this image contains text
- Whatya mean big?
Omots NFO
Well, its that time of the month again. Time to release another
ass-kicking art pack from us, Futile. Since the last time we met, weve
improved on our abilities a little, gained some more experience, and drawn
a hell of a lot of art.
Weve also gained another member to our previously binary membership,
Max, previously in Vorpil. We wish him great luck in being a member of
Futile, please welcome him.
The executables like the viewer and app and all are still in the
works, the viewer is now being developed by a prospective new member and
Im still working on the request/app. Maybe they will both be ready in
time for the next pack, which following our current bimonthly schedule,
should be out sometime in February.
The diz this month is double sized, made purposely in a way that if
it is cut off to 40 character by 8 line, itll still look nice instead of
looking like half a pic.
Well, hope for that shiny new 28.8k or 100mhz Pentium for Christmas
and maybe youll get one, eh? If not, you can still be content with viewing
our wonderful Special Early Christmas Edition December Futile Art Pack! Now
stop reading this damn file and get on with the art you loser. Oh yeah, and
when youre done, consider yourself an official courier and go upload it
Futile Co-Founder
Whodinis NFO
Bah, Omot said all the important shiznitz, but since im kewler, you
guys probably skipped his shit when you heard that I was gonna be in this pack.
Anywayz, shits still the same fo me, cept im in remorse ascii now.. So you
wont see 5000000000000 lines of ascii in this pack... I made a few enemies,
a few friends.. ah fuck it.. I made alot of enemies, and got banned from ANSI
for calling WintaRose a fat defensive bitch who has pms 24/7/364.25. Datz who
I be though.. and remorse always mass dops the channel and lets me back in..
Lets here it for remorse bot real quick, probably one of my best IRC Buddies.
Enuff remorse...
MaX Our new membah incase you skipped Omots shit is fuckn better
then me, and Ive got the feeling that a real group is going to steal him.
Real groups suck, too many damn membahs, and you dont get along.
I thought about calling FUTiLE a diz-only group, because Omot does
those kewly-o relic-like dizs, while I do those 31337 /- AMiGA ASCiI
dizs.. It was omots turn this time.. bah.
Oh, sorry about the no viewer shit.. if you run unix you can just
cat *.ans... But were all dipshits who run DOS or 0s2.
fuck.. greet time.
pARAD0X-wHY dO i gREET yOU w/O tHINKN oF wUT tO sAY?
r.o.r. Rest of remorse - uh, most of you are kewl..
Max - Booyakah!
Omot - pack, when, NOW? Uh.. ok, send me your stuff.We can have it out in 1 hr
Vorpil - You guys suck.. except Ex Greep.. stop bein lame bitches.
Speaking of lame bitches
WintaRose - You defensive fat bitch.. Have a histerectome...
Bak to greets
Dark Datalords - wE sHOULD aLL tRADE wAREZ lIKE sINSEAR!
Sinsear warez kiddy bitch..
IRC pPl - *** WintaRose has been kicked off channel ANSI by Whodini BitchNK
KTS - Hey guys, I got respect for at least 2 of you...
Maxs NFO
Welp sayin that Im the new comer and all I should have new comer
greetz amile long, well it aint happining like that. And I just here
and gonna say that this group is the shiznit and all those shots
goin out to my crew members , omot whodini , And I also got that
respect for whodinis newfound group, remorse. Greetz goin out to
any real artist in six one four, and if yer ponderin if you are the
real deal artist your not. And one last good word is for vorpil, one
group who shoud get recognized up in here. Welp I must be goin,
enjoy this mf paks ya hear. Im gone.
just a lonely artist not a co-founder
Omots NFO
Well, its that time of the month again. Time to release another
ass-kicking art pack from us, Futile. Since the last time we met, weve
improved on our abilities a little, gained some more experience, and drawn
a hell of a lot of art.
Weve also gained another member to our previously binary membership,
Max, previously in Vorpil. We wish him great luck in being a member of
Futile, please welcome him.
The executables like the viewer and app and all are still in the
works, the viewer is now being developed by a prospective new member and
Im still working on the request/app. Maybe they will both be ready in
time for the next pack, which following our current bimonthly schedule,
should be out sometime in February.
The diz this month is double sized, made purposely in a way that if
it is cut off to 40 character by 8 line, itll still look nice instead of
looking like half a pic.
Well, hope for that shiny new 28.8k or 100mhz Pentium for Christmas
and maybe youll get one, eh? If not, you can still be content with viewing
our wonderful Special Early Christmas Edition December Futile Art Pack! Now
stop reading this damn file and get on with the art you loser. Oh yeah, and
when youre done, consider yourself an official courier and go upload it
Futile Co-Founder
Whodinis NFO
Bah, Omot said all the important shiznitz, but since im kewler, you
guys probably skipped his shit when you heard that I was gonna be in this pack.
Anywayz, shits still the same fo me, cept im in remorse ascii now.. So you
wont see 5000000000000 lines of ascii in this pack... I made a few enemies,
a few friends.. ah fuck it.. I made alot of enemies, and got banned from ANSI
for calling WintaRose a fat defensive bitch who has pms 24/7/364.25. Datz who
I be though.. and remorse always mass dops the channel and lets me back in..
Lets here it for remorse bot real quick, probably one of my best IRC Buddies.
Enuff remorse...
MaX Our new membah incase you skipped Omots shit is fuckn better
then me, and Ive got the feeling that a real group is going to steal him.
Real groups suck, too many damn membahs, and you dont get along.
I thought about calling FUTiLE a diz-only group, because Omot does
those kewly-o relic-like dizs, while I do those 31337 /- AMiGA ASCiI
dizs.. It was omots turn this time.. bah.
Oh, sorry about the no viewer shit.. if you run unix you can just
cat *.ans... But were all dipshits who run DOS or 0s2.
fuck.. greet time.
pARAD0X-wHY dO i gREET yOU w/O tHINKN oF wUT tO sAY?
r.o.r. Rest of remorse - uh, most of you are kewl..
Max - Booyakah!
Omot - pack, when, NOW? Uh.. ok, send me your stuff.We can have it out in 1 hr
Vorpil - You guys suck.. except Ex Greep.. stop bein lame bitches.
Speaking of lame bitches
WintaRose - You defensive fat bitch.. Have a histerectome...
Bak to greets
Dark Datalords - wE sHOULD aLL tRADE wAREZ lIKE sINSEAR!
Sinsear warez kiddy bitch..
IRC pPl - *** WintaRose has been kicked off channel ANSI by Whodini BitchNK
KTS - Hey guys, I got respect for at least 2 of you...
Maxs NFO
Welp sayin that Im the new comer and all I should have new comer
greetz amile long, well it aint happining like that. And I just here
and gonna say that this group is the shiznit and all those shots
goin out to my crew members , omot whodini , And I also got that
respect for whodinis newfound group, remorse. Greetz goin out to
any real artist in six one four, and if yer ponderin if you are the
real deal artist your not. And one last good word is for vorpil, one
group who shoud get recognized up in here. Welp I must be goin,
enjoy this mf paks ya hear. Im gone.
just a lonely artist not a co-founder
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