this image contains text
d dP4b,,d4Sb, ezy ,,dP 4b,dP4Sb,l4b, l3 ,SPb, dP 43
l 4bdP 33l l333l l34b lb, ,db, 4b dP4b dP,,,, ,dP ,P4P43Sbs 4SssSP 4SbsdSP P
n a e v u s
shit! no background ? well, i cant to asciis backgrounds
thats why i never do one. i suck at it, S to.
l 4bdP 33l l333l l34b lb, ,db, 4b dP4b dP,,,, ,dP ,P4P43Sbs 4SssSP 4SbsdSP P
n a e v u s
shit! no background ? well, i cant to asciis backgrounds
thats why i never do one. i suck at it, S to.
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