this image contains text
Following subjects are included in this info file :
1 : Current member status
2 : FUSE releases
3 : Distribution sites
4 : Greetings
5 : Final words
1 . Current member status
Real name Alias Function
Bielecki Rafal Bloo Coder
Stasiczak Wojciech Blaze Musician
Wojtowicz Hubert Case Dirty job
Pankau Filip Holydrake Coder
Wojtowicz Tomasz Io 3d artist
Mis Marcin Orb Musician
Gegniewicz Patryk RevisQ Musician
Grabinski Szymon SimonKing AsciiAnsi Artist, SysOp
Waclawski Adam Wacek Musician
Snail mails :
Bloo Blaze Case
Bielecki Rafal Stasiczak Wojciech Hubert Wojtowicz
ul.Urbanowicza 9/6 ul.Wyspianskiego 55 ul.Szklarska 3/11
08-521 Deblin 3 38-400 Krosno 38-401 Krosno
Holydrake Io Orb
Pankau Filip Wojtowicz Tomasz Mis Marcin
ul.Wyspianskiego 86 ul.Monte Cassino 10/4 ul. Goscinna 8/10
64-920 Pila 35-303 Rzeszow 57-300 Klodzko
RevisQ Wacek SimonKing
Gegniewicz Patryk Waclawski Adam Grabinski Szymon
ul.J.Bytnara 15/38 ul.Glowackiego 10/1 ul.1 Armii WP 6/10
02-645 Warszawa 95-200 Pabianice 89-410 Wiecbork
Case : case@ibm.uci.agh.edu.pl
Holydrake : hdrake@arrakis.cs.put.poznan.pl
SimonKing : simonk@friko2.onet.pl
2 . FUSE releases
Name of production Type Date/Party
Rest in peace demo july 96.Delirium Poland.11th
Wile 64kb intro august 96.IO3 Poland.4th
None 64kb intro november 96.Gravity Poland.2nd
Animal 4kb intro november 96.Gravity Poland.2nd
Scar 64kb intro november 96.Gravity Poland.3rd
Hope unfinished demo november 96.Gravity Poland.4th
Demonstration 64kb intro february 97.GP3 Poland.4th
Born Strange demo february 97.GP3 Poland.5th
Blues 4kb intro february 97.GP3 Poland.4th
Warning 64kb intro april 97.XTakeover Netherlands.5th
Channel 88 demo july 97.IO4 Poland.3rd
Thorn 64kb intro july 97.Wired Belgium. 2nd
Autism demo august 97.Gravity 2 Poland.5th
Alarm Clock 64kb intro august 97.Gravity 2 Poland.5th
Formaline 64kb intro december 97.Astrosyn Poland.3rd
Memento Mori demo december 97.Astrosyn Poland.2nd
Spark 1 ascii pack januar 98.no party production!
3 . FUSE distribution sites
Site NAME Telephone Number Sysop Country
Dark Storm WHQ +48-94-3613738 RemExmortis Poland
Equalizer +33-01-452-519-23 ThorinRevelation France
Look +48-0-52-415621 SFX Poland
Metal Grave +49-761-806727 Qualle Germany
Moon +48-0-52-3897456 SimonKing Poland
We are looking for more distributions sites all over the Europe. Distro
sheet is included in this package.
4 . Greetings
We want to give our love to:
.Acme.Mandula.Necrobiosis.Orange.Poison.Pulse.Swirl.The Grid.Tpolm.Xtacy.
......Dentifrice.Eufrosyne.Triloxy.Fuel.Exmortis.Syndrome.Infuse Project.
......Defiance.Kolor.Mist.ShineScenialHope staffs.Sympathy.Radio.Fudge.
.......Jello.Independent People Community.Subliminal.Fake That.Nah Color.
...roboMOP.Mist.IPC.TBL.Bomb.all.people.on.coders,amigascne and pixel.
5 . Final words
First of all, I would like to take the time to thank all the people, who
have been standing by us. Thanx for your support, without the support we
probably wouldnt exist now.
The purpose of this text-file, is to let the world know about FUSE, and
what we are doing at every given time.
Thanx for taking your time to read this...................Bloo / Fuse
Case / Fuse
If you want to contact with us for important reason adverts are somewhere
above here.
Its nearly 01:17 now, in bed someone is waiting for me - so good nite:
last update 18:10 1998.01.01 sIMON kING
Following subjects are included in this info file :
1 : Current member status
2 : FUSE releases
3 : Distribution sites
4 : Greetings
5 : Final words
1 . Current member status
Real name Alias Function
Bielecki Rafal Bloo Coder
Stasiczak Wojciech Blaze Musician
Wojtowicz Hubert Case Dirty job
Pankau Filip Holydrake Coder
Wojtowicz Tomasz Io 3d artist
Mis Marcin Orb Musician
Gegniewicz Patryk RevisQ Musician
Grabinski Szymon SimonKing AsciiAnsi Artist, SysOp
Waclawski Adam Wacek Musician
Snail mails :
Bloo Blaze Case
Bielecki Rafal Stasiczak Wojciech Hubert Wojtowicz
ul.Urbanowicza 9/6 ul.Wyspianskiego 55 ul.Szklarska 3/11
08-521 Deblin 3 38-400 Krosno 38-401 Krosno
Holydrake Io Orb
Pankau Filip Wojtowicz Tomasz Mis Marcin
ul.Wyspianskiego 86 ul.Monte Cassino 10/4 ul. Goscinna 8/10
64-920 Pila 35-303 Rzeszow 57-300 Klodzko
RevisQ Wacek SimonKing
Gegniewicz Patryk Waclawski Adam Grabinski Szymon
ul.J.Bytnara 15/38 ul.Glowackiego 10/1 ul.1 Armii WP 6/10
02-645 Warszawa 95-200 Pabianice 89-410 Wiecbork
Case : case@ibm.uci.agh.edu.pl
Holydrake : hdrake@arrakis.cs.put.poznan.pl
SimonKing : simonk@friko2.onet.pl
2 . FUSE releases
Name of production Type Date/Party
Rest in peace demo july 96.Delirium Poland.11th
Wile 64kb intro august 96.IO3 Poland.4th
None 64kb intro november 96.Gravity Poland.2nd
Animal 4kb intro november 96.Gravity Poland.2nd
Scar 64kb intro november 96.Gravity Poland.3rd
Hope unfinished demo november 96.Gravity Poland.4th
Demonstration 64kb intro february 97.GP3 Poland.4th
Born Strange demo february 97.GP3 Poland.5th
Blues 4kb intro february 97.GP3 Poland.4th
Warning 64kb intro april 97.XTakeover Netherlands.5th
Channel 88 demo july 97.IO4 Poland.3rd
Thorn 64kb intro july 97.Wired Belgium. 2nd
Autism demo august 97.Gravity 2 Poland.5th
Alarm Clock 64kb intro august 97.Gravity 2 Poland.5th
Formaline 64kb intro december 97.Astrosyn Poland.3rd
Memento Mori demo december 97.Astrosyn Poland.2nd
Spark 1 ascii pack januar 98.no party production!
3 . FUSE distribution sites
Site NAME Telephone Number Sysop Country
Dark Storm WHQ +48-94-3613738 RemExmortis Poland
Equalizer +33-01-452-519-23 ThorinRevelation France
Look +48-0-52-415621 SFX Poland
Metal Grave +49-761-806727 Qualle Germany
Moon +48-0-52-3897456 SimonKing Poland
We are looking for more distributions sites all over the Europe. Distro
sheet is included in this package.
4 . Greetings
We want to give our love to:
.Acme.Mandula.Necrobiosis.Orange.Poison.Pulse.Swirl.The Grid.Tpolm.Xtacy.
......Dentifrice.Eufrosyne.Triloxy.Fuel.Exmortis.Syndrome.Infuse Project.
......Defiance.Kolor.Mist.ShineScenialHope staffs.Sympathy.Radio.Fudge.
.......Jello.Independent People Community.Subliminal.Fake That.Nah Color.
...roboMOP.Mist.IPC.TBL.Bomb.all.people.on.coders,amigascne and pixel.
5 . Final words
First of all, I would like to take the time to thank all the people, who
have been standing by us. Thanx for your support, without the support we
probably wouldnt exist now.
The purpose of this text-file, is to let the world know about FUSE, and
what we are doing at every given time.
Thanx for taking your time to read this...................Bloo / Fuse
Case / Fuse
If you want to contact with us for important reason adverts are somewhere
above here.
Its nearly 01:17 now, in bed someone is waiting for me - so good nite:
last update 18:10 1998.01.01 sIMON kING
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