this image contains text
l e g i o n
o f. .
logon to System
apply for access!
chat with sysop
note to sysop
logoff the system
use the / arrow
s to change,
ENTER Select
Dont rip this.. unless you run a board called Legion of Foo
ls.. this is not
for you. GreTz: CyberPunkwhere the hell are you,SS,TI,BW,SP
INSANE,6o2 Boys, and my mom.. WOw. You want an ansi.. thats
nice.. if you want it from me send
a line to me at stargazr@imap1.asu.edu, no promises though.. I
only do the ones
I want.. For FREE! !KCA--AsAf01532c00a-------
o f. .
logon to System
apply for access!
chat with sysop
note to sysop
logoff the system
use the / arrow
s to change,
ENTER Select
Dont rip this.. unless you run a board called Legion of Foo
ls.. this is not
for you. GreTz: CyberPunkwhere the hell are you,SS,TI,BW,SP
INSANE,6o2 Boys, and my mom.. WOw. You want an ansi.. thats
nice.. if you want it from me send
a line to me at stargazr@imap1.asu.edu, no promises though.. I
only do the ones
I want.. For FREE! !KCA--AsAf01532c00a-------
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