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f e b r u a r y a r t p a c k
This month started out really nice when i got a couple asciis
from spamie! But as always a good news has a bad one.
Not much more art turned up. So as a final solution i
dusted of my keyboard and went into hours of work
with some ascii painting of my own. The first ascii
took about 1 hour!
I havent painted anything before so dont be crule!
As Tfc is dead Grind joined in as a distro site.
This pack was released very late in the month because
i waited on some pics that never showed up!
If you are intressted in joing Fusion as and ansi/ascii/rip
artist or something else, please dont hesitate to call our
WHQ, Prevail and leave a note to Rex.
And dont forget that you can now get fusions packs from the
internet. We have our own World Wide Web homepage, where you can
get information about fusion and take home all the packs!
We also have an FTP site:
Thanx Pharcyde!
Personal Greetings:
All fusion members - Darkmind - Mithril - Slaine - Stauf - Lancelot
Purple haze - Abnormal - Tosh10 - Stonefist - The cobraman - Deep
Belgarath - Illogic - Sensei - Zix - Luke - Red dwarf - Heinreich
Alpha - Necroman - Java - Pfezzyo - W0cmaster - Dikarpo - Inquisitor
Metamorphisus - X-con - Wired - Cosmic Trancer - Seawolf - Ventrue
Berzerkr - Cocox - Neurosis - Coffe man - Drowsy - Gpig - Rawlock
Moon - Mad man - Nosegos - Andox - Virgin - Logobyte - Evil Genius
Liithn - Insider - Catonica - Pharcyde
And the others that i forgot .....
- rex - fusion leader -
f e b r u a r y a r t p a c k
This month started out really nice when i got a couple asciis
from spamie! But as always a good news has a bad one.
Not much more art turned up. So as a final solution i
dusted of my keyboard and went into hours of work
with some ascii painting of my own. The first ascii
took about 1 hour!
I havent painted anything before so dont be crule!
As Tfc is dead Grind joined in as a distro site.
This pack was released very late in the month because
i waited on some pics that never showed up!
If you are intressted in joing Fusion as and ansi/ascii/rip
artist or something else, please dont hesitate to call our
WHQ, Prevail and leave a note to Rex.
And dont forget that you can now get fusions packs from the
internet. We have our own World Wide Web homepage, where you can
get information about fusion and take home all the packs!
We also have an FTP site:
Thanx Pharcyde!
Personal Greetings:
All fusion members - Darkmind - Mithril - Slaine - Stauf - Lancelot
Purple haze - Abnormal - Tosh10 - Stonefist - The cobraman - Deep
Belgarath - Illogic - Sensei - Zix - Luke - Red dwarf - Heinreich
Alpha - Necroman - Java - Pfezzyo - W0cmaster - Dikarpo - Inquisitor
Metamorphisus - X-con - Wired - Cosmic Trancer - Seawolf - Ventrue
Berzerkr - Cocox - Neurosis - Coffe man - Drowsy - Gpig - Rawlock
Moon - Mad man - Nosegos - Andox - Virgin - Logobyte - Evil Genius
Liithn - Insider - Catonica - Pharcyde
And the others that i forgot .....
- rex - fusion leader -
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