this image contains text
fusion --
+ ize
Fusion productions info file - april 1997
Hi there art pups!
This month that has passed has been preatty fun.
We have finally got a bot for our channel fsn thanks to Spikey.
I had to come up with a name fast so i named it fsnDOG, dont know
if we are going to keep that name but thats not really relevant.
Soon our very own viewer will be out but its currently nameless,
the viewer is being coded by Orphic.
As a guest artist this month we have a former Blend member thats
now in echo namely Senile.
Member News
Even this month we keep getting more and more members to fusion.
Joining up with us this time is Gypsy who is an former Fire
member and who also runs our new Israeli Hq, Diesel Power.
Be sure to check out his great ansis in the pack as he is a very
talented artist.
Phonyeye from Cia that will release some of his great logos with us.
We also have two swedish artist joining.
First up is Noah who comes to us from Bamboosh. He has improved alot
the last weeks and we expect alot from him in the near future.
Last but not least is Absence who after some time finally was accepted
in fusion on a trial time. He is a promesing artist that will grow
and get better with time.
Board Section
I have noticed that some people cant read because in the last info
file i wrote that i didnt want any more board applications at the
time, but i still got around 10 to 15 applications for headquarters
and distrobution sites. So for now on we will only accept boards that
is runned by a fusion member. Try to respect that.
Ending Notes
Well we just keep growing bigger and bigger every month, guess
Dieznyik was right then
We will soon have our own WWW page up and running at this
adress, www.fsn97.com. The other options like fusion.com and such
where already busy so we will have to do with fsn97.com for a while
until we figure something better out.
Thanks to Weirdo anyway how fixed this adress.
Well i got nothing more to say i think so i will return to Diablo
and kill some more of those skinny skeletons that is lurking in the
dungeons beneth the cathedral BEWARE HERE I COME!@!
Oh, i would also wish to thank WatOr for the nice joint with him.
And now ... im proud to present a new dazling preformace from our
own acrobatic doodler .... iZE!@
- rex i got the flu, sucks bigtime
Heey! ize here!
This month is probably the best ever for fusion! with lots of members
joining and none leaving! So now we would like you to contribute to
fusion! Apply today! :
New information layout
As you can see rex has put up a new information layout, not much has
has changed but it should be easier to read and well.. everything for
your pleasure! :
Oh yes! .. This has finally become a reality! we got 100 emails
350Mb ftp space and lots of other features.. all this thanks to
Weirdo, and his contacts : Theres no Site up yet.. but its currently
beeing coded! We would like YOU to start your favourite Art program
and start to do some fusion promos ansi/vga/rip/ascii/younameit :
I know rex already said this but it doesnt hurt to mention it again
Diz problems again :
If you are good at doing dizzes dont hesitate to do one for us, as we
have had several problems with it.
This month Toons Xillion did an amazing diz! youd better check his stuff
in Twilight? or Eclipse he rules! :
Bot problems also.
The bot is currently K-lined.. if you have/know any fast irc server on
Efnet thats accepting bots please contact us now! :
+ ize ergh.. what? what? no more reqs! :
And as always we are looking for some quality members
That wants to join this happy bunch of doodlers.
if you want to apply talk to me rex or izey on
the irc or contact us at prevail.
Respects goes out to the following people:
in no particular order
All fusion members zircus freak widowmaker baltazar
reanimator darkmind silverthorn cocaine senile
dkl phonyeye drynwhyl
Dont think i have forgotten someone if i have, greet me ....
+ ize
Fusion productions info file - april 1997
Hi there art pups!
This month that has passed has been preatty fun.
We have finally got a bot for our channel fsn thanks to Spikey.
I had to come up with a name fast so i named it fsnDOG, dont know
if we are going to keep that name but thats not really relevant.
Soon our very own viewer will be out but its currently nameless,
the viewer is being coded by Orphic.
As a guest artist this month we have a former Blend member thats
now in echo namely Senile.
Member News
Even this month we keep getting more and more members to fusion.
Joining up with us this time is Gypsy who is an former Fire
member and who also runs our new Israeli Hq, Diesel Power.
Be sure to check out his great ansis in the pack as he is a very
talented artist.
Phonyeye from Cia that will release some of his great logos with us.
We also have two swedish artist joining.
First up is Noah who comes to us from Bamboosh. He has improved alot
the last weeks and we expect alot from him in the near future.
Last but not least is Absence who after some time finally was accepted
in fusion on a trial time. He is a promesing artist that will grow
and get better with time.
Board Section
I have noticed that some people cant read because in the last info
file i wrote that i didnt want any more board applications at the
time, but i still got around 10 to 15 applications for headquarters
and distrobution sites. So for now on we will only accept boards that
is runned by a fusion member. Try to respect that.
Ending Notes
Well we just keep growing bigger and bigger every month, guess
Dieznyik was right then
We will soon have our own WWW page up and running at this
adress, www.fsn97.com. The other options like fusion.com and such
where already busy so we will have to do with fsn97.com for a while
until we figure something better out.
Thanks to Weirdo anyway how fixed this adress.
Well i got nothing more to say i think so i will return to Diablo
and kill some more of those skinny skeletons that is lurking in the
dungeons beneth the cathedral BEWARE HERE I COME!@!
Oh, i would also wish to thank WatOr for the nice joint with him.
And now ... im proud to present a new dazling preformace from our
own acrobatic doodler .... iZE!@
- rex i got the flu, sucks bigtime
Heey! ize here!
This month is probably the best ever for fusion! with lots of members
joining and none leaving! So now we would like you to contribute to
fusion! Apply today! :
New information layout
As you can see rex has put up a new information layout, not much has
has changed but it should be easier to read and well.. everything for
your pleasure! :
Oh yes! .. This has finally become a reality! we got 100 emails
350Mb ftp space and lots of other features.. all this thanks to
Weirdo, and his contacts : Theres no Site up yet.. but its currently
beeing coded! We would like YOU to start your favourite Art program
and start to do some fusion promos ansi/vga/rip/ascii/younameit :
I know rex already said this but it doesnt hurt to mention it again
Diz problems again :
If you are good at doing dizzes dont hesitate to do one for us, as we
have had several problems with it.
This month Toons Xillion did an amazing diz! youd better check his stuff
in Twilight? or Eclipse he rules! :
Bot problems also.
The bot is currently K-lined.. if you have/know any fast irc server on
Efnet thats accepting bots please contact us now! :
+ ize ergh.. what? what? no more reqs! :
And as always we are looking for some quality members
That wants to join this happy bunch of doodlers.
if you want to apply talk to me rex or izey on
the irc or contact us at prevail.
Respects goes out to the following people:
in no particular order
All fusion members zircus freak widowmaker baltazar
reanimator darkmind silverthorn cocaine senile
dkl phonyeye drynwhyl
Dont think i have forgotten someone if i have, greet me ....
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