this image contains text
introduction Hello scene....
you are now looking at he info file of fuel ansi 11.
im particularly unproud to tell you that this pack is about 10
days late. ohwell, sue me.. i had put the deadline a bit later than usual to give everybody also the new ppl a chance to release in
this pack... just a pitty that many of them have been such fucking
lazy assmunches ..
when i noticed that they werent really serious about contributing
much to this pack, even with the delay, i thought to myself, hell,
why not throw in a couple more ansis by myself. and so it went..
on a more positive note here, im glad to see that many of our
members realize that fuel is here to stay and wont just get
blown away like so many groups did in the past.. so what im
trying to tell here is that i really appreciate the dedication of
the ppl that are working in the fuel studios..
another small mentionable thing is that im sick of all ansibeggars
on irc...some say fuck pay, i say pay rules...it scares ppl that
arent really into art away...which is generally good, coz that way
my request list gets smaller. so if you want an ansi from me you better
think twice and think hard before asking me for one. in general im
not such a bastard that refuses everybody and all that, but too much
is just too much. if you requested any art from me in the past and its not in this pack, or wasnt in the previous, you can count on it that
youll prolly never get it... bitch about that, i dont care. blahblah.
The Knight aka Teakay.
.. Award time! ..
the fuel drawer of the month award goes to spirit of rage sor for
his outstanding work this month!
second award goes to aOh, for giving up his life for the sake of fuel
out: omega-x, pfez, whitesnake, twoxfh, 4thds.
reasons: i dont care how good you can draw, or whatever you can do,
if you dont let us know youre alive, and contact us, or
give *any* sign of life, hell, are you amazed youre getting
booted ??? look guys, i know many of you personally, and i know youre all fine ppl, and we had some fun in the past, but
if youre just in fuel acting like a parasite, not doing shit,
well, we just cant use you .... as i said many times before
dedication is the keyword for me... special note for twoxfh,
i dont know what went on exactly, but it struck me kinda
hard that you just left without further notice to me..
in: chronicc, spirit of rage, shadowhawk, 9lives, napalm death*
reasons: what!? you need reasons !? coz theyre all fucking cool
drawers...what did you expect!?
* on trial. hey look nd, j00r special
hq site policy
we dont need your board to support us...stop asking..sites are
merely a prestige thing...so stop fucking asking...we only hand out
sites to ppl we know, trust, like, and of which were sure theyre
up and running...members automatically get a site if they run a board.
no exceptions...
applying to fuel applying can be done in various ways for your own convenience. talk to one of the organizers in fuel burps,thrashie or Teakay, leave a msg on our bot gasoline, call our whq trauma +32-16-620922 or write an email to one of the organizers. when applying, allways include at least 3 pictures of your previous work that represent your skills best. we are especially looking for more dedicated ansi or ascii artists, but vga guys are welcome too. another way of applying is writing email to the fuel mailing list, so all members of fuel can judge your work. just write to fuel@ansi-art.org if youre not too shy about your work :
merging with fuel is out of the question, unless you merge *into* fuel, and dont bitch about who gets what position ..
rumors section
fuel will most likely be present at both takeover97 and mekka97.
youll easily recognize us, coz we will be wearing our nifty fuel
it appears that the dutch artgroup fade stopped existing... i havent
seen any other packs from them anymore.. what a pitty, their opening
pack showed much prospection. guys, let me know whats up okay ?
you know i want you :
wired97 will be held in the summer.
the knight is out of a job, his children will die and his wife will
leave him shortly.
mean schemes valentine pack rocked. great work guys..
fuels hard core went out in Leuven to celebrate necrofiliacs wedding,
sponsje was nice. the knight woke up laying the wrong way in his bed.
deep freezer claims the knight was too drunk to get in bed himself and
that he pushed him in...but teakay doesnt remember shit...necro and
thrasher crashed that night during their ride home..necro was sober
though the next day when he woke up in jail, and the cops told him that
thrasher was in intensive care. burps was the only smart guy among these
five, he rang his mummy at midnight asking her if she could come get him
so he was sure he got home safely. chateaux neuf du pape 1990 rules..
lets do it again some time... right necro ?
twilight, or should i say deeply disturbed keeps apologizing for not
keeping their promises to the knight....oh well, its free fuel
advertising for sure in those twilight packs, but id rather see that
guest ansi they promised us
www.fuel.org will be up shortly. bitch on aOh if it dont :
what happened to the blender compo ? is it dead ?
drynwhyl jaja.. iNGa.. icH sPRitZE!.. JAAAAa..... schLAg mir bITTE
jNa , You know, the romans, used to wear red capes, ..that way the
blood didnt show if they got wounded. I wonder why the Nazies had
brown pants
ZeusII you should have like 5 bots constantly having conversations
with each other about artscene stuff :
ZeusII why dont you guys merge with acid, and let your ansi
division die?
greetings to the artgroups we respect fade echo teklordz twilight ice ovation dark blend
acid codine mean scheme black maiden awe* force ega maiden acid!ansi phat blade fire polyester p301 fusion rile lazarus blender tpy shade eclipse
* look tna and fluor, *we* greet j00r asses eg
and the demo/mag crews we admire purge psychic link imphobia legend design klf valhalla antares pulse cubic team
infofile by the knight fuel - 03-01-97
art layout by burps fuel
- eof -
introduction Hello scene....
you are now looking at he info file of fuel ansi 11.
im particularly unproud to tell you that this pack is about 10
days late. ohwell, sue me.. i had put the deadline a bit later than usual to give everybody also the new ppl a chance to release in
this pack... just a pitty that many of them have been such fucking
lazy assmunches ..
when i noticed that they werent really serious about contributing
much to this pack, even with the delay, i thought to myself, hell,
why not throw in a couple more ansis by myself. and so it went..
on a more positive note here, im glad to see that many of our
members realize that fuel is here to stay and wont just get
blown away like so many groups did in the past.. so what im
trying to tell here is that i really appreciate the dedication of
the ppl that are working in the fuel studios..
another small mentionable thing is that im sick of all ansibeggars
on irc...some say fuck pay, i say pay rules...it scares ppl that
arent really into art away...which is generally good, coz that way
my request list gets smaller. so if you want an ansi from me you better
think twice and think hard before asking me for one. in general im
not such a bastard that refuses everybody and all that, but too much
is just too much. if you requested any art from me in the past and its not in this pack, or wasnt in the previous, you can count on it that
youll prolly never get it... bitch about that, i dont care. blahblah.
The Knight aka Teakay.
.. Award time! ..
the fuel drawer of the month award goes to spirit of rage sor for
his outstanding work this month!
second award goes to aOh, for giving up his life for the sake of fuel
out: omega-x, pfez, whitesnake, twoxfh, 4thds.
reasons: i dont care how good you can draw, or whatever you can do,
if you dont let us know youre alive, and contact us, or
give *any* sign of life, hell, are you amazed youre getting
booted ??? look guys, i know many of you personally, and i know youre all fine ppl, and we had some fun in the past, but
if youre just in fuel acting like a parasite, not doing shit,
well, we just cant use you .... as i said many times before
dedication is the keyword for me... special note for twoxfh,
i dont know what went on exactly, but it struck me kinda
hard that you just left without further notice to me..
in: chronicc, spirit of rage, shadowhawk, 9lives, napalm death*
reasons: what!? you need reasons !? coz theyre all fucking cool
drawers...what did you expect!?
* on trial. hey look nd, j00r special
hq site policy
we dont need your board to support us...stop asking..sites are
merely a prestige thing...so stop fucking asking...we only hand out
sites to ppl we know, trust, like, and of which were sure theyre
up and running...members automatically get a site if they run a board.
no exceptions...
applying to fuel applying can be done in various ways for your own convenience. talk to one of the organizers in fuel burps,thrashie or Teakay, leave a msg on our bot gasoline, call our whq trauma +32-16-620922 or write an email to one of the organizers. when applying, allways include at least 3 pictures of your previous work that represent your skills best. we are especially looking for more dedicated ansi or ascii artists, but vga guys are welcome too. another way of applying is writing email to the fuel mailing list, so all members of fuel can judge your work. just write to fuel@ansi-art.org if youre not too shy about your work :
merging with fuel is out of the question, unless you merge *into* fuel, and dont bitch about who gets what position ..
rumors section
fuel will most likely be present at both takeover97 and mekka97.
youll easily recognize us, coz we will be wearing our nifty fuel
it appears that the dutch artgroup fade stopped existing... i havent
seen any other packs from them anymore.. what a pitty, their opening
pack showed much prospection. guys, let me know whats up okay ?
you know i want you :
wired97 will be held in the summer.
the knight is out of a job, his children will die and his wife will
leave him shortly.
mean schemes valentine pack rocked. great work guys..
fuels hard core went out in Leuven to celebrate necrofiliacs wedding,
sponsje was nice. the knight woke up laying the wrong way in his bed.
deep freezer claims the knight was too drunk to get in bed himself and
that he pushed him in...but teakay doesnt remember shit...necro and
thrasher crashed that night during their ride home..necro was sober
though the next day when he woke up in jail, and the cops told him that
thrasher was in intensive care. burps was the only smart guy among these
five, he rang his mummy at midnight asking her if she could come get him
so he was sure he got home safely. chateaux neuf du pape 1990 rules..
lets do it again some time... right necro ?
twilight, or should i say deeply disturbed keeps apologizing for not
keeping their promises to the knight....oh well, its free fuel
advertising for sure in those twilight packs, but id rather see that
guest ansi they promised us
www.fuel.org will be up shortly. bitch on aOh if it dont :
what happened to the blender compo ? is it dead ?
drynwhyl jaja.. iNGa.. icH sPRitZE!.. JAAAAa..... schLAg mir bITTE
jNa , You know, the romans, used to wear red capes, ..that way the
blood didnt show if they got wounded. I wonder why the Nazies had
brown pants
ZeusII you should have like 5 bots constantly having conversations
with each other about artscene stuff :
ZeusII why dont you guys merge with acid, and let your ansi
division die?
greetings to the artgroups we respect fade echo teklordz twilight ice ovation dark blend
acid codine mean scheme black maiden awe* force ega maiden acid!ansi phat blade fire polyester p301 fusion rile lazarus blender tpy shade eclipse
* look tna and fluor, *we* greet j00r asses eg
and the demo/mag crews we admire purge psychic link imphobia legend design klf valhalla antares pulse cubic team
infofile by the knight fuel - 03-01-97
art layout by burps fuel
- eof -
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