this image contains text
,dSb dSb,
,P ?S, ,SP ?, ,ss,
.,db,. ,s S ,ggggg,
P , ggg SSS
,sssss gSSg ssss,
P ?P , P ? ?b gg
,ggggg,. l l
b, ,d ,,ssss,
--------------------------------You know what to do-----------------------------well i made this for the cool ftp/www site lister mod me and sp are workin on
for obv/2... it will be coo... i have seen one www site lister so far by
undertaker of illness... but i didnt really like that one too much, and i have
not seen a ftp lister yet, so i decided that me and sp would do a ftp www sitelister... ok thats all
b, b, b,
g, g,,S,S b,,SSM, g, g,,S,,S b,ggggS,S,,S,S,g,,g,S,,ggg,b,S,S,S,S,S,P,ag,P,ag,S,,S,P,ab,S,S,SS,S,S,gP,, ,gg, S,,dP,,,,S,,S,,gP,,b,bS,,dP,,b ,S,S,gP,gggg d d ,dP, d gggggS,,S,gP,dbdb,dP ,d S, ,gP ,d ,d ,dS
cut dis
ummm... this ascii is for bra1n.... uhhh... didnt really feel like doin a
big pic right now so i just did a small font
S b b b
M dP,
??. gggg P
Sa a. ,d
A7 gg
L Lister v1.0
T ,ea,
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------umm... this is the header for an ftp/www lister me and sp are workin on for
obv/2... ok cya
--------------------------------!AiCE?--------------------------------------umm.. this ascii is for a couriering group i just joined, aice thats
pronounced ACE, as an artist... this was a REALLY quick logo, cause the founderwouldnt stop buggin me bout it.... im gonna do a better and bigger one soon
,P ?S, ,SP ?, ,ss,
.,db,. ,s S ,ggggg,
P , ggg SSS
,sssss gSSg ssss,
P ?P , P ? ?b gg
,ggggg,. l l
b, ,d ,,ssss,
--------------------------------You know what to do-----------------------------well i made this for the cool ftp/www site lister mod me and sp are workin on
for obv/2... it will be coo... i have seen one www site lister so far by
undertaker of illness... but i didnt really like that one too much, and i have
not seen a ftp lister yet, so i decided that me and sp would do a ftp www sitelister... ok thats all
b, b, b,
g, g,,S,S b,,SSM, g, g,,S,,S b,ggggS,S,,S,S,g,,g,S,,ggg,b,S,S,S,S,S,P,ag,P,ag,S,,S,P,ab,S,S,SS,S,S,gP,, ,gg, S,,dP,,,,S,,S,,gP,,b,bS,,dP,,b ,S,S,gP,gggg d d ,dP, d gggggS,,S,gP,dbdb,dP ,d S, ,gP ,d ,d ,dS
cut dis
ummm... this ascii is for bra1n.... uhhh... didnt really feel like doin a
big pic right now so i just did a small font
S b b b
M dP,
??. gggg P
Sa a. ,d
A7 gg
L Lister v1.0
T ,ea,
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------umm... this is the header for an ftp/www lister me and sp are workin on for
obv/2... ok cya
--------------------------------!AiCE?--------------------------------------umm.. this ascii is for a couriering group i just joined, aice thats
pronounced ACE, as an artist... this was a REALLY quick logo, cause the founderwouldnt stop buggin me bout it.... im gonna do a better and bigger one soon
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