this image contains text
Woohoo! The pack is finally out! After
months of hassles and preparation its here
You may have seen this ansi before in the
app pack but it was so spiffy that we
decided to put the enhanced version in the
pack. This is a lovely combo mixture of
ansi by cz and lit by ar. it advertises 2
boards at once for your convinience. Have
fun, get drunk and enjoy the summer! cz
c y a n i d e x
Rama rama Bama. You know you and all the boards you call suck.
You know youre a cockrocker, and you deserve to be put to sleep.
Youre hopeless, you piece of k-rad ELiTE shit. But, wouldnt it
it be nice if you could get all your nice filez earlier than all
your saddlin friends? Wouldnt it be slamming if you had a clue?
Well i cant say im nice enough to take time out of my schedule
to show you the ropes.. In fact, im down right mean. Im gonna go
and tell you about whats probably your most frequent wet dream
you little prepubescent horn dog.. Its cyanide-x! Just imagine
all the files you could ever want, faster than anywhere else..
The best art, demos, and wares all hand delivered without the
elitist snot attitude you find everywhere else.. Now, will you
ever be able to sleep knowing how great cnd-x is? Knowing that
youll never be able to get on? Knowing youll be forced into
calling your local renegade shit board to get 5 month old crap
you would have gotten long before thanks to deetchy? I hope not
boy. I really hope not.
SystemOperator: deetchman aka Count Zero
CooperativeSystemOperators: SeagramDigital Syndicatenirk fiend
500 megs of new goodies
minus experiment-FTis net
FTi distro Leper Society Member
node 1 - v.34 - 616/upp/soon
node 2 - v.32bis - 616/pri/vate
k i l l i n g t e c h n o l o g y
Just when you thought you could delete it from your dialing
Directory.. KTs Semi-annual Return! Yes, KillingTechnology
Americas favorite Board has returned with a new array of
wacky antics, colorful humor, and grand fun. Guest Starring
Justin Bateman of TVs The Hogan Family and Silver Spoons,
KT promises to bring back the excitement lost in the fall94
TV lineup to the Summer of 1995. Just see what the critics
have been saying...
sys nirk fiend cos:sir ed, deetchman
getting you up with visuals, reads, n hears
1OO free of msg and sodium
newuserstype xanadu
Shiva, Sushi Bar Z, Leper Society, ansi, gurls who wanna have sex
cz-- with me, ACiD, UNiON, Seagram, all them warez negr0es, everyone who
leeched this k-radical pack!
ar-- fti, ls, reality, jimmy, dan raymond, the officer, those few author
who give half a shit, ytsejammers worldwide, and resin for advertisin
g my board way more than enough:
By now youre wondering where you can get such ereet ansis as thisbad boy
just call killingtechnology 616.381.38O7 and request one, if you want to
be a member or a site, leech the k-radical app generator
Fancy lit by Angel Rat Ansi artwerk+colors by Count Zero
FTi- hittin you hardcore in 95 bitch!
0-abuse here------------------------------------------------------abuse here-0
months of hassles and preparation its here
You may have seen this ansi before in the
app pack but it was so spiffy that we
decided to put the enhanced version in the
pack. This is a lovely combo mixture of
ansi by cz and lit by ar. it advertises 2
boards at once for your convinience. Have
fun, get drunk and enjoy the summer! cz
c y a n i d e x
Rama rama Bama. You know you and all the boards you call suck.
You know youre a cockrocker, and you deserve to be put to sleep.
Youre hopeless, you piece of k-rad ELiTE shit. But, wouldnt it
it be nice if you could get all your nice filez earlier than all
your saddlin friends? Wouldnt it be slamming if you had a clue?
Well i cant say im nice enough to take time out of my schedule
to show you the ropes.. In fact, im down right mean. Im gonna go
and tell you about whats probably your most frequent wet dream
you little prepubescent horn dog.. Its cyanide-x! Just imagine
all the files you could ever want, faster than anywhere else..
The best art, demos, and wares all hand delivered without the
elitist snot attitude you find everywhere else.. Now, will you
ever be able to sleep knowing how great cnd-x is? Knowing that
youll never be able to get on? Knowing youll be forced into
calling your local renegade shit board to get 5 month old crap
you would have gotten long before thanks to deetchy? I hope not
boy. I really hope not.
SystemOperator: deetchman aka Count Zero
CooperativeSystemOperators: SeagramDigital Syndicatenirk fiend
500 megs of new goodies
minus experiment-FTis net
FTi distro Leper Society Member
node 1 - v.34 - 616/upp/soon
node 2 - v.32bis - 616/pri/vate
k i l l i n g t e c h n o l o g y
Just when you thought you could delete it from your dialing
Directory.. KTs Semi-annual Return! Yes, KillingTechnology
Americas favorite Board has returned with a new array of
wacky antics, colorful humor, and grand fun. Guest Starring
Justin Bateman of TVs The Hogan Family and Silver Spoons,
KT promises to bring back the excitement lost in the fall94
TV lineup to the Summer of 1995. Just see what the critics
have been saying...
sys nirk fiend cos:sir ed, deetchman
getting you up with visuals, reads, n hears
1OO free of msg and sodium
newuserstype xanadu
Shiva, Sushi Bar Z, Leper Society, ansi, gurls who wanna have sex
cz-- with me, ACiD, UNiON, Seagram, all them warez negr0es, everyone who
leeched this k-radical pack!
ar-- fti, ls, reality, jimmy, dan raymond, the officer, those few author
who give half a shit, ytsejammers worldwide, and resin for advertisin
g my board way more than enough:
By now youre wondering where you can get such ereet ansis as thisbad boy
just call killingtechnology 616.381.38O7 and request one, if you want to
be a member or a site, leech the k-radical app generator
Fancy lit by Angel Rat Ansi artwerk+colors by Count Zero
FTi- hittin you hardcore in 95 bitch!
0-abuse here------------------------------------------------------abuse here-0
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