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forge news forge news
forge newsletter thingy.july.first.for.forge productions 1996.
Well here we are again, another month of wonderful bliss. This
month has been very hectic, people leaving/joining/arguing/beeing
abducted by aliens and so on. This is our most challenging month.
Yet we still are able to release a paq, not the best we can give
but not half bad considering all the problems.
Lets get the normal shit out of the way, new members/old members
and so on. Piratebox has joined the ranks of our leet little
group, he is da 3l33t twity twat artist, hes very good and a nice
add in to the ascii department. Colorbook is our nifty keen ascii
ansi guy, hes good at what he does, and besides he likes us, he
really likes us! Wizy needs no explanation. Hes been in the scene
longer then we have been around. He used to do the BEST ansi, but he
had a nasty accident with a toon pic he did once something about
needing an exercist or something, so hes joined for lit/vga to be
safe. Last but not least in the artists area is Jandor who is also in
insomnia ohh ohh look a plug for a group and some other nice groups
look for his literature and ansi in the future months. Other new
things to forge is a Offical ftp site ftp.wizy.uit.net /pub/groups/
forgeproductions and www site http://wizy.uit.net/forge and e-mail
forge@wizy.uit.net. We also picked up a new Canadian hq becouse our
last one decided to close, oh yea we picked up a distro or two also.
We interrupt this important news to bring you some even less
important news from the real group complainer, Main Frame
Hey you all... Because Stealth really doesnt feel like telling you
whats really going on behind the scenes of forge, I have taken it upon
myself to explain what really happened. As we speak, Stealth and the
Forge mascot are repetedly choking each other, something about a cut
up coke bottle... go figure... As most blade members know, our
illustrious kiwi has decided that he has better stuff to do instead
of drawing us art, and decided that he should get himself grounded
for the duration of his petty life... something about shooting two
parents, four neighbors, and the incidious massacre of two entire
girl scout troups. My extreme pity goes out to wizkid, who is in
the process of having a life, oblivious to the commitment before him.
After constant bickering, papoose decided to find out how high of a
voltage the long distance routers could take. My ear is still ringing
to this very minute... So, I have interrupted long enough... you
know to call it a night when your local turkey hill runs out of
caffiene. So, while I raid Stealths house for more caffiene, I leave
you with my personal salute, mungy... mungy. - more next month...
We now return to our regularly scheduled news
Wow that last part was huge : umm ok, ill make this part short
because bad news sucks. The members who are dead are Roadkill/moe/
Forge/extremist canadian hq. There now that wasnt hard was it?!
Well not much more to say eccept HEY YOU LAZY MEMBERS GET SOME WORK
INTO ME ON TIME NEXT MONTH! Next month we will have a fully ansi/
ascii/rip/vga formats for our viewer, so keep an eye on it. Thats it,
another month, gone, now time for me to go back to the mental institute
for another 28days.
Till next month, remember Smile: Forge and the fringles guy loves ya.
forge newsletter thingy.july.first.for.forge productions 1996.
Well here we are again, another month of wonderful bliss. This
month has been very hectic, people leaving/joining/arguing/beeing
abducted by aliens and so on. This is our most challenging month.
Yet we still are able to release a paq, not the best we can give
but not half bad considering all the problems.
Lets get the normal shit out of the way, new members/old members
and so on. Piratebox has joined the ranks of our leet little
group, he is da 3l33t twity twat artist, hes very good and a nice
add in to the ascii department. Colorbook is our nifty keen ascii
ansi guy, hes good at what he does, and besides he likes us, he
really likes us! Wizy needs no explanation. Hes been in the scene
longer then we have been around. He used to do the BEST ansi, but he
had a nasty accident with a toon pic he did once something about
needing an exercist or something, so hes joined for lit/vga to be
safe. Last but not least in the artists area is Jandor who is also in
insomnia ohh ohh look a plug for a group and some other nice groups
look for his literature and ansi in the future months. Other new
things to forge is a Offical ftp site ftp.wizy.uit.net /pub/groups/
forgeproductions and www site http://wizy.uit.net/forge and e-mail
forge@wizy.uit.net. We also picked up a new Canadian hq becouse our
last one decided to close, oh yea we picked up a distro or two also.
We interrupt this important news to bring you some even less
important news from the real group complainer, Main Frame
Hey you all... Because Stealth really doesnt feel like telling you
whats really going on behind the scenes of forge, I have taken it upon
myself to explain what really happened. As we speak, Stealth and the
Forge mascot are repetedly choking each other, something about a cut
up coke bottle... go figure... As most blade members know, our
illustrious kiwi has decided that he has better stuff to do instead
of drawing us art, and decided that he should get himself grounded
for the duration of his petty life... something about shooting two
parents, four neighbors, and the incidious massacre of two entire
girl scout troups. My extreme pity goes out to wizkid, who is in
the process of having a life, oblivious to the commitment before him.
After constant bickering, papoose decided to find out how high of a
voltage the long distance routers could take. My ear is still ringing
to this very minute... So, I have interrupted long enough... you
know to call it a night when your local turkey hill runs out of
caffiene. So, while I raid Stealths house for more caffiene, I leave
you with my personal salute, mungy... mungy. - more next month...
We now return to our regularly scheduled news
Wow that last part was huge : umm ok, ill make this part short
because bad news sucks. The members who are dead are Roadkill/moe/
Forge/extremist canadian hq. There now that wasnt hard was it?!
Well not much more to say eccept HEY YOU LAZY MEMBERS GET SOME WORK
INTO ME ON TIME NEXT MONTH! Next month we will have a fully ansi/
ascii/rip/vga formats for our viewer, so keep an eye on it. Thats it,
another month, gone, now time for me to go back to the mental institute
for another 28days.
Till next month, remember Smile: Forge and the fringles guy loves ya.
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