this image contains text
Fistful of Steel Site List
Site Affi
liation Sysop
City of Shadows World HQ
Royal Assassin 612.822.0761
Path to Glory Eastern USHQ
The Mystic 609.262.1848
Hierarchy Western USHQ
Black Magik 619.945.7417
Terminal Frost Hawaiian HQ
Tyme 808.487.6812
The Crimson Waters Canadian HQ
Fractal 613.736.5344
Inner Sanctum Australian HQ Ic
epick +
The Prodigy European HQ
Mailman +
Stopoint South American HQ
XShadow +55.21.611.3362
Sinister Funkhouse SteelNET Hub
Sector Slayer 602.275.0951
Terminal Noise Member Board Whi
te Noise 612.439.8437
Tainted Morals Member Board
Corrupting 612.xxx.xxxx
Dead on Arrival California Distro
Xpired 408.684.0542
ShadowScape Australian
Distro Tamandua coming soon!
The Gate Unofficial Distro!
Jobu 612.xxx.xxxx
* The above boards are current as of 7/15/95. Future site
listings will
include SteelNET sites and other member boards. No U.S. di
stro sites are
needed. However, foreign distribution sites are needed. Please co
Orion at xrist@primenet.com if you can offer either of thes
e, or contact
Sector Slayer at sslayer@neta.com for information on SteelN
Site Affi
liation Sysop
City of Shadows World HQ
Royal Assassin 612.822.0761
Path to Glory Eastern USHQ
The Mystic 609.262.1848
Hierarchy Western USHQ
Black Magik 619.945.7417
Terminal Frost Hawaiian HQ
Tyme 808.487.6812
The Crimson Waters Canadian HQ
Fractal 613.736.5344
Inner Sanctum Australian HQ Ic
epick +
The Prodigy European HQ
Mailman +
Stopoint South American HQ
XShadow +55.21.611.3362
Sinister Funkhouse SteelNET Hub
Sector Slayer 602.275.0951
Terminal Noise Member Board Whi
te Noise 612.439.8437
Tainted Morals Member Board
Corrupting 612.xxx.xxxx
Dead on Arrival California Distro
Xpired 408.684.0542
ShadowScape Australian
Distro Tamandua coming soon!
The Gate Unofficial Distro!
Jobu 612.xxx.xxxx
* The above boards are current as of 7/15/95. Future site
listings will
include SteelNET sites and other member boards. No U.S. di
stro sites are
needed. However, foreign distribution sites are needed. Please co
Orion at xrist@primenet.com if you can offer either of thes
e, or contact
Sector Slayer at sslayer@neta.com for information on SteelN
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