this image contains text
Welcome to the first full fti release! We hit you in the face with our app and
sampler pouch last month, but this is the real thing. Since this is our first
release, we should probably tell you how new and original and different
we are.. just like every other new group does... But, I dont wanna type very
much, so we wont. Future Tech Industries or industriez.. Spell it how ever
you want kradder.. is a music/lit/art group. We focus on quality, timeliness
and doing our thing without that goddamn elitist attitude every little group
has these days.. If you want some work done. Just ask. Chances are well do it.
If you think youve got the skills, apply. We wont be nasty about it.. even if
you suck terribly. Were not following the trends. If youre the type of person
that likes the flava of the week, were not for you. If youre the type of
person who wants the same damn shit, were not for you. If we havent pissed yo
uoff yet, read on.
applications, distros, couriers
Applying to fti is easy as pie. Run the app generator if youre an musician,
artist, or author. Upload the nice little app with a couple of your works to
our apphq KillingTechnology 616.381.38O7 or if you cant take the ld costs,
email it to us at fti@grfn.org. If you want to be a courier or a distro for
fti, call the above number or email us with some basic info.. Well check you
out and see if we like ya.
future Work
Ftis gonna be awfully busy over the summer. Along with our regularly scheduled
releases, weve got some special surprises stacked way up our sleeves. First is
the FTi run network minus experiment. Its not your average group run net where
all the talk is about how suave the group is. Were going to the next level o
fdiscussion baby. Look for the app within the next couple a weeks. Were also
going to be searching thick and thin for new talent, and bettering our existing
members. Look out.
inet access
We sadly dont have an inet ftp site yet, but were talking around, and well
be sure to have one before the next pack.
crazy ass release schedule
Fti is known for doing things at the drop of a pin, so if you see a pack at
a wierd time, or an unexpected release, its probably legit. We dont exactly
care if we do things by the set orthadox standards of the scene. fuck that.
last minute info in your eye
Just as we were finishing the pack, we lost a major member of the group. Fuse
our coding coordinator had been their from the beginning, and had coded the
app, and was set to code the viewer. Well really miss ya josh. You have a lot
of talent, and it was great working with you. Good luck in whatever ya do.
the grand ending
Thats all the information kicking around now. Thanks for picking up this pack.
We dig your comments. If you wanna send us any suggestions, comments, gifts,
guns, sticks, ponies, girls, guys, or grasshoppers, email us at that ol above
address. Thats about it for now. Thanks a lot for taking a chance and dling
this. We hope you dig it. See ya in a few.
Welcome to the first full fti release! We hit you in the face with our app and
sampler pouch last month, but this is the real thing. Since this is our first
release, we should probably tell you how new and original and different
we are.. just like every other new group does... But, I dont wanna type very
much, so we wont. Future Tech Industries or industriez.. Spell it how ever
you want kradder.. is a music/lit/art group. We focus on quality, timeliness
and doing our thing without that goddamn elitist attitude every little group
has these days.. If you want some work done. Just ask. Chances are well do it.
If you think youve got the skills, apply. We wont be nasty about it.. even if
you suck terribly. Were not following the trends. If youre the type of person
that likes the flava of the week, were not for you. If youre the type of
person who wants the same damn shit, were not for you. If we havent pissed yo
uoff yet, read on.
applications, distros, couriers
Applying to fti is easy as pie. Run the app generator if youre an musician,
artist, or author. Upload the nice little app with a couple of your works to
our apphq KillingTechnology 616.381.38O7 or if you cant take the ld costs,
email it to us at fti@grfn.org. If you want to be a courier or a distro for
fti, call the above number or email us with some basic info.. Well check you
out and see if we like ya.
future Work
Ftis gonna be awfully busy over the summer. Along with our regularly scheduled
releases, weve got some special surprises stacked way up our sleeves. First is
the FTi run network minus experiment. Its not your average group run net where
all the talk is about how suave the group is. Were going to the next level o
fdiscussion baby. Look for the app within the next couple a weeks. Were also
going to be searching thick and thin for new talent, and bettering our existing
members. Look out.
inet access
We sadly dont have an inet ftp site yet, but were talking around, and well
be sure to have one before the next pack.
crazy ass release schedule
Fti is known for doing things at the drop of a pin, so if you see a pack at
a wierd time, or an unexpected release, its probably legit. We dont exactly
care if we do things by the set orthadox standards of the scene. fuck that.
last minute info in your eye
Just as we were finishing the pack, we lost a major member of the group. Fuse
our coding coordinator had been their from the beginning, and had coded the
app, and was set to code the viewer. Well really miss ya josh. You have a lot
of talent, and it was great working with you. Good luck in whatever ya do.
the grand ending
Thats all the information kicking around now. Thanks for picking up this pack.
We dig your comments. If you wanna send us any suggestions, comments, gifts,
guns, sticks, ponies, girls, guys, or grasshoppers, email us at that ol above
address. Thats about it for now. Thanks a lot for taking a chance and dling
this. We hope you dig it. See ya in a few.
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