this image contains text
big ol three release...
im the champ or something...
yea... champ of bitches. :
, , hello folks... this is a surprise
, o , release.. in fact, i havent even
s d done any art yet.. i quit everything,
,, pretty much, but rooster called me and
, , asked if i could do some art for ftc
- - real quick so i did.. had to get a new copy of aciddraw and everything.. smirk..
so.. i suppose ill draw something now.
big ol three release...
q, qq q ftc!@
q , ,
sd q
,, ,q, ,q q,
q,, ,
big ol three release...
q q q q iniquity
q ..
, q
big ol three release...
an ode to me.. :
pq q q q q q q
q q , ,,, , q qq ,, q q
sorrowful q q q q deceit
q q q q
big ol three release...
wow.. this hasnt taken me very long at all.. i can do another one, i bet.
, , feel free to use this one how you want.
, ,, sd , feel free to change it too.. i dont care.
,, ,, ,, its like a biohazard angel almost. :
------------------------------------------------------------ nick
big ol three release...
welps.. i suppose this is the end of my ftc big ol three release. : if any of
the above apply, feel free to use or change them. i dont mind.. its just
ascii. anyways.. if you want anything or something, feel free to drop me a line
at floam@dfw.net.. or on gogo goober. later peeps. oh wait! i had a request! i
remembered this one.. one for my bud nirvanas board, mind riot. well... here
ya go nv. i said i couldnt do it due to deleting everything, but fuck it...
here goes.
qq q q
q , sd
big ol three release...
...sdftc : finally... the rivers end. its over. :
im the champ or something...
yea... champ of bitches. :
, , hello folks... this is a surprise
, o , release.. in fact, i havent even
s d done any art yet.. i quit everything,
,, pretty much, but rooster called me and
, , asked if i could do some art for ftc
- - real quick so i did.. had to get a new copy of aciddraw and everything.. smirk..
so.. i suppose ill draw something now.
big ol three release...
q, qq q ftc!@
q , ,
sd q
,, ,q, ,q q,
q,, ,
big ol three release...
q q q q iniquity
q ..
, q
big ol three release...
an ode to me.. :
pq q q q q q q
q q , ,,, , q qq ,, q q
sorrowful q q q q deceit
q q q q
big ol three release...
wow.. this hasnt taken me very long at all.. i can do another one, i bet.
, , feel free to use this one how you want.
, ,, sd , feel free to change it too.. i dont care.
,, ,, ,, its like a biohazard angel almost. :
------------------------------------------------------------ nick
big ol three release...
welps.. i suppose this is the end of my ftc big ol three release. : if any of
the above apply, feel free to use or change them. i dont mind.. its just
ascii. anyways.. if you want anything or something, feel free to drop me a line
at floam@dfw.net.. or on gogo goober. later peeps. oh wait! i had a request! i
remembered this one.. one for my bud nirvanas board, mind riot. well... here
ya go nv. i said i couldnt do it due to deleting everything, but fuck it...
here goes.
qq q q
q , sd
big ol three release...
...sdftc : finally... the rivers end. its over. :
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