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-- deejay., an mirc script. only phear it if you really have to -
lala., another oldsk00l logo by me..., my script used to be called penix
but well, deejay looks nicer., right?!@
anywho., i wanna say hi to : arcana, flea, merk, tpk, darkpoet, corosion
and all the ppl i hang with on irc.., -dk
-- deejay., an mirc script. only phear it if you really have to -
lala., another oldsk00l logo by me..., my script used to be called penix
but well, deejay looks nicer., right?!@
anywho., i wanna say hi to : arcana, flea, merk, tpk, darkpoet, corosion
and all the ppl i hang with on irc.., -dk
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