest gain in our ascii division, he delivers great
work and also zippy joined us. welcome!
2. its very sad we lost some good members too this month. clarkie left us
and bobafet left for a higher position in rca. dr freeze also left to
revive plan9. agreat loss for our vga departement was jNa who left for
acid. were aware of the fact he was one of the greatest artists we
ever had and we wish him good luck. manerve was removed from the vga
division due to inactivity.
3. we also have guests this month, vision is making a one-time-appeareance
in this pack and meggahertz submitted a guest ascii. phonyeye from cia
made a fuel logo for us and also numb made a great last minute guest
appeareance, thanks!
i added a few quotes since i dont feel like making up rumors. i did
already draw the header but i either dont feel like drawing :
1. O-DuDe does anyone know how to make an ansi??
2. massmurd im gonna draw a little
massmurd brb
* massmurd has returned.
3. tFfuel!jps@ hehehe.. nice storyline.. hold, i have
have something in my eye :P
4. fever fever@61037d0016ny.concentric.net has joined iraq
fever didnt we bomb these sandniggers a couple years ago?
fever stupid ragtops.
5. aOh tell him not to even bother :D
burps JOIN FUEL!!!
burps woops wrong window
burps :
6. sor seen doesnt work yet.. aoh is working on it..
gasoline sor: I dont know who doesnt work yet.. aoh is working on
it.. is.
7. sor oh.. i see..
sor hehe.. that was me..
sor i got him all drunk..
sor then i porked him in hes ass while he was asleep
sor now you know..
sor i didnt want to tell you at first..
8. empty may the ass be with you
empty always moving, the ass is
empty ass I am, rape you I will
empty obi-won never told you who your real ass was
9. signoff watOr has quit IRC breastfeeding
10. k1tiara baby when you good as me..your good, but you will learn that
in time
11. drynwhyl F U E L... fuel?.. fUEL!?.. phule?... fjul?..
12. Wizy i wanna see 8 + 100 liners per pack, and 4 + 150 liners
Wizy not 1 100 liner
Wizy and 239023470239509570 logos
Wizy i knoqw
Cardiac dys: yeah, right.
dystro thats the way it should be
Wizy twilight, fuel, there doing it
13. massmurd Wow.. when i mature and grow up, i think ill takeover
14. thrashie f why dont you get us a scan of your picture?
f7 i will tell you what, i will release my picture as a release next
aOh i hope it will pass quality control
we offer several ways to apply. the easiest way is contacting one of
the senior members on irc aoh is our irc-app-whore: fill up the
application fuel13.app included in this package and send it to us
with a sample of your work. you can also email your application to
fuel.app@hehe.com, every senior will get it and will review it then.
applying can also be done on our worldhq trauma +32-16-620922.
fuel likes to greet these groups:
twilight - ice - dark - triloxy - acid - codine - mean scheme - awe
black maiden - force - avenge - phat - blade - fire - polyester
p301 - fusion - rile - lazarus - tpy - eclipse
youve been watching
performed for a live studio audience
1. if you had expected one of those funny fuel info files written by
The Knight, then youre wrong. The Knight is taking a break, due to
personal reasons he wasnt able to do anything concerning organising
and packaging this month, dont get me wrong he will probably be back
next month, hes not leaving the scene!
thats why i burps did the coordination of this months pack and also
writing this info file. i never really did this earlier and if you
like this info or not... i dont give a shit. g
2. for those who where desperately looking for the fuel pack on 15 may:
sorry guys! we used to release on the fifteenth but due to some changes
were now going to release the pack on the first of every month.
3. i sometimes wonder who the hell pays a lot of attention to memberlists,
but if you didnt check out fuel12.mem in the last fuel pack, you might
have missed something g. since we think were funny we added a gay
division to our 12th memberlist. ofcourse 300 lines beneath the normal
end of the list.
anyway here are some reactions we did get on it:
*** thorax has joined channel fuel.
burps uhoh that gay bastard called thorax
thorax well, im not in the fuel gay section am i
burps thorax.. damn we forgot you.. pity..
thrashie thorax, no. youre not. we dont want REAL gays inthere.
thorax ahaahh
thorax just janetten?
ize Woa
ize im not in the gay list :
burps you really wanted to be in it, dont you ? :
ize snuff
ize sniff
ize yea..
thrashie hey: tguardian, welcome to fuel baby!
1. official results of x97 takeover party arrived right after the release
of pack 12. necrofiliac ended on the 5th place in the vga compo,
congrats necro! you can find the competing pic in fuel12v.zip
2. were still looking for someone with a t1+ line, someone who wants to
host our domain fuel.org. we had some contacts wiht several people but
they didnt turn out like we wanted. we hope to have fuel.org online
offering a webpage and a ftp site as soon as possible. email is always
welcome fuel.app@hehe.com
1. it has been a quiet month concerning memberflow but we still got some
people joining us. the first one to join this month was code zero who
will make part of our internet division. whitesnake came back out of
nothing, we hope he will ever start drawing again, we added him to the
idle section. arty joined our vga division, warhawk and discofunk1974
joined ascii div. we did gain some members from fade the dutch artgroup wich died lately. so pino aka bigbird joined our ansi division.
savannah is our latest gain in our ascii division, he delivers great
work and also zippy joined us. welcome!
2. its very sad we lost some good members too this month. clarkie left us
and bobafet left for a higher position in rca. dr freeze also left to
revive plan9. agreat loss for our vga departement was jNa who left for
acid. were aware of the fact he was one of the greatest artists we
ever had and we wish him good luck. manerve was removed from the vga
division due to inactivity.
3. we also have guests this month, vision is making a one-time-appeareance
in this pack and meggahertz submitted a guest ascii. phonyeye from cia
made a fuel logo for us and also numb made a great last minute guest
appeareance, thanks!
i added a few quotes since i dont feel like making up rumors. i did
already draw the header but i either dont feel like drawing :
1. O-DuDe does anyone know how to make an ansi??
2. massmurd im gonna draw a little
massmurd brb
* massmurd has returned.
3. tFfuel!jps@ hehehe.. nice storyline.. hold, i have
have something in my eye :P
4. fever fever@61037d0016ny.concentric.net has joined iraq
fever didnt we bomb these sandniggers a couple years ago?
fever stupid ragtops.
5. aOh tell him not to even bother :D
burps JOIN FUEL!!!
burps woops wrong window
burps :
6. sor seen doesnt work yet.. aoh is working on it..
gasoline sor: I dont know who doesnt work yet.. aoh is working on
it.. is.
7. sor oh.. i see..
sor hehe.. that was me..
sor i got him all drunk..
sor then i porked him in hes ass while he was asleep
sor now you know..
sor i didnt want to tell you at first..
8. empty may the ass be with you
empty always moving, the ass is
empty ass I am, rape you I will
empty obi-won never told you who your real ass was
9. signoff watOr has quit IRC breastfeeding
10. k1tiara baby when you good as me..your good, but you will learn that
in time
11. drynwhyl F U E L... fuel?.. fUEL!?.. phule?... fjul?..
12. Wizy i wanna see 8 + 100 liners per pack, and 4 + 150 liners
Wizy not 1 100 liner
Wizy and 239023470239509570 logos
Wizy i knoqw
Cardiac dys: yeah, right.
dystro thats the way it should be
Wizy twilight, fuel, there doing it
13. massmurd Wow.. when i mature and grow up, i think ill takeover
14. thrashie f why dont you get us a scan of your picture?
f7 i will tell you what, i will release my picture as a release next
aOh i hope it will pass quality control
we offer several ways to apply. the easiest way is contacting one of
the senior members on irc aoh is our irc-app-whore: fill up the
application fuel13.app included in this package and send it to us
with a sample of your work. you can also email your application to
fuel.app@hehe.com, every senior will get it and will review it then.
applying can also be done on our worldhq trauma +32-16-620922.
fuel likes to greet these groups:
twilight - ice - dark - triloxy - acid - codine - mean scheme - awe
black maiden - force - avenge - phat - blade - fire - polyester
p301 - fusion - rile - lazarus - tpy - eclipse
youve been watching
performed for a live studio audience
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