this image contains text
f o r c e n e w s l e t t e r t e n
Email Legend at legend@fl.net.au if you would like to apply to fORCE
YES, boys and girls, you heard right, fORCE is back with another kickin art
pack! w00p!
We at fORCE would like to apologise for this months packs lateness but it
was due to a multitude of problems encountered by fORCEs senior staff -
- Legends birthday celebrations were so rowdy that he slept for three weeks
- Z-Force was making alot of late night deliveries
- Z-Force was so pissed he forgot he was in Force
- Fruitcakes Datsun 120 Sunny Y-Bother blew up
- Anubiss alzhimers progressed to the stage that he thought he was a duck
- Legend has been playing F1 GP II too long and now thinks his chair is a car
- We ran outta jokes for the newsletter
- During Legends stay in Adelaide the worlds time stopped
So basicly, in a nutshell, we just couldnt be don anything other than
finding excuses for our lazyness!
But seriously, Anubis wanted the group to start releasing the pack at the
start of each month instead of half way though, so this is the real reason
why the pack has been delayed.
As you know this is pack ten, and do you know what that means? Absoloutly
nothing, but still, it means we are big boys now, because we are ten, so
During this month there has been a big change in the force memberlist, so
I shall now move on from crapping on to some serious stuff ..
There has been a huge influx of members to force this month, so I shall take
each division speratly ..
a n s i
Joining the ansi division are Gigalo 13 and Gordo, these big gs well
certainly bring new and raw talent to fORCE, good to have you on board!
Also joining the ansi division is Kleptomaniac, we are glad to see him
in our group, however, we are worried that he may steal stuff
Noodles also joins the ansi division, he will add a great base for currys
and asian dishes, not to mention brilliant ansi art
Along with his w00pen music, Griffin is tagging along in the ansi division,
hey, this guy is good ... music and ansi art, what more could you want?
rounding out the ansi division this month is Terd who has changed his handle
to Regurgitator, and hey, I think it sound heaps better. Finally Insane,
is now a dualing, as an active member in mOp.
If you would like to apply to fORCE as a ansi artist please email Legend at
legend@fl.net.au with a filled out application forceapp.exe and post him
a message with some details about yourself and some samples of your work
v g a
Joining the VGA department are Holosphere and Rip Tide, there stuff certainly
is top quality, and we hope to see more of their great art in further packs
to come. Also joining the VGA department is Risk. To to is a great addition
to the group and not only will we be seeing good vga from him but hi-res
animation awell, so stay tuned to this guy.
c o d e
Joining the coding division is Primus of iCE, hes certainly a brilliant
coder, and we are excited to have such a good coder supporting Australian
Now, our man from Amsterdam, the Guru himself, the Gobsta, Goblin has now
become a member of fORCE .. He brings with him awesome coding skills and
brilliant vga art work, he is truelly an asset to the group and along with
Legend, they are working on a secret fORCE project that you will see the
results of in the next pack .. prepare yourself, itll rock and show the
international scene just what fORCE really can do!!
Goblin and Legend are members of the Australian demogroup Xtatic, If you
wanna join please mail Legend at legend@fl.net.au .. We are looking for
coders and vga artists and distro/hqs .. sorry about the plug
m u s i c
In the music department we have had a member clean up and are now looking
for top quality musicians only, if you think you have what it takes, apply now! email either fender@speednet.com.au or legend@fl.net.au
As i meantioned before, Griffin is now a member of Deste, fORCEs very own
music division, he brings a diverse style to the group and an interesting
Adeliadean feel. Get ready from some kicken stuff from him soon.
- I wonder who actually reads this Newsletter?
fORCE has turned one, and has also had its tenth aniversery! yay team!
Again, as you may have noticed, this total drivel called the fORCE newsletter
is being written by Legend again after Z-Force had a go at it last pack.
w h q
Our ex-WHQ Gehenna went down last month, Fruitcake sold his BBSPC and Gehenna
is now sitting somewhere on one of Legends tapes. Taking its place as
the Force WHQ is Warhammer run by Legend. It is a great board, so give it a
call some time . Of course, all fORCE packs are free downloads on there!
Anubis calls there to pick up fORCE members art work. So if your having
problems contacting or sending your work in, just send it all to
Warhammer BBS +61-2-9879-6261 or email Legend at legend@fl.net.au
f o r c e n e t
As for ForceNet, Orginised Kaos run by Krisis is now the World HUB for
ForceNet unlike Fruitcake, Krisis will not setup your mailer!, ForceNet is
open to all boards, so anyone interested is more than welcome to become a
part of ForceNet, just either mail Legend or Krisis.
x p s
As you may be well aware, fORCE has a modding subsidiary called Xpress, its
head is Krisis and they have some really cool mods for OBV/2, PCB, RA, etc.
Check out the latest XPS pack either on the XPS WHQ Orginized Kaos or
wherever good packs are distributed.
Anyone wishing to join XPS, should grab XpsApp coded by Nme from the latest
latests XPS pack and mail there application to Krisis krisis@speednet.com.au
- Legend
Fruitcakes Blah
Woop! why Im writing this, I wouldnt have a clue. Maybe because the pack is
late, and Legend wanted something quickly, as ZForce hasnt written this damn
thing yet.
Anyways, Id like to clear up a few things.
In response to Flicks comments about me in the pack, ohh boohoo, have an even
bigger whinge please, I can take it! And no, I didnt have a bitch over
Av Pack10, I thought it was rather humorous, I even enjoyed being in the
memberlist, which is why im thinking of applying for them. I must be really
One more thing, Im going to stay in fORCE, and yes, I will just be an artist,
simply because i dont have the time or the energy to bother with it anymore.
Please stop calling Gehenna, its dead, and Im really getting sick of fewls
ringing constantly.
Anyways, greets to anyone and everyone whoever you are.
Anubiss Blah
Greeting once again. Man I have been sooooo busy this month. Though I thought
that it would be better if we where to relase the pak at the start of each
month, so we might get a better chance of getting our paks reviewed.
AVpak12 ??? Its good to see the release doods. I was starting to wonder what
you guys where up to.
Anyway I havent got much to say this pak so enjoy the pak. The new artist
have really roked this pak and Im glad to have all you guys aboard. I
especially liked Regurgitators ascii and Weeping Killers fonts, but hey
got to release this thing so enough of this dribble.
Btw this new Secret Project done buy Legend and Goblin will rock your world.
Ive seen the beta, and fuck me if its not the best I have ever seen!!!!
: Force Contact Addresses
If you would like to be a member of Force, you can contact any of us on
one of the boards b-low or leave mail to one of the specified addresses.
Please upload some work of yours and the application generators binary
file as well if possible, since to join Force, we do need a good idea
of the work youre doing. Goes without saying.
BBS Name Sysop Number Position
Warhammer Legend +61-2-9879-6261 World HQ
The Temple Anubis +61-8-322-4558 Australian HQ .
. Evil Intensions Betrayer +1-408-251-6220 Canadian HQ
Carnage Caynan +49-224-2851 German HQ :
: Paradise City Crypt Wizard +7-095-112-3589 Russian HQ
Warhammer Legend +61-2-9879-6261 Upload Site
The Force home page is at: www.its.coming.real.soon.so.dont.worry!
COVEN 96 coming at ya: Whenever MZ gets off his ass
Please send all Force Email to : legend@fl.net.au
f o r c e n e w s l e t t e r t e n
Email Legend at legend@fl.net.au if you would like to apply to fORCE
YES, boys and girls, you heard right, fORCE is back with another kickin art
pack! w00p!
We at fORCE would like to apologise for this months packs lateness but it
was due to a multitude of problems encountered by fORCEs senior staff -
- Legends birthday celebrations were so rowdy that he slept for three weeks
- Z-Force was making alot of late night deliveries
- Z-Force was so pissed he forgot he was in Force
- Fruitcakes Datsun 120 Sunny Y-Bother blew up
- Anubiss alzhimers progressed to the stage that he thought he was a duck
- Legend has been playing F1 GP II too long and now thinks his chair is a car
- We ran outta jokes for the newsletter
- During Legends stay in Adelaide the worlds time stopped
So basicly, in a nutshell, we just couldnt be don anything other than
finding excuses for our lazyness!
But seriously, Anubis wanted the group to start releasing the pack at the
start of each month instead of half way though, so this is the real reason
why the pack has been delayed.
As you know this is pack ten, and do you know what that means? Absoloutly
nothing, but still, it means we are big boys now, because we are ten, so
During this month there has been a big change in the force memberlist, so
I shall now move on from crapping on to some serious stuff ..
There has been a huge influx of members to force this month, so I shall take
each division speratly ..
a n s i
Joining the ansi division are Gigalo 13 and Gordo, these big gs well
certainly bring new and raw talent to fORCE, good to have you on board!
Also joining the ansi division is Kleptomaniac, we are glad to see him
in our group, however, we are worried that he may steal stuff
Noodles also joins the ansi division, he will add a great base for currys
and asian dishes, not to mention brilliant ansi art
Along with his w00pen music, Griffin is tagging along in the ansi division,
hey, this guy is good ... music and ansi art, what more could you want?
rounding out the ansi division this month is Terd who has changed his handle
to Regurgitator, and hey, I think it sound heaps better. Finally Insane,
is now a dualing, as an active member in mOp.
If you would like to apply to fORCE as a ansi artist please email Legend at
legend@fl.net.au with a filled out application forceapp.exe and post him
a message with some details about yourself and some samples of your work
v g a
Joining the VGA department are Holosphere and Rip Tide, there stuff certainly
is top quality, and we hope to see more of their great art in further packs
to come. Also joining the VGA department is Risk. To to is a great addition
to the group and not only will we be seeing good vga from him but hi-res
animation awell, so stay tuned to this guy.
c o d e
Joining the coding division is Primus of iCE, hes certainly a brilliant
coder, and we are excited to have such a good coder supporting Australian
Now, our man from Amsterdam, the Guru himself, the Gobsta, Goblin has now
become a member of fORCE .. He brings with him awesome coding skills and
brilliant vga art work, he is truelly an asset to the group and along with
Legend, they are working on a secret fORCE project that you will see the
results of in the next pack .. prepare yourself, itll rock and show the
international scene just what fORCE really can do!!
Goblin and Legend are members of the Australian demogroup Xtatic, If you
wanna join please mail Legend at legend@fl.net.au .. We are looking for
coders and vga artists and distro/hqs .. sorry about the plug
m u s i c
In the music department we have had a member clean up and are now looking
for top quality musicians only, if you think you have what it takes, apply now! email either fender@speednet.com.au or legend@fl.net.au
As i meantioned before, Griffin is now a member of Deste, fORCEs very own
music division, he brings a diverse style to the group and an interesting
Adeliadean feel. Get ready from some kicken stuff from him soon.
- I wonder who actually reads this Newsletter?
fORCE has turned one, and has also had its tenth aniversery! yay team!
Again, as you may have noticed, this total drivel called the fORCE newsletter
is being written by Legend again after Z-Force had a go at it last pack.
w h q
Our ex-WHQ Gehenna went down last month, Fruitcake sold his BBSPC and Gehenna
is now sitting somewhere on one of Legends tapes. Taking its place as
the Force WHQ is Warhammer run by Legend. It is a great board, so give it a
call some time . Of course, all fORCE packs are free downloads on there!
Anubis calls there to pick up fORCE members art work. So if your having
problems contacting or sending your work in, just send it all to
Warhammer BBS +61-2-9879-6261 or email Legend at legend@fl.net.au
f o r c e n e t
As for ForceNet, Orginised Kaos run by Krisis is now the World HUB for
ForceNet unlike Fruitcake, Krisis will not setup your mailer!, ForceNet is
open to all boards, so anyone interested is more than welcome to become a
part of ForceNet, just either mail Legend or Krisis.
x p s
As you may be well aware, fORCE has a modding subsidiary called Xpress, its
head is Krisis and they have some really cool mods for OBV/2, PCB, RA, etc.
Check out the latest XPS pack either on the XPS WHQ Orginized Kaos or
wherever good packs are distributed.
Anyone wishing to join XPS, should grab XpsApp coded by Nme from the latest
latests XPS pack and mail there application to Krisis krisis@speednet.com.au
- Legend
Fruitcakes Blah
Woop! why Im writing this, I wouldnt have a clue. Maybe because the pack is
late, and Legend wanted something quickly, as ZForce hasnt written this damn
thing yet.
Anyways, Id like to clear up a few things.
In response to Flicks comments about me in the pack, ohh boohoo, have an even
bigger whinge please, I can take it! And no, I didnt have a bitch over
Av Pack10, I thought it was rather humorous, I even enjoyed being in the
memberlist, which is why im thinking of applying for them. I must be really
One more thing, Im going to stay in fORCE, and yes, I will just be an artist,
simply because i dont have the time or the energy to bother with it anymore.
Please stop calling Gehenna, its dead, and Im really getting sick of fewls
ringing constantly.
Anyways, greets to anyone and everyone whoever you are.
Anubiss Blah
Greeting once again. Man I have been sooooo busy this month. Though I thought
that it would be better if we where to relase the pak at the start of each
month, so we might get a better chance of getting our paks reviewed.
AVpak12 ??? Its good to see the release doods. I was starting to wonder what
you guys where up to.
Anyway I havent got much to say this pak so enjoy the pak. The new artist
have really roked this pak and Im glad to have all you guys aboard. I
especially liked Regurgitators ascii and Weeping Killers fonts, but hey
got to release this thing so enough of this dribble.
Btw this new Secret Project done buy Legend and Goblin will rock your world.
Ive seen the beta, and fuck me if its not the best I have ever seen!!!!
: Force Contact Addresses
If you would like to be a member of Force, you can contact any of us on
one of the boards b-low or leave mail to one of the specified addresses.
Please upload some work of yours and the application generators binary
file as well if possible, since to join Force, we do need a good idea
of the work youre doing. Goes without saying.
BBS Name Sysop Number Position
Warhammer Legend +61-2-9879-6261 World HQ
The Temple Anubis +61-8-322-4558 Australian HQ .
. Evil Intensions Betrayer +1-408-251-6220 Canadian HQ
Carnage Caynan +49-224-2851 German HQ :
: Paradise City Crypt Wizard +7-095-112-3589 Russian HQ
Warhammer Legend +61-2-9879-6261 Upload Site
The Force home page is at: www.its.coming.real.soon.so.dont.worry!
COVEN 96 coming at ya: Whenever MZ gets off his ass
Please send all Force Email to : legend@fl.net.au
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