this image contains text
fusion --
+ ize
Fusion productions info file - february 1997
Welcome to the february pack!
think thats its already february, it feels like it was just
yesterday i wrote this info file for january.
well as always we had an exciting month here in sweden where
its freezing cold, is wish it would be summer.
i changed my email adress this month to beck@mailbox.hogia.net
and izes did also change due to his other email was fucking,
so here is the new one ize@geocities.com
So if you sent an email and we have not answerd it, please send
it again.
another ex member of the swedish artgroup opium comes to us this
month, so we welcome zendel and hope he will stay with us,
we also gained members such as gloone who totaly amazed me with
his pictures that he showed me and then we got another logo
freak this month by the name of carnival. welcome guys!
undertaker got kicked due to inactivity this month as he has not
been in touch with me the last months, you get back to me and
maybe we can work something out.
we also got ourself a new memberboard as ezy hooks up with the
team on Shamera key, so be sure to call this board as its now a
fusion memberboard.
i know im lazy with the board applications but i get loads of
them and i cant deal with them all at the same time, so i hope
you will understand that and be patient because i will answer
your email and tell you how it all went.
well i got to hand it to Oolite who totally redesigned our
memberlist and it now looks great! thanks Oolite!
and of course i would like to thank Ize who did that neato
logo to our nfo yes, the logo at the top.
phew, another nfo ready now i just have to give it to Ize so
he can do his part and i will do some touchups in the end.
so i hope you all will have a great month and se i will se
you in March.
and i dont know why i greet so much people as i get no greets
back. go figure!
now over to the 63 tall blond basketball playing logo
monster Ize!
- rex
Monster?! moi?! :
Yes, Fusion is back with our fourteenth pack! yay!
A litle note about Zendel, he just changed his handle from Psyxium
into Zendel, just in case you didnt know his abrevation is z3d
Oh yeah, Ezy told me to mention that he wont doodle ansi anymore
and just draw ascii I hope he will come to his right mind
he shows great promise in the ascii world aswell and stuff.
so you wont find him in the ansi section anymore, just in the ascii
section.. :
This month has been extremly slow for me, with school starting with
exams and stuff! I can mention that I will NOT do anymore freebies
unless I feel for it! Trades for Prevail is very welcome tho :
Our new application generator will probably be done by next month!
it will be coded by Milton and Music by Oden, It totally rocks! :
Good news! in Acrylic8 fusion was ranked on fourth place with
68 only two people voted tho Shrug
I also heard a rumor about Prevail the Fusion Worldheadquarters
will soon get a very nice setup, and will probably have the best
layout in Sweden, with ansis from artists such as: Halaster, Eerie
Grindstone, Circus Freak, The Knight, Baltazar and lots of more!!
Go give it a call once in a while and check it out!! its highly
recommended, give us some comments :
Cant say I had any inspiration for this! Rex wrote about all the
interesting stuff! damn you!
+ ize
and as always we are looking for some quality members
that wants to join this happy bunch of doodlers.
if you want to apply talk to me rex or ize on
the irc or contact us at prevail.
Respects goes out to the following people:
in no particular order
All fusion homies - whitesnake - trasher - reanimator - maxwell
eeire - numb - fear - ill0h - breed - mice - liithn - tarot
sensei - corey - deep - psyclan - halaster - fatslayer - tosh10
tomppa1 - mendator - catonica - baltazar - infernal flames
d-vibe - x-con - extreme - rawlock - logobyte - raider - nos
exterminist - jason - rawlock - vain - nosegos - juice - mst
rezaad - milton - darkmind - odin - mindvibe - pzyko - blindman
catharsis - cocaine - dfuse - peltier - zix - mighty mouse
phlare - rocketeer - senile - risu - mindcrime - meltdown
massmurder - vigod - pharcyde - abnormal - dkl - pparts
silverthorn - phobia - cirkus freak - widowmaker - caithor
And the others that we forgott ...
+ ize
Fusion productions info file - february 1997
Welcome to the february pack!
think thats its already february, it feels like it was just
yesterday i wrote this info file for january.
well as always we had an exciting month here in sweden where
its freezing cold, is wish it would be summer.
i changed my email adress this month to beck@mailbox.hogia.net
and izes did also change due to his other email was fucking,
so here is the new one ize@geocities.com
So if you sent an email and we have not answerd it, please send
it again.
another ex member of the swedish artgroup opium comes to us this
month, so we welcome zendel and hope he will stay with us,
we also gained members such as gloone who totaly amazed me with
his pictures that he showed me and then we got another logo
freak this month by the name of carnival. welcome guys!
undertaker got kicked due to inactivity this month as he has not
been in touch with me the last months, you get back to me and
maybe we can work something out.
we also got ourself a new memberboard as ezy hooks up with the
team on Shamera key, so be sure to call this board as its now a
fusion memberboard.
i know im lazy with the board applications but i get loads of
them and i cant deal with them all at the same time, so i hope
you will understand that and be patient because i will answer
your email and tell you how it all went.
well i got to hand it to Oolite who totally redesigned our
memberlist and it now looks great! thanks Oolite!
and of course i would like to thank Ize who did that neato
logo to our nfo yes, the logo at the top.
phew, another nfo ready now i just have to give it to Ize so
he can do his part and i will do some touchups in the end.
so i hope you all will have a great month and se i will se
you in March.
and i dont know why i greet so much people as i get no greets
back. go figure!
now over to the 63 tall blond basketball playing logo
monster Ize!
- rex
Monster?! moi?! :
Yes, Fusion is back with our fourteenth pack! yay!
A litle note about Zendel, he just changed his handle from Psyxium
into Zendel, just in case you didnt know his abrevation is z3d
Oh yeah, Ezy told me to mention that he wont doodle ansi anymore
and just draw ascii I hope he will come to his right mind
he shows great promise in the ascii world aswell and stuff.
so you wont find him in the ansi section anymore, just in the ascii
section.. :
This month has been extremly slow for me, with school starting with
exams and stuff! I can mention that I will NOT do anymore freebies
unless I feel for it! Trades for Prevail is very welcome tho :
Our new application generator will probably be done by next month!
it will be coded by Milton and Music by Oden, It totally rocks! :
Good news! in Acrylic8 fusion was ranked on fourth place with
68 only two people voted tho Shrug
I also heard a rumor about Prevail the Fusion Worldheadquarters
will soon get a very nice setup, and will probably have the best
layout in Sweden, with ansis from artists such as: Halaster, Eerie
Grindstone, Circus Freak, The Knight, Baltazar and lots of more!!
Go give it a call once in a while and check it out!! its highly
recommended, give us some comments :
Cant say I had any inspiration for this! Rex wrote about all the
interesting stuff! damn you!
+ ize
and as always we are looking for some quality members
that wants to join this happy bunch of doodlers.
if you want to apply talk to me rex or ize on
the irc or contact us at prevail.
Respects goes out to the following people:
in no particular order
All fusion homies - whitesnake - trasher - reanimator - maxwell
eeire - numb - fear - ill0h - breed - mice - liithn - tarot
sensei - corey - deep - psyclan - halaster - fatslayer - tosh10
tomppa1 - mendator - catonica - baltazar - infernal flames
d-vibe - x-con - extreme - rawlock - logobyte - raider - nos
exterminist - jason - rawlock - vain - nosegos - juice - mst
rezaad - milton - darkmind - odin - mindvibe - pzyko - blindman
catharsis - cocaine - dfuse - peltier - zix - mighty mouse
phlare - rocketeer - senile - risu - mindcrime - meltdown
massmurder - vigod - pharcyde - abnormal - dkl - pparts
silverthorn - phobia - cirkus freak - widowmaker - caithor
And the others that we forgott ...
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