this image contains text
fusion --
+ ize
Fusion productions info file - march 1997
Hi there again.
Another cold month here in sweden and im really pissed
this month. Some lame tard got and ide, lets start a
takeover group and name it Fusion and then we can start
by taking over fusion. I talked to this person who called
himself Shad0w elite nick eh? and he told me that his
freind KrAsH another elite nick started this takeover group
and named it Fusion. They knew that the channel fusion was
already in use but Shad0w said Since channels arent owned,
we walked in, it become our channel. If channels cant be owned
how the fuck did that channel became theirs?
And to his defens he said that no one had been in the channel.
Thats not to strange because they took the channel on a split
and banned most of the fusion members and then made the channel
invite, no wonder he never saw anyone of us in that channel
after that. I told this sorry excuse for a human that we had the
channel before them and they should give it back and stop
pretending to be so damn elite. In respones i got banned from
the channel i found the looser in, namnley fusion-accept.
This proves that there are some freaks that have nothing better
to do than hang on the irc all the time and takeover channels
so they can look cool, because in real life they are getting
molested by their father and in school they are the nerds that
get flushed in they toilet and are getting hit on all the time.
So who could blame this bunch of retarded freaks that has to
hide behind a screen all day and takeover channels just to look
cool infront of the other retards.
Well enough with that shit and on to some other things.
In the last two months we have had loads and loads of
members joining as in this month.
We expand our ansi division with artists like Milkman that
comes to us from Shade and Vade79 that will do a little dual
thing betwen us and Fire.
Undertaker rejoins our ansi division as he has been away for
a couple of months.
Our ascii division also expands as Milkman will also do some
asciis for us in the future.
This month we also got Orphic to our team and he will be
the first member in our coding division so far.
He will develope our own little viewer that will be in the
packs in the near future.
Our ansi artist Carnival decided it was time for a handle
change and is now know as Untoon.
We lost Gloone from our ansi division because a little
dispute, we wish you only the best.
This month we got a killer diz from DrynwhylBlend/Rile.
Thank you very much for that diz as we always have a lack
of dizs to the packs.
I would also like to say that i am sorry for miss spelling
the board name Delirium and writing the wrong number in
the site listings. Im only human
We wont accept any more applications for hqs or distro
sites for a while now. So please dont bother me with that.
Do anyone read this info file anyway?
If you do give me some feedback on the irc so i can se how
many people there is that really reads this incredible
boring text.
I have also removed alot of people from the greeting list
as i see no point in greeting loads of people that never
greet me.
Well i cant think of anything more now because im really tired
and i should get my ass into bed now so i wont be cranky
tomorrow and hit on poor little izey or was it the otherway?
- rex
Oh yea.. I guess Rex took care of the important stuff this month :
so Ill just go into more deep and philosophical things yeah!
WHY is all ansi artists so goddamn lazy in wintertime?!!?
* Maybe, its because its dark and everyones depressed!?
* Maybe, its because all little doodlers got lots of exams in
this particular period?
* Maybe, its because its snowing alot, and all doodlers love? snow
and spurts out to play and build snowmans!?
* Maybe, its because theyr all loosing inspiration and just cant draw?
* Maybe, its because they all fall on slippery icy streets and break
their hands/arms/heads?!
* Maybe, its because ACiD is almost quitting with ansi and all doodlers
follow their route? comeon you must realize its the wrong path!!
Naawwh :.. maybe some alternatives is far more realistic than others
but the trend shows the doodling activity is decreased alot!
Of course some doodlers never looses their inspiration, you probably
know who I mean! :
So.. Come on its soon spring! all of you should be happy and doodle
alot, so we can release decent packs! : yeah!
Oolite just released one of his great s3ms .. besure to check it out!
he also redesigned our memberlist again : yay
Ohmm... thats all folks!
+ izey
I think someone has seen to many
Waner Brothers cartoons with Bugs Bunny.
I just saw Space Jam, with Bugs Bunny
And as always we are looking for some quality members
That wants to join this happy bunch of doodlers.
if you want to apply talk to me rex or izey on
the irc or contact us at prevail.
Respects goes out to the following people:
in no particular order
All fusion members zircus freak widowmaker baltazar
reanimator darkmind silverthorn cocaine senile
dkl phonyeye drynwhyl
Dont think i have forgotten someone if i have, greet me ....
+ ize
Fusion productions info file - march 1997
Hi there again.
Another cold month here in sweden and im really pissed
this month. Some lame tard got and ide, lets start a
takeover group and name it Fusion and then we can start
by taking over fusion. I talked to this person who called
himself Shad0w elite nick eh? and he told me that his
freind KrAsH another elite nick started this takeover group
and named it Fusion. They knew that the channel fusion was
already in use but Shad0w said Since channels arent owned,
we walked in, it become our channel. If channels cant be owned
how the fuck did that channel became theirs?
And to his defens he said that no one had been in the channel.
Thats not to strange because they took the channel on a split
and banned most of the fusion members and then made the channel
invite, no wonder he never saw anyone of us in that channel
after that. I told this sorry excuse for a human that we had the
channel before them and they should give it back and stop
pretending to be so damn elite. In respones i got banned from
the channel i found the looser in, namnley fusion-accept.
This proves that there are some freaks that have nothing better
to do than hang on the irc all the time and takeover channels
so they can look cool, because in real life they are getting
molested by their father and in school they are the nerds that
get flushed in they toilet and are getting hit on all the time.
So who could blame this bunch of retarded freaks that has to
hide behind a screen all day and takeover channels just to look
cool infront of the other retards.
Well enough with that shit and on to some other things.
In the last two months we have had loads and loads of
members joining as in this month.
We expand our ansi division with artists like Milkman that
comes to us from Shade and Vade79 that will do a little dual
thing betwen us and Fire.
Undertaker rejoins our ansi division as he has been away for
a couple of months.
Our ascii division also expands as Milkman will also do some
asciis for us in the future.
This month we also got Orphic to our team and he will be
the first member in our coding division so far.
He will develope our own little viewer that will be in the
packs in the near future.
Our ansi artist Carnival decided it was time for a handle
change and is now know as Untoon.
We lost Gloone from our ansi division because a little
dispute, we wish you only the best.
This month we got a killer diz from DrynwhylBlend/Rile.
Thank you very much for that diz as we always have a lack
of dizs to the packs.
I would also like to say that i am sorry for miss spelling
the board name Delirium and writing the wrong number in
the site listings. Im only human
We wont accept any more applications for hqs or distro
sites for a while now. So please dont bother me with that.
Do anyone read this info file anyway?
If you do give me some feedback on the irc so i can se how
many people there is that really reads this incredible
boring text.
I have also removed alot of people from the greeting list
as i see no point in greeting loads of people that never
greet me.
Well i cant think of anything more now because im really tired
and i should get my ass into bed now so i wont be cranky
tomorrow and hit on poor little izey or was it the otherway?
- rex
Oh yea.. I guess Rex took care of the important stuff this month :
so Ill just go into more deep and philosophical things yeah!
WHY is all ansi artists so goddamn lazy in wintertime?!!?
* Maybe, its because its dark and everyones depressed!?
* Maybe, its because all little doodlers got lots of exams in
this particular period?
* Maybe, its because its snowing alot, and all doodlers love? snow
and spurts out to play and build snowmans!?
* Maybe, its because theyr all loosing inspiration and just cant draw?
* Maybe, its because they all fall on slippery icy streets and break
their hands/arms/heads?!
* Maybe, its because ACiD is almost quitting with ansi and all doodlers
follow their route? comeon you must realize its the wrong path!!
Naawwh :.. maybe some alternatives is far more realistic than others
but the trend shows the doodling activity is decreased alot!
Of course some doodlers never looses their inspiration, you probably
know who I mean! :
So.. Come on its soon spring! all of you should be happy and doodle
alot, so we can release decent packs! : yeah!
Oolite just released one of his great s3ms .. besure to check it out!
he also redesigned our memberlist again : yay
Ohmm... thats all folks!
+ izey
I think someone has seen to many
Waner Brothers cartoons with Bugs Bunny.
I just saw Space Jam, with Bugs Bunny
And as always we are looking for some quality members
That wants to join this happy bunch of doodlers.
if you want to apply talk to me rex or izey on
the irc or contact us at prevail.
Respects goes out to the following people:
in no particular order
All fusion members zircus freak widowmaker baltazar
reanimator darkmind silverthorn cocaine senile
dkl phonyeye drynwhyl
Dont think i have forgotten someone if i have, greet me ....
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