this image contains text
Welcome to the Premier Fusion Showcase! This is going to be a showcase
of the fusion art teams work. If you see someone in this group whose
art you like, you can contact him via our VMB at 1-800-261-0437, box
1012787, and I will relay the info on to that artist. Fusion is mostly
a warez group tho, so if you are a warez board, you will have a better
chance of getting an ansi that an art board would. You will also have a
better chance at becoming a HeadQuaters or distro site if you run a
warez board. If you are an artist, who wants to support the warez scene
or just wants a decent group to show your work with, call the VMB and
leave your voice number, your first name, and your handle, and well
get back to you.
Crimson Tide
.:GNX:FSN:TRN Trial:.
This is our first pack, and we hope you liked it. If you would like to
request an ansi, call any of the fusion boards listed below or call the
fusion vmb at 1-800-261-0437, box 1012787. You may have seen Pyros
work before, but he was NEVER affiliated with any other art group.
Fusion is looking for new members, so contact any of the senior staff to
apply. We are excepting anyone that can do ansi, code, or do courier.
Rip anything in this pack, and roast in hell. Fusion doesnt need you,
and neither does the scene.
Dark NightFSN
Members / Sites
Dimention XXX 215 10 Dr. Anarchy WHQ
Nuclear Insemin. 508 2 Drake AppHQ
Skidrow 508 1 Skidmaker/cT Memb.
DC Systems 301 2 Terminator Memb.
Senior Staff
Crimson Tide
Young Blood, Dark Night, Social Distortion
Rest of the Group
Anthrax Crakkmaster Drake - Gecko
GraveSeeker - Midstream - Mojo Mustard Seed
Piston Pyro Rampage Terminator - Xystus
Welcome to the Premier Fusion Showcase! This is going to be a showcase
of the fusion art teams work. If you see someone in this group whose
art you like, you can contact him via our VMB at 1-800-261-0437, box
1012787, and I will relay the info on to that artist. Fusion is mostly
a warez group tho, so if you are a warez board, you will have a better
chance of getting an ansi that an art board would. You will also have a
better chance at becoming a HeadQuaters or distro site if you run a
warez board. If you are an artist, who wants to support the warez scene
or just wants a decent group to show your work with, call the VMB and
leave your voice number, your first name, and your handle, and well
get back to you.
Crimson Tide
.:GNX:FSN:TRN Trial:.
This is our first pack, and we hope you liked it. If you would like to
request an ansi, call any of the fusion boards listed below or call the
fusion vmb at 1-800-261-0437, box 1012787. You may have seen Pyros
work before, but he was NEVER affiliated with any other art group.
Fusion is looking for new members, so contact any of the senior staff to
apply. We are excepting anyone that can do ansi, code, or do courier.
Rip anything in this pack, and roast in hell. Fusion doesnt need you,
and neither does the scene.
Dark NightFSN
Members / Sites
Dimention XXX 215 10 Dr. Anarchy WHQ
Nuclear Insemin. 508 2 Drake AppHQ
Skidrow 508 1 Skidmaker/cT Memb.
DC Systems 301 2 Terminator Memb.
Senior Staff
Crimson Tide
Young Blood, Dark Night, Social Distortion
Rest of the Group
Anthrax Crakkmaster Drake - Gecko
GraveSeeker - Midstream - Mojo Mustard Seed
Piston Pyro Rampage Terminator - Xystus
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