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:::force pack a-teen
Whats this shit about the rebuilding of force?!?
Welcome to the next episode, 18, and another most exciting update from
force, phirst at phive. But on a more serious note, this month has gone
down as one of the biggest in our group. Although the pack might not show it
the changes undergone in the group have been massive.
As we saw from the last pack, yup, it got screwed up. Of course being my
fault as it always is : I released the wrong zip file heh duh, which turned
out to be only part of our problem. We have all seen over the last few months the qaulity that force was once holding has started to frizzle away in the
sence that we have started to lose our visions of quality control, and a
state of utter chaos from the point of group communication which as we know,
ends up being the death of any organization.
This month is a turning point for force productions. As we can see for a
start, the memberlist has shrunk, this fact being that all those not included
in the memberlist this we pulled out for a couple of months as we try to get
our standards back up a while. This may sound a tad harsh, but in reality
our focus on being able to pull young ansi artists through the ranks as we
help them develop there skills can no longer be a feasible practise.
Force has taken the option of letting these members develop their skills in
other mentioned areas such as The Ansi Skool on ok/2 or in joining the smaller groups around in our area and working their way up, improving skills on the
way which basically everyone else had done in the first place.
You might think to yourself this is a tad egotistical, but in reality, makes
perfect sence as this is the way force USED to be run and its how we want it
run now. Even from existing members now, tighter quality controls will be placed and although this will inevidibly reduce the size of our packs, it is
for the greater good of all.
Any members that feel they have been harshly done by can contact any force
senior on their given email address as stated on the members list.
Hopefully given a couple more packs force will be good as new and running
like the old days, excellent, like we would love to see.
Member News!
Ok, onto the members news for this month.
Of course as stated above, our member list has taken a bit of a cut due to
the above reasons so I wont run through any of the leaving members this month
although you will see some of these members re-enter the list in future packs. Well our VGA dept. this month has taken a turn for the better with the
addition of some talented artists such as hellraiser and black lotus both of
which have joined in the last month, and have shown us some nice hi-rez this
While fires ascii team may have been on vacation, force
all of a sudden has picked up some great ascii from all
over the globe! eclipse and rGt were hired by the blade
nation as mercenaries. A small act in the overall goal
to assymilate the world. Our mission was to take out some
members of the C.I.A. Their foregin affairs were getting
in the way of the plans. The two stealths crossed enemy
lines and met up with their contact, code name h7. He
showed us the secret tunnel into the C.I.A. embassy where
we stumbled across a some opposition. He used his ascii
eclipse is pheared skillz to crush the C.I.A.s opposition. Then, we stumbled by lazer-tag vets! across a jail cell containing two other ascii warriors,
dshay and pyhrrus. Our new team easily surrounded the
U.S. agents and captured the secret plans to destroy the blade nation. Upon
their return, there was a huge celebration for the team. After the party, the
ascii warriors took off in their space shuttle to the one-hour photo to get
their pictures developed. It was a great day for mankind!
Group News!
Im proud to be writing in my first newsletter, whoop! As zforce mentioned, we have a lot going on this month. Lots of new talent joining the team and
im really optomistic for future of the group. Over the past year and a half
force has grown conciderably and im glad to be contributing to a great group! We have a couple of group issues this month, so lets get started.
1. Force is starting a mailing list for people to get the pack info
new group moves. This will mainly be for members but anyone who wants
to get on just needs to mail me at ianr@indy.tds.net. This will also
help out our meeting schedule in an attempt to get more people on irc.
2. Force coders are about to embark on a new viewer and app gen, so
that should be out before the next pack hopefully. The new viewer will
be a continuation of fORCEview/2.
I cant remember what i was going to say from here on out, so enjoy the show! For applications to the team, join frc on efnet!
Just a quick not from me, I re-did the BBS HQs so if you are a sysop
running one of the boards below, email me if the ph is wrong - some shit
messed up. We will also soon be looking to establish a seperate ascii
division due to the influx of funky new artists. The head of the division
will be responsible for checking up with the other members and handling
other matters.. anyway, look for that next pack.
General Blahs!
we make this short interuption to show you some of the developed
pictures from the ascii warrior crusade...
left, we see a startled C.I.A. agent just before
dshay put him out of his misery.
right, we see rGt and eclipse
on their way to get these
pictures developed on the
planet alderaan, home of the
blade nation!
thank you, we now continue with your regularly scheduled program
: Force Contact Addresses
If you would like to be a member of Force, you can contact any of us on
one of the boards b-low or leave mail to one of the specified addresses.
Please upload some work of yours and the application generators binary
file as well if possible, since to join Force, we do need a good idea
of the work youre doing. Goes without saying.
BBS Name Sysop Number Position
Organized Kaos Krisis +61-2-9876-1536 World HQ
Warhammer Legend +61-2-9879-6261 Australian HQ
Electric Cube LightKnight +0973-740-611 Bahrain HQ
. Kaoz Poti +49-2421-931494 German HQ
The Bat Cave Cougar +1-206-242-7645 US HQ
Paradise City Crypt Wizard +7-095-112-3589 Russian HQ :
: Organized Kaos Krisis +61-2-9876-1536 Upload Site
Static Discharge Cryptic +61-8-8381-8454 Member Board
* Infestation Comatose telnet://infestation.com Telnet Board
The FORCE home page is at : www.randomc.com/tynian/force
Be on the lookout for www.force.org, comming to a browser near you!
:::force pack a-teen
Whats this shit about the rebuilding of force?!?
Welcome to the next episode, 18, and another most exciting update from
force, phirst at phive. But on a more serious note, this month has gone
down as one of the biggest in our group. Although the pack might not show it
the changes undergone in the group have been massive.
As we saw from the last pack, yup, it got screwed up. Of course being my
fault as it always is : I released the wrong zip file heh duh, which turned
out to be only part of our problem. We have all seen over the last few months the qaulity that force was once holding has started to frizzle away in the
sence that we have started to lose our visions of quality control, and a
state of utter chaos from the point of group communication which as we know,
ends up being the death of any organization.
This month is a turning point for force productions. As we can see for a
start, the memberlist has shrunk, this fact being that all those not included
in the memberlist this we pulled out for a couple of months as we try to get
our standards back up a while. This may sound a tad harsh, but in reality
our focus on being able to pull young ansi artists through the ranks as we
help them develop there skills can no longer be a feasible practise.
Force has taken the option of letting these members develop their skills in
other mentioned areas such as The Ansi Skool on ok/2 or in joining the smaller groups around in our area and working their way up, improving skills on the
way which basically everyone else had done in the first place.
You might think to yourself this is a tad egotistical, but in reality, makes
perfect sence as this is the way force USED to be run and its how we want it
run now. Even from existing members now, tighter quality controls will be placed and although this will inevidibly reduce the size of our packs, it is
for the greater good of all.
Any members that feel they have been harshly done by can contact any force
senior on their given email address as stated on the members list.
Hopefully given a couple more packs force will be good as new and running
like the old days, excellent, like we would love to see.
Member News!
Ok, onto the members news for this month.
Of course as stated above, our member list has taken a bit of a cut due to
the above reasons so I wont run through any of the leaving members this month
although you will see some of these members re-enter the list in future packs. Well our VGA dept. this month has taken a turn for the better with the
addition of some talented artists such as hellraiser and black lotus both of
which have joined in the last month, and have shown us some nice hi-rez this
While fires ascii team may have been on vacation, force
all of a sudden has picked up some great ascii from all
over the globe! eclipse and rGt were hired by the blade
nation as mercenaries. A small act in the overall goal
to assymilate the world. Our mission was to take out some
members of the C.I.A. Their foregin affairs were getting
in the way of the plans. The two stealths crossed enemy
lines and met up with their contact, code name h7. He
showed us the secret tunnel into the C.I.A. embassy where
we stumbled across a some opposition. He used his ascii
eclipse is pheared skillz to crush the C.I.A.s opposition. Then, we stumbled by lazer-tag vets! across a jail cell containing two other ascii warriors,
dshay and pyhrrus. Our new team easily surrounded the
U.S. agents and captured the secret plans to destroy the blade nation. Upon
their return, there was a huge celebration for the team. After the party, the
ascii warriors took off in their space shuttle to the one-hour photo to get
their pictures developed. It was a great day for mankind!
Group News!
Im proud to be writing in my first newsletter, whoop! As zforce mentioned, we have a lot going on this month. Lots of new talent joining the team and
im really optomistic for future of the group. Over the past year and a half
force has grown conciderably and im glad to be contributing to a great group! We have a couple of group issues this month, so lets get started.
1. Force is starting a mailing list for people to get the pack info
new group moves. This will mainly be for members but anyone who wants
to get on just needs to mail me at ianr@indy.tds.net. This will also
help out our meeting schedule in an attempt to get more people on irc.
2. Force coders are about to embark on a new viewer and app gen, so
that should be out before the next pack hopefully. The new viewer will
be a continuation of fORCEview/2.
I cant remember what i was going to say from here on out, so enjoy the show! For applications to the team, join frc on efnet!
Just a quick not from me, I re-did the BBS HQs so if you are a sysop
running one of the boards below, email me if the ph is wrong - some shit
messed up. We will also soon be looking to establish a seperate ascii
division due to the influx of funky new artists. The head of the division
will be responsible for checking up with the other members and handling
other matters.. anyway, look for that next pack.
General Blahs!
we make this short interuption to show you some of the developed
pictures from the ascii warrior crusade...
left, we see a startled C.I.A. agent just before
dshay put him out of his misery.
right, we see rGt and eclipse
on their way to get these
pictures developed on the
planet alderaan, home of the
blade nation!
thank you, we now continue with your regularly scheduled program
: Force Contact Addresses
If you would like to be a member of Force, you can contact any of us on
one of the boards b-low or leave mail to one of the specified addresses.
Please upload some work of yours and the application generators binary
file as well if possible, since to join Force, we do need a good idea
of the work youre doing. Goes without saying.
BBS Name Sysop Number Position
Organized Kaos Krisis +61-2-9876-1536 World HQ
Warhammer Legend +61-2-9879-6261 Australian HQ
Electric Cube LightKnight +0973-740-611 Bahrain HQ
. Kaoz Poti +49-2421-931494 German HQ
The Bat Cave Cougar +1-206-242-7645 US HQ
Paradise City Crypt Wizard +7-095-112-3589 Russian HQ :
: Organized Kaos Krisis +61-2-9876-1536 Upload Site
Static Discharge Cryptic +61-8-8381-8454 Member Board
* Infestation Comatose telnet://infestation.com Telnet Board
The FORCE home page is at : www.randomc.com/tynian/force
Be on the lookout for www.force.org, comming to a browser near you!
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