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p r e v a i l
uhm.. baltazarmOp here.. what am i doing in a fusion pack ?!
nothing more than a guest performance in their one year celebration
pack. ize asked me if i could do an ansi for the pack and i did
so... its this one i made it for the fusion whq prevail and ize
said that he would do one for my board artistic vibe so after this
were both happy. thats about all... picture taken from roswell
number one - nintysix...
greetings this time to the great swedish artists like abnormal,
spellbinder, mendator, ize, pharcyde, gangstar, d-vibe, pfezzyo,
fear, spike and polymorph... + the others the ones not that well-
known... yet
btw. this must be one of the strangest layouts in the history...
p r e v a i l
p r e v a i l
uhm.. baltazarmOp here.. what am i doing in a fusion pack ?!
nothing more than a guest performance in their one year celebration
pack. ize asked me if i could do an ansi for the pack and i did
so... its this one i made it for the fusion whq prevail and ize
said that he would do one for my board artistic vibe so after this
were both happy. thats about all... picture taken from roswell
number one - nintysix...
greetings this time to the great swedish artists like abnormal,
spellbinder, mendator, ize, pharcyde, gangstar, d-vibe, pfezzyo,
fear, spike and polymorph... + the others the ones not that well-
known... yet
btw. this must be one of the strangest layouts in the history...
p r e v a i l
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