this image contains text
info file! info file designed by liithn members fUEL ansi productions creator creator@saltair.com elastic elastic@followme.comize bo.alm@mailbox.kdtnet.sekargus jkirk@dataex.com harass nonerighnow@empty.be mendator mendator@hem.passagen.semean machine dunnoyet@hollands.goud.nl necrofiliac david.stas@ping.be night angel nonerightnow@empty.beomega-x bruneau@vianet.on.ca the knight siemen.ghysens@ping.bethrasherthrasher@netlink.bewhitesnake cool.vanhout@ping.be pfez pfez@art.solna.se
contributing members
fUEL interactive productions- Organising -
Deep Freezer- han.welvaarts@ping.be - Coding -- Music -- Graphics - Ben Hurry Alexel Cray Mabuse Fred Necrofiliac Scrap Kovax!
SilverEagle release info hiya kids! just when you thought we were gone... we strike back!what is there to say, this is where tk explains the iCE-Euro historyokay, before the release, we already lost two members snif...so, goodbye to kitiara who joined dark and whiteraven who got in charge
ofblades ansi div.uhm, new members : look at the list. uhm... tk : ik kan geen nfo volzeveren... uhm... tk grin grin Im unable to crank tranzlayt0rr
this nfo file fullab0kzz shit that nobody readsanyhow...well, thrasher, thats what good ol teakay is good for right!?kay here we go...
1.1 the iCE thang..let me explain to you something strange..fUEL was once a happy little belgian ansiproducing group..all ourmembers were more or less close friends and lived a merry little life...till things changed... big, read huge, brother iCE proposed to us a very tempting offer indeed..a merger..yes yes, a very profitable merger for both of our groups.. we were even allowed to keep our own groupname, but with the extension iCE euro..so our merry little group became a merry bigger group..for a while... things went on and we tried recruiting some more members for our ansidivision...but then what happend !? no-noooo, you cannot take american members obviously, because you are iCE Euuuurooo!.. ah yeah...hmm, thats true..now what...well, okay, we can live with that setback...lets find some european members then...no big deal.. BUT..theres always a but in this kind of story:...while recruiting members, it seemed all they cared for was the iCE affiliation..they even deliberatly started denying their fUEL membership..hmm..this was time for some drastic action...after much consideration... so the fUEL ansis in the iCE packs started being scarcer...till there were eventually none left.. another reason for fUEL quitting iCE was that in a great group like iCE, one way or another, with or without
fUELs ansi contributions, the pack would be full of quality pictures..so what you get here is a lack of pressure to actually draw...wh0w, thats cool, one could say..not drawing and despite of that being in one of the most famous and best groups in the world...even when youre
actually not doing any-fuxx0ring-thing, than sitting on your big fat
arse enjoying every greet you get..but it is not cool...nope not cool.. because what happens when you dont draw for lets say 2 packs ? YOU GET DELETED FROM THE MEMBERLIST!! thats what you get sonny! yeah yeah..active memberlist they say...well... tell me where the inactive memberlist is then ...:P anways...we decided to quit iCE...no big deal..I doubt if anyone ever hardly noticed we were IN iCE in the first place.. well, if ya didnt
...no big deal either, just remember were single again! :
ahwell...one way or another, we learned a lot from being part of such a legendary group as iCE..not only art-wise, but also scene-wise..I sure hope you will agree with me after looking at this months pack,
and notice the substantial increase of quality in our work..subject closed!1.2 the WiRED thang...as many people know, and just as many dont know, WiRED is the annual Belgian scene party held somewhere near Mons, where top european groups compete in various competitions...well, this years WiRED was absolutely great..good scene spirit, very cool people from several outstanding groups, and real quality productions... this year, fUEL competed in the intro, vga and ansi compos..here are the results and a little explanation along with them..Intro 64k competition:01. Paper / Psychic Link - Votes: 73302. Famous Cyber People / Pulse - Votes: 36003. Molejo / Vahalla Dolphin - Votes: 10404. Urya / Ribbon - Votes: 9805. Sell Out / Amable - Votes: 9206. Caffeine / Warm inside - Votes: 7407. Frame / Ethos 9 - Votes: 71 Orbital / Kloon - Votes: 7109. Reverse / Ketchup Killers - Votes: 4510. Velvet 2 / n-Factor not shown - Votes: 3511. Phat Kryt / Trepaan - Votes: 3112. Back to the roots / Vacuum - Votes: 2413. Yoda lives ! / Blup! - Votes: 21
Dirty old people / Fuel * - Votes: 21
15. Known thing / Maroon - Votes: 2
* dirty old people is a complete ansi-intro, or as ppl tend to call it,
a fake intro...nevertheless it was recieved well by the audience,prolly
not due to outstanding coding or graphics, but merely due tofunky
spaghetti coding by thrasher/fuel, and outstanding animated ansis
by burps/acid
you will find dop.zip in this months fUEL pack..
Hand-Drawn Gfx Competition:
01. Juanita Flan / Igloo Scoopex - Votes: 249
02. Species BenJ / Imphobia - Votes: 92
03. Gebissenne Toele / Cyclone / Abyss - Votes: 87
04. Sorry Off / Kloon - Votes: 85
05. TBilly NF / Fuel * - Votes: 84
Million tears Azure / Necrobiosis - Votes: 84
07. Smokin lady Rage / Mist - Votes: 76
08. Kid ! Acryl / Acme Legend Design - Votes: 68
09. BonApp Vatin /Kloon - Votes: 61
10. Lapimouh Bat / FBS - Votes: 53
...etc..list goes on for ages:
* TBilly, or TsjernoBilly was Necrofiliacs great entree in the magical
world of handdrawn pixelled graphics..no fancy programs involved in this
stuff, just plain simple Deluxe Paint enhanced... this was actually
Necrofiliacs first ever vga picture..great work Necro!..
you will find tbilly.zip in this months fUEL pack.
Ansi Competition:
01. Necrofiliac Fuel * - Votes: 245
02. Kyp Black Maiden/Ekhos9/Mean Scheme - Votes: 231
03. The Knight Fuel * - Votes: 197
04. Bisounours Fire/Se7en - Votes: 185
05. Voice Black Maiden - Votes: 127
06. Mr. Splif Fire/Se7en - Votes: 67
07. Shaitan Fbk/Srg - Votes: 41
Crusader Fbk/Srg - Votes: 41
09. Sad Bpi - Votes: 33
10. Thrasher Fuel * - Votes: 31
11. Leo Black Maiden - Votes: 26
12. Roudoudou Flower Corp - Votes: 24
13. Bonewood Fbk/Srg - Votes: 14
14. Junk Fbk/Sargahd - Votes: 13
15. Harass Fuel * - Votes: 12
16. Caynan Fbk/Srg - Votes: 0
* a word of explanation is really needed here..tho Necrofiliac might
not like it...but fair is fair. Allthough Necrofiliac won the ansi competition, we do not feel very good about it yeah yeah, YOU do Necro:
What happend here ?Necro did not have an ansi-compo entry this year, due
to the fact that he gave more priority to his vga picture..no sweat..
But at the partyplace, he was working working!? on a funny little
ansipicture, of two odd looking faces that were about 5 or six lines
long...still no problem..but then someone who might that have been ?
eg told him, hey dude, thats funny, put some text above those
two bastards and let that ansi compete, Im sure theyll show it coz
there wont really be that many entries in this compo and then somebody encouraged Necro and started thinking of funny things to write above the pic...so finally, what happend was...Necrofiliac won the ansi
compo with a complete ridiculous little ansi...is it even worth calling
it an ansi?... yep, thats what happend..its actually too stupid
to be even true but thats actually what happend.. I guess Necrofiliacs popularity is heavily underestimated...at least his ego didnt suffer
much from it :
So heres a word to all the ppl that voted on Necros ansi... really...you shouldnt have..now look what youve done...youve made
the guy think hes god which by the way he is not, hes only the
You will not find Necrofiliacs winning ansi in this pack because
it would seriously deteriorate the quality of this release ...if you
really want to have a look at it, get a hold of a file called
What you will find in this pack are the knights and thrashers ansis that entered in the compo...Note that the ansi from Harass read backwards for real name: was also left out because of quality control..anyway its her first ansi ever and we are confident that she will improve a lot in the future now that shes got her own little 286 with aciddraw installed on itat her studying place g..
1.3random shitz what more is there actually to say..nothing I guess.. just some random info shitzbitz.. if you want to join us, either write us an e-mail, find us on irc in fuel or call our ansi whq Trauma+32-16-620922
do NOT ask us for sites on the irc..we got better things to do than
checking out dist sites and stuff..if you want a site, use the app
form and send it to one of the organisers e-mail!
the knight : siemen.ghysens@ping.be
thrasher : thrasher@netlink.be
1.4 sites and hq list
you will find the sites and hq list in a plain .txt file. For the simple
reason that it is quickly updatable should there be wrong info in it..
info file! info file designed by liithn members fUEL ansi productions creator creator@saltair.com elastic elastic@followme.comize bo.alm@mailbox.kdtnet.sekargus jkirk@dataex.com harass nonerighnow@empty.be mendator mendator@hem.passagen.semean machine dunnoyet@hollands.goud.nl necrofiliac david.stas@ping.be night angel nonerightnow@empty.beomega-x bruneau@vianet.on.ca the knight siemen.ghysens@ping.bethrasherthrasher@netlink.bewhitesnake cool.vanhout@ping.be pfez pfez@art.solna.se
contributing members
fUEL interactive productions- Organising -
Deep Freezer- han.welvaarts@ping.be - Coding -- Music -- Graphics - Ben Hurry Alexel Cray Mabuse Fred Necrofiliac Scrap Kovax!
SilverEagle release info hiya kids! just when you thought we were gone... we strike back!what is there to say, this is where tk explains the iCE-Euro historyokay, before the release, we already lost two members snif...so, goodbye to kitiara who joined dark and whiteraven who got in charge
ofblades ansi div.uhm, new members : look at the list. uhm... tk : ik kan geen nfo volzeveren... uhm... tk grin grin Im unable to crank tranzlayt0rr
this nfo file fullab0kzz shit that nobody readsanyhow...well, thrasher, thats what good ol teakay is good for right!?kay here we go...
1.1 the iCE thang..let me explain to you something strange..fUEL was once a happy little belgian ansiproducing group..all ourmembers were more or less close friends and lived a merry little life...till things changed... big, read huge, brother iCE proposed to us a very tempting offer indeed..a merger..yes yes, a very profitable merger for both of our groups.. we were even allowed to keep our own groupname, but with the extension iCE euro..so our merry little group became a merry bigger group..for a while... things went on and we tried recruiting some more members for our ansidivision...but then what happend !? no-noooo, you cannot take american members obviously, because you are iCE Euuuurooo!.. ah yeah...hmm, thats true..now what...well, okay, we can live with that setback...lets find some european members then...no big deal.. BUT..theres always a but in this kind of story:...while recruiting members, it seemed all they cared for was the iCE affiliation..they even deliberatly started denying their fUEL membership..hmm..this was time for some drastic action...after much consideration... so the fUEL ansis in the iCE packs started being scarcer...till there were eventually none left.. another reason for fUEL quitting iCE was that in a great group like iCE, one way or another, with or without
fUELs ansi contributions, the pack would be full of quality pictures..so what you get here is a lack of pressure to actually draw...wh0w, thats cool, one could say..not drawing and despite of that being in one of the most famous and best groups in the world...even when youre
actually not doing any-fuxx0ring-thing, than sitting on your big fat
arse enjoying every greet you get..but it is not cool...nope not cool.. because what happens when you dont draw for lets say 2 packs ? YOU GET DELETED FROM THE MEMBERLIST!! thats what you get sonny! yeah yeah..active memberlist they say...well... tell me where the inactive memberlist is then ...:P anways...we decided to quit iCE...no big deal..I doubt if anyone ever hardly noticed we were IN iCE in the first place.. well, if ya didnt
...no big deal either, just remember were single again! :
ahwell...one way or another, we learned a lot from being part of such a legendary group as iCE..not only art-wise, but also scene-wise..I sure hope you will agree with me after looking at this months pack,
and notice the substantial increase of quality in our work..subject closed!1.2 the WiRED thang...as many people know, and just as many dont know, WiRED is the annual Belgian scene party held somewhere near Mons, where top european groups compete in various competitions...well, this years WiRED was absolutely great..good scene spirit, very cool people from several outstanding groups, and real quality productions... this year, fUEL competed in the intro, vga and ansi compos..here are the results and a little explanation along with them..Intro 64k competition:01. Paper / Psychic Link - Votes: 73302. Famous Cyber People / Pulse - Votes: 36003. Molejo / Vahalla Dolphin - Votes: 10404. Urya / Ribbon - Votes: 9805. Sell Out / Amable - Votes: 9206. Caffeine / Warm inside - Votes: 7407. Frame / Ethos 9 - Votes: 71 Orbital / Kloon - Votes: 7109. Reverse / Ketchup Killers - Votes: 4510. Velvet 2 / n-Factor not shown - Votes: 3511. Phat Kryt / Trepaan - Votes: 3112. Back to the roots / Vacuum - Votes: 2413. Yoda lives ! / Blup! - Votes: 21
Dirty old people / Fuel * - Votes: 21
15. Known thing / Maroon - Votes: 2
* dirty old people is a complete ansi-intro, or as ppl tend to call it,
a fake intro...nevertheless it was recieved well by the audience,prolly
not due to outstanding coding or graphics, but merely due tofunky
spaghetti coding by thrasher/fuel, and outstanding animated ansis
by burps/acid
you will find dop.zip in this months fUEL pack..
Hand-Drawn Gfx Competition:
01. Juanita Flan / Igloo Scoopex - Votes: 249
02. Species BenJ / Imphobia - Votes: 92
03. Gebissenne Toele / Cyclone / Abyss - Votes: 87
04. Sorry Off / Kloon - Votes: 85
05. TBilly NF / Fuel * - Votes: 84
Million tears Azure / Necrobiosis - Votes: 84
07. Smokin lady Rage / Mist - Votes: 76
08. Kid ! Acryl / Acme Legend Design - Votes: 68
09. BonApp Vatin /Kloon - Votes: 61
10. Lapimouh Bat / FBS - Votes: 53
...etc..list goes on for ages:
* TBilly, or TsjernoBilly was Necrofiliacs great entree in the magical
world of handdrawn pixelled graphics..no fancy programs involved in this
stuff, just plain simple Deluxe Paint enhanced... this was actually
Necrofiliacs first ever vga picture..great work Necro!..
you will find tbilly.zip in this months fUEL pack.
Ansi Competition:
01. Necrofiliac Fuel * - Votes: 245
02. Kyp Black Maiden/Ekhos9/Mean Scheme - Votes: 231
03. The Knight Fuel * - Votes: 197
04. Bisounours Fire/Se7en - Votes: 185
05. Voice Black Maiden - Votes: 127
06. Mr. Splif Fire/Se7en - Votes: 67
07. Shaitan Fbk/Srg - Votes: 41
Crusader Fbk/Srg - Votes: 41
09. Sad Bpi - Votes: 33
10. Thrasher Fuel * - Votes: 31
11. Leo Black Maiden - Votes: 26
12. Roudoudou Flower Corp - Votes: 24
13. Bonewood Fbk/Srg - Votes: 14
14. Junk Fbk/Sargahd - Votes: 13
15. Harass Fuel * - Votes: 12
16. Caynan Fbk/Srg - Votes: 0
* a word of explanation is really needed here..tho Necrofiliac might
not like it...but fair is fair. Allthough Necrofiliac won the ansi competition, we do not feel very good about it yeah yeah, YOU do Necro:
What happend here ?Necro did not have an ansi-compo entry this year, due
to the fact that he gave more priority to his vga picture..no sweat..
But at the partyplace, he was working working!? on a funny little
ansipicture, of two odd looking faces that were about 5 or six lines
long...still no problem..but then someone who might that have been ?
eg told him, hey dude, thats funny, put some text above those
two bastards and let that ansi compete, Im sure theyll show it coz
there wont really be that many entries in this compo and then somebody encouraged Necro and started thinking of funny things to write above the pic...so finally, what happend was...Necrofiliac won the ansi
compo with a complete ridiculous little ansi...is it even worth calling
it an ansi?... yep, thats what happend..its actually too stupid
to be even true but thats actually what happend.. I guess Necrofiliacs popularity is heavily underestimated...at least his ego didnt suffer
much from it :
So heres a word to all the ppl that voted on Necros ansi... really...you shouldnt have..now look what youve done...youve made
the guy think hes god which by the way he is not, hes only the
You will not find Necrofiliacs winning ansi in this pack because
it would seriously deteriorate the quality of this release ...if you
really want to have a look at it, get a hold of a file called
What you will find in this pack are the knights and thrashers ansis that entered in the compo...Note that the ansi from Harass read backwards for real name: was also left out because of quality control..anyway its her first ansi ever and we are confident that she will improve a lot in the future now that shes got her own little 286 with aciddraw installed on itat her studying place g..
1.3random shitz what more is there actually to say..nothing I guess.. just some random info shitzbitz.. if you want to join us, either write us an e-mail, find us on irc in fuel or call our ansi whq Trauma+32-16-620922
do NOT ask us for sites on the irc..we got better things to do than
checking out dist sites and stuff..if you want a site, use the app
form and send it to one of the organisers e-mail!
the knight : siemen.ghysens@ping.be
thrasher : thrasher@netlink.be
1.4 sites and hq list
you will find the sites and hq list in a plain .txt file. For the simple
reason that it is quickly updatable should there be wrong info in it..
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