this image contains text
notes n so:
thanx for that cool ascee g
no really, it was pretty nice with that BIG u..
baphomets nocturnal desire .. wanna have your own ansi/23liner/logo?
email me @: johan.soderberg@gotland.mail.telia.com
i dont take so much free requests anymore.
buy one for some bucks, or draw me something
for my board the outpost
all you who hasnt got your logos, pics, 23liners , whatever..
you gotta wait some more cuz i am fucking lazy, and i got that
school thingy to think about to. ive picked out the best
logos n stuff that i drew this month cuz i wanted to do a
good release, not a such lame one like the april pack g
so hold out , youl get your stuff--
notes n so:
thanx for that cool ascee g
no really, it was pretty nice with that BIG u..
baphomets nocturnal desire .. wanna have your own ansi/23liner/logo?
email me @: johan.soderberg@gotland.mail.telia.com
i dont take so much free requests anymore.
buy one for some bucks, or draw me something
for my board the outpost
all you who hasnt got your logos, pics, 23liners , whatever..
you gotta wait some more cuz i am fucking lazy, and i got that
school thingy to think about to. ive picked out the best
logos n stuff that i drew this month cuz i wanted to do a
good release, not a such lame one like the april pack g
so hold out , youl get your stuff--
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