this image contains text
d n g r - l o g o s
dm! 3rd logo clustery 06/97
303 last callers header
303 / last callers
57th logo for a group that almost existed but prolly does but i dont know
the. . 57th
black sun for someguy who keeps bugging me.. :
black sun / op squish / weird coloured blocks by dangermouse of force 1997
enigma bbs for dystro
dystros .... . thisspiffylogobydangermouse
bbs - enigma!
fallen empires menu doob for martz
fallen empires
x. command x. command x. command
x. command x. command x. command
x. command x. command x. command
x. command x. command x. command
x. command x. command x. command
x. command x. command x. command
dangermouse! blah menu
hepcat // done for hotmomma ascii comp..
ff n. n !n.
n..n n
ff n
n nnnn n
n.. n
. n.. ,m.
.mm n
.mn m
n nnn
nnnnn .n n. . .
n nnn
hepcat // done for hotmomma ascii comp in 30 mins by dangermouse
majestic for wolvie.. have i released this yet?? duh.. oh well
wolvies majestic colored blocks by dangermouse!
m a t i c
j e s !!
royal for somebody -- umm.. itll come to me..
royal! op ???????
woo! dangermouseunreadable..
usual comment i basically dont know why i did this.. it has 2 light sources,
and well.. shit, its an experiment.. : i like it too, which prolly means you
dont *8
dm! 3rd logo clustery 06/97
303 last callers header
303 / last callers
57th logo for a group that almost existed but prolly does but i dont know
the. . 57th
black sun for someguy who keeps bugging me.. :
black sun / op squish / weird coloured blocks by dangermouse of force 1997
enigma bbs for dystro
dystros .... . thisspiffylogobydangermouse
bbs - enigma!
fallen empires menu doob for martz
fallen empires
x. command x. command x. command
x. command x. command x. command
x. command x. command x. command
x. command x. command x. command
x. command x. command x. command
x. command x. command x. command
dangermouse! blah menu
hepcat // done for hotmomma ascii comp..
ff n. n !n.
n..n n
ff n
n nnnn n
n.. n
. n.. ,m.
.mm n
.mn m
n nnn
nnnnn .n n. . .
n nnn
hepcat // done for hotmomma ascii comp in 30 mins by dangermouse
majestic for wolvie.. have i released this yet?? duh.. oh well
wolvies majestic colored blocks by dangermouse!
m a t i c
j e s !!
royal for somebody -- umm.. itll come to me..
royal! op ???????
woo! dangermouseunreadable..
usual comment i basically dont know why i did this.. it has 2 light sources,
and well.. shit, its an experiment.. : i like it too, which prolly means you
dont *8
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