this image contains text
cs! :
: f i s t f u l o
f s t e e l :
Pondering the real meaning of Rice Krispie Square
Rice Krispie squares arent really squares. They are
cubes. Cubes
formed of elliptical grains of puffed rice. Straight edges fa
shioned from
many curved ones.
But there is more. If the simple reaction of Rice Kri
spie plus
marshmallow called Rice Krispie Squares results in a cube, the
creation of a
Rice Krispie Cube would have as its final result a Rice Krispi
e Tesseract, a
construct capable of holding an entire cowful of milk and stil
l floating on
top and retaining its crunchiness.
What would be the product of the attempted creation of
a Rice
Krispie Hypercube? Were not sure, but we think that they res
inside-out pretzels.
What the HELL happened to FOS?! Believe it or not, there
s been a lot
of people asking me that. Yes, a lot of people have actually heard o
f FOS,
and since we havent released since last summer, its understandable
to think
that we died.
We didnt die, dammit.
After some discussion among the members after our July 96 pack,
agreed to take some time off...there wasnt enough art assembled for
a full
release in September, so we opted for October. Then the deadline kep
t changing
and changing some more. Then things went down the toilet. Side proj
ects began
to take priority. Hard drives crashed. People moved, ran away, etc.
All of a
sudden, most of the members were unaccounted for! Thankfully, Ct
hulu reminded
me of the planned dual-release this pack that we had talked about b
efore. I
fired up my trusty Pine e-mail and sent out mail to the FOS mailing l
ist for
the first time in ages. Believe it or not, several faithful members
So between some old art I had originally collected for last October a
nd a LOT
of new material from the VGA division, FOS has awakened. Her
es the lowdown
on members and sites:
City of Shadows is down, as is every other artboard in
612. Royal
Assassin is moving, and the board is history. Myself, Royal
and RBX are the
only remaining active artists on our native soil although Royal is b
a full-time parent now...White Noise and Brimborio
n have apparently cooked up
a zesty anti-matter recipe which they mistakenly taste-tested.
Phyn is missing
in action...I called his house, and his parents thought maybe *I*
knew of his
whereabouts! Nope. Radjan vanished without a trace, alth
ough I ran into him
on a local WWIV board. He hasnt returned my mail. Finally,
Estatic leaves us
after a long time with the group. He came with me to ACiD!ANS
i and like me leftwith the departure of Cool T. H
e will remain in CiA, so best of luck to him.
Amazingly, we did pick up a new ascii artist, Silence.
There wasnt any other site news. We will publish an updated sit
e list
in the next pack. The WWW page www.warped.com/kwagner wil
l serve as our HQ
until everything is sorted out. Its looking VERY nice, thanks to th
e efforts
of Sector Slayer. Watch for art from the whole FOS crew on t
Next pack??? Yes. March will mark the second year of FO
S, so there
WILL be a pack. Be warned, our ansi team is back to where it started
. Yeah,
I was the only ansi artist when FOS began in 95, simply because we o
nly needed
an ansi artist to handle BBS art for member boards. Gree has
primarily switchedto hirez, and Wolverine is simply n
ot as involved in the scene as he once was.
Alas, I draw ansi for Acid now, so even I will be joining the
VGA bandwagon.
As many people have noted of late, ascii and hirez are the most calle
mediums...ansi is for the enjoyment of other artists and the loyal BB
Sers, but
ascii and hirez are the most used on the Internet. So FOS will follo
w suit to
survive. There will still be ansi, but less of it.
Anyway, enough about FOS...its Mists turn. Watch for a
FOS pack againin March sometime. Until then, hasta lasagna.
And so the conflict escalates. It is imperative that
we beat the
teams of German physicists and become the first to successfull
y split the
Rice Krispie Square and tap the potentially unlimited souce of
crackles and pops. We have already become isolated by the Axi
s fleets of
Untersee-Os and should they come to land with their blitz puff
s tactics it
could be a disaster of uncomparable taste and excitement as pa
rt of a
balanced breakfast.
If we fail to make use of our Lucky Charms, then it wi
ll be as bad
as if we had already succumbed to their dirty Trix. Silly Fuh
Czechoslovakians are for kids.
As for the other front... we must not allow Japan to d
raw us into an
extended land war on their soil, no matter how devastating the
Honeycomb-i-kazee tactics.
God, its a dirty little breakfast, isnt it?
All these lives lost and still no one seems to be able
to find the
secret prize.
pe! + s..s.++.
In some major news this release period we here at M
istfuls er...
Fistfuls of Steel managed to acquire th
e following artists from the
faltering Blade Nation:
Platinum, Iori Yagami, mega!, Neophyte
, Cereal Killer, Rage, the extremist
Jughead, Handiboy, Questor, Iseilice
, Weird, Grateful Dead, Dead Soul
Alannon, The Iconoclast, NME, Pubil
us Enigma, plastic, Wishbringer,
Genocide, angst, Bast, Crowkeeper, Cthu
lu, Dartagnan, Zinnia Kray, Sylphid,
Basic, beatle, Flying Fish, Bi
g Brother, Jake Blues, Remohraz, Journ
Silver Angel, Hippy, Spirit Wolf, Singlemind
, Etana, Sentience, IllusionX,
Thanatos, Silent Knight, Fetus69, Fo
olish Bird, kolz, The Pope, Fritz,
Melodia, Dr. CPU, Eto, Mavrik
, Sylphid, Xavier, Melkor, Wo
dan, and Ranma
Blade, we OWN you! Obviously they
wont be able to easily recover
after the loss of so many vital members, and we hope to move in to th
e kill
within months.
With all of these new members, we hope to be able to increase
annual releases to five.
In keeping with the diversified talents of these new members,
opened up a music and a lit department.
Weve also promoted Cthulu to vice-leader-guy
status and given him
the access to maintain the top-secret FOS porn-stash on the W
When asked about his unusual group-hopping, Cthulu sa
id, It was
nice conspiring to take over the world, but now I have time to follow
true calling - music tracking!
In other news, we got a bunch of sites, but were too lazy to
them all. They include The Screaming Tomato as our OTHER
Headquarters, City iZ Burning as our Canadian HQ, and Sav
age Exile as our
new Underground HQ.
I politely declined his offer of the impeccably formed
Rice Krispie
Square. To think that he felt that my loyalties were swayable
with a
perfectly-cut, expertly prepared slab of breakfast cereal. Go
breakfast cereal at that. Still, I knew that the stakes were
too high to
allow myself to be distracted by his promises of geometrically
grain products. The fate of humanity and all her colonies was
lying between
our hands, and the fucker expected me to hand it over for a fe
harvesterloads of the Rice melange, that rare and precious sub
secreted by the paddy-worms of Arakis. My crysknife twisted i
n its sheath
and his head was lying in his lap before he could apologize.
Never have
breakfast with a Harkonnen - how tactless. Stepping over his
sprawled on the lush carpeting, I delicately plucked a cube of
the Rice and,
ritually, brought it to my forehead before allowing the cube t
o be
envelopped by the walls of my mouth. Were my eyes visible ben
eath their
marshmallow-like sheen, they would have been seen as rolled ba
ck in
religious ecstasy. Gom Jabbar, eat your heart out.
cs! :
: f i s t f u l o
f s t e e l :
Pondering the real meaning of Rice Krispie Square
Rice Krispie squares arent really squares. They are
cubes. Cubes
formed of elliptical grains of puffed rice. Straight edges fa
shioned from
many curved ones.
But there is more. If the simple reaction of Rice Kri
spie plus
marshmallow called Rice Krispie Squares results in a cube, the
creation of a
Rice Krispie Cube would have as its final result a Rice Krispi
e Tesseract, a
construct capable of holding an entire cowful of milk and stil
l floating on
top and retaining its crunchiness.
What would be the product of the attempted creation of
a Rice
Krispie Hypercube? Were not sure, but we think that they res
inside-out pretzels.
What the HELL happened to FOS?! Believe it or not, there
s been a lot
of people asking me that. Yes, a lot of people have actually heard o
f FOS,
and since we havent released since last summer, its understandable
to think
that we died.
We didnt die, dammit.
After some discussion among the members after our July 96 pack,
agreed to take some time off...there wasnt enough art assembled for
a full
release in September, so we opted for October. Then the deadline kep
t changing
and changing some more. Then things went down the toilet. Side proj
ects began
to take priority. Hard drives crashed. People moved, ran away, etc.
All of a
sudden, most of the members were unaccounted for! Thankfully, Ct
hulu reminded
me of the planned dual-release this pack that we had talked about b
efore. I
fired up my trusty Pine e-mail and sent out mail to the FOS mailing l
ist for
the first time in ages. Believe it or not, several faithful members
So between some old art I had originally collected for last October a
nd a LOT
of new material from the VGA division, FOS has awakened. Her
es the lowdown
on members and sites:
City of Shadows is down, as is every other artboard in
612. Royal
Assassin is moving, and the board is history. Myself, Royal
and RBX are the
only remaining active artists on our native soil although Royal is b
a full-time parent now...White Noise and Brimborio
n have apparently cooked up
a zesty anti-matter recipe which they mistakenly taste-tested.
Phyn is missing
in action...I called his house, and his parents thought maybe *I*
knew of his
whereabouts! Nope. Radjan vanished without a trace, alth
ough I ran into him
on a local WWIV board. He hasnt returned my mail. Finally,
Estatic leaves us
after a long time with the group. He came with me to ACiD!ANS
i and like me leftwith the departure of Cool T. H
e will remain in CiA, so best of luck to him.
Amazingly, we did pick up a new ascii artist, Silence.
There wasnt any other site news. We will publish an updated sit
e list
in the next pack. The WWW page www.warped.com/kwagner wil
l serve as our HQ
until everything is sorted out. Its looking VERY nice, thanks to th
e efforts
of Sector Slayer. Watch for art from the whole FOS crew on t
Next pack??? Yes. March will mark the second year of FO
S, so there
WILL be a pack. Be warned, our ansi team is back to where it started
. Yeah,
I was the only ansi artist when FOS began in 95, simply because we o
nly needed
an ansi artist to handle BBS art for member boards. Gree has
primarily switchedto hirez, and Wolverine is simply n
ot as involved in the scene as he once was.
Alas, I draw ansi for Acid now, so even I will be joining the
VGA bandwagon.
As many people have noted of late, ascii and hirez are the most calle
mediums...ansi is for the enjoyment of other artists and the loyal BB
Sers, but
ascii and hirez are the most used on the Internet. So FOS will follo
w suit to
survive. There will still be ansi, but less of it.
Anyway, enough about FOS...its Mists turn. Watch for a
FOS pack againin March sometime. Until then, hasta lasagna.
And so the conflict escalates. It is imperative that
we beat the
teams of German physicists and become the first to successfull
y split the
Rice Krispie Square and tap the potentially unlimited souce of
crackles and pops. We have already become isolated by the Axi
s fleets of
Untersee-Os and should they come to land with their blitz puff
s tactics it
could be a disaster of uncomparable taste and excitement as pa
rt of a
balanced breakfast.
If we fail to make use of our Lucky Charms, then it wi
ll be as bad
as if we had already succumbed to their dirty Trix. Silly Fuh
Czechoslovakians are for kids.
As for the other front... we must not allow Japan to d
raw us into an
extended land war on their soil, no matter how devastating the
Honeycomb-i-kazee tactics.
God, its a dirty little breakfast, isnt it?
All these lives lost and still no one seems to be able
to find the
secret prize.
pe! + s..s.++.
In some major news this release period we here at M
istfuls er...
Fistfuls of Steel managed to acquire th
e following artists from the
faltering Blade Nation:
Platinum, Iori Yagami, mega!, Neophyte
, Cereal Killer, Rage, the extremist
Jughead, Handiboy, Questor, Iseilice
, Weird, Grateful Dead, Dead Soul
Alannon, The Iconoclast, NME, Pubil
us Enigma, plastic, Wishbringer,
Genocide, angst, Bast, Crowkeeper, Cthu
lu, Dartagnan, Zinnia Kray, Sylphid,
Basic, beatle, Flying Fish, Bi
g Brother, Jake Blues, Remohraz, Journ
Silver Angel, Hippy, Spirit Wolf, Singlemind
, Etana, Sentience, IllusionX,
Thanatos, Silent Knight, Fetus69, Fo
olish Bird, kolz, The Pope, Fritz,
Melodia, Dr. CPU, Eto, Mavrik
, Sylphid, Xavier, Melkor, Wo
dan, and Ranma
Blade, we OWN you! Obviously they
wont be able to easily recover
after the loss of so many vital members, and we hope to move in to th
e kill
within months.
With all of these new members, we hope to be able to increase
annual releases to five.
In keeping with the diversified talents of these new members,
opened up a music and a lit department.
Weve also promoted Cthulu to vice-leader-guy
status and given him
the access to maintain the top-secret FOS porn-stash on the W
When asked about his unusual group-hopping, Cthulu sa
id, It was
nice conspiring to take over the world, but now I have time to follow
true calling - music tracking!
In other news, we got a bunch of sites, but were too lazy to
them all. They include The Screaming Tomato as our OTHER
Headquarters, City iZ Burning as our Canadian HQ, and Sav
age Exile as our
new Underground HQ.
I politely declined his offer of the impeccably formed
Rice Krispie
Square. To think that he felt that my loyalties were swayable
with a
perfectly-cut, expertly prepared slab of breakfast cereal. Go
breakfast cereal at that. Still, I knew that the stakes were
too high to
allow myself to be distracted by his promises of geometrically
grain products. The fate of humanity and all her colonies was
lying between
our hands, and the fucker expected me to hand it over for a fe
harvesterloads of the Rice melange, that rare and precious sub
secreted by the paddy-worms of Arakis. My crysknife twisted i
n its sheath
and his head was lying in his lap before he could apologize.
Never have
breakfast with a Harkonnen - how tactless. Stepping over his
sprawled on the lush carpeting, I delicately plucked a cube of
the Rice and,
ritually, brought it to my forehead before allowing the cube t
o be
envelopped by the walls of my mouth. Were my eyes visible ben
eath their
marshmallow-like sheen, they would have been seen as rolled ba
ck in
religious ecstasy. Gom Jabbar, eat your heart out.
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