this image contains text
n e w s
f o r c e e i g h t
YES, Force is back with another kicken k-radica
l pack ... lots has been
happening in the Oz art scene, with AVs very controversial pa
ck numero ten.
Mr Schizophrenia returning from MoP to a
very good australian art group g
and Mr Krinkle/AV loosing his mind. Overall quite an inter
esting month.
As you know, Force has gone monthly. This month
Force has had a whole lot
of art work and because of this, we have split the packs i
nto two parts.
disk one - ansi/ascii/etc
disk two - vga/etc
Hey kids, do you like the rocknroll? As you know the F
orce music section
Deste now puts out quaterly music disks, so look
out for those disks.
Release date is around early june. The last pack was
just a taste of whats
to come.
Coven96 is drawing closer and closer, we here at force wish
MZ the best
with the compos.. and all force members entering the ansi/m
usic compos.
Remembering that anubis is bringing all the muches ...
As you can see from the total crap above, its been a quie
t month at Force.
However, we have recieved a couple of new members.
Joining the VGA department are Mr Schizophrenia so
rry if the spelling is
wrong, I had a pre-newsletter BonG ! originally
from ACiD, AV, and MoP
Well be seeing big things from this dood..
Also joining the Vga dept is Akuma who is new to th
e scene, but still rips
out quality art work..If this is his start.. hell be
huge in 6 months.
It seems that Z-force has come into a couple of
problems mainly his H
a beasty yellow ford escort and the prospects
of a life so
Point Zero
will not be coming back up well, not atleast for a while
News FLASH!!!
Legend and Fruitcake
are now writing the
newsletter, so if you think it
sucks, or you just dont like David Letterman jokes...
well, fuck off
Next month, expect jokes from the good o
ld aussie version of
the late
ForceNet is now working like clockwork
thanks to Fruitcakes
new nodelist
and general badgering from Legend and others
Legend would like to thank him
for coming over and fixing his mailer
and to all force members this is
the last time.... do it yourself!. Forc
eNet now has a public area so YOU can
leave comments about artists, talk to them directly,
ask for requests and
ask for help from our qualified and helpful staff.
ps.. fcs really a nice guy, if you ask him nicely hell
help with the
mailer if hes got time.
Some how, it seems that force was taken over by homosexual wa
rez doods.....
No, we dont think that warez dudes are gay, but these guys A
So if your wondering why the chat in force is a little out of
the ordinary,
dont worry, we havnt gone mad yet. Rest assured that Goo
inet eleeeto
will soon re-claim the channel not! Temporalily we
ve moved the channel to
If any irc gun fighters wanna take thisguy in force down
for us. Feelfree
Well make sure you get greetz in thenext force pak
As I mentioned above, AV pack ten was a little, well, strange
? .. Do not
fret, Force has not merged with AV. It was all a bi
g publicity stunt, like
madonna and that sex book with the easy to clean metal cove
r. Shame that
the pack was so thin on art, yet so full of humour?!
just like a chocolate
milkshake only crunchy?
In regard to AV pack 10, Id just
like to say, that Forces great ,
commanding leader Anubis does not
have alzhimers at the ripe old age
of 23. However, on sundays, if the
moon is right, he metomorphisises
into GooGoo The Clown.
GooGoo The Clown anubis.
photographed by the :
the mad photographer 2
The Force homepage is currently being re-worked,
but never fear, Ovadose is
currently working hard on the page, and it will be up as soon
as possible.
Well, probably the biggest thing this month would be K
kAOS, kURRUPtS ANSi HElP CENtRE should be up b
y the time this pack is
released and should help the up and coming artist
s tremendously. All you
yanks give it a call, and check it out. You might actually lea
rn something
And last but not least, any students in syd-aney wishing to
goto Legends
school, look for the pamphlet with the 2 guys sitting
in front of Forceapp.
Yes, thats right, two of my friends are setting infro
nt of Forceapp and its
on the back of the schools pamphlet. big force log
o! .. How lame can
Legends Blah :
To AV,
Id like to thank Blue Apache and Mr Krinkle for lighting up m
y day with AV
pack numero cinco + cinco. Seeing your pack, and an hour of Da
vid Letterman
made my day 110 better!
Thanks AV!
greetz to: goblin, fruitcake, anubis googoo, jax, clarissa,
nme and ozone!
Fruitcakes Blah :
First ill start with AV Pack 10. I dont think that the A
V members actually
have an IQ high enough to figure this out But they sucessf
ully achieved
the feat of being worse than acid at this point in time, a
nd they also
achieved the oppisite of what was intented. Instead o
f bagging out the scene
they sucessfuly bagged themselves out and have probably
ruined their
international reputation. Another Oz group goes down
the toilet.
I would also like to make it clear.. IM NOT SETTING UP ANY
Anybody asking for this will have their nuts cut off, and th
en shoved down
their throat! This is NOT a threat!
Can the following people please contact me at fc@alchemybbs.co
creator, satanic rhythm, the guys
from purg and fsw!
Due to lamer influxes the NUP on Gehenna is now WOOP
Keep the good stuff coming...
Anubiss Blah :
As you have noticed i have let Legend and Fruitcake take
ova the roll of
writting up the monthly news letter. Its all in good fun and
the aim of the
news letter is to inform the art scene whats happening in Au
stralia. lets
enjoy the scene for what it is...
Due to ozemail being wankers they have frozen my account so
please can you
send all applications and mail to Warhhamer at al
.au well endevour to process it asap.
finall Red Haze has spent heaps of time on the force Viewer.
Take note of
the changes hes made, and there is many more to come. As time
goes by I
beleive that force view will be one of the best viewers arou
Best peice in this pak: goes to Nme for
the way cool ascii
Fruitcake to Legend: Just, jst, jst
, just, Shut the fuck up!
Anubis to Fruitcake: You really dont l
ike my ansi? sobcomplex
Legend to Fruitcake: Its too hard being
this good!
Legend to Fruitcake: w00p!
Anubis to Fruitcake: I kno
w yo do all this work.. but be nice..
Mr Krinkle to Fruitcake: Your dick mo
st be so big, can i suck it
Can i have your children
I Love you something so much
Fruitcake: Dj fORCE koming at ya with the ardcore
k-rad krap!
Inspired by the force freestlyin guys
As Said many a time before... we want MORE ansi/rip/vga/mu
sic/coders to head
over to fORCE, Its as simple as filling in the app fo
rm and uploading it to
a fORCE HQ OR Member Board nearest yo
All musicians please apply at the music hq warhammer or
through the inet..
- Legend
- Fruitcake
Force Con
tact Addresses
If you would like to be a member of Force, you can contac
t any of us on
one of the boards b-low or leave mail to one of the specified
Please upload some work of yours and the applicati
on generators binary
file as well if possible, since to join Force, we do need a g
ood idea
of the work youre doing. Goes without saying.
BBS Name Sysop
Number Position
Gehenna Fruticake
+61-2-894-5093 World HQ
The Temple Anubis
+61-8-322-4558 Australian HQ
. Evil Intensions Betrayer
+1-408-251-6220 Canadian HQ
Carnage Caynan
+49-224-2851 German HQ
: Paradise City Crypt Wizard
+7-095-112-3589 Russian HQ
Gehenna Fruitcake
+61-2-894-5093 Upload Site
Warhammer Legend
+61-2-879-6261 Music HQ
The fORCE home page is at:
COVEN 96 coming at ya: 12
th-14th July, SA.
Please send all fORCE Email to : albanisa@closer.br
n e w s
f o r c e e i g h t
YES, Force is back with another kicken k-radica
l pack ... lots has been
happening in the Oz art scene, with AVs very controversial pa
ck numero ten.
Mr Schizophrenia returning from MoP to a
very good australian art group g
and Mr Krinkle/AV loosing his mind. Overall quite an inter
esting month.
As you know, Force has gone monthly. This month
Force has had a whole lot
of art work and because of this, we have split the packs i
nto two parts.
disk one - ansi/ascii/etc
disk two - vga/etc
Hey kids, do you like the rocknroll? As you know the F
orce music section
Deste now puts out quaterly music disks, so look
out for those disks.
Release date is around early june. The last pack was
just a taste of whats
to come.
Coven96 is drawing closer and closer, we here at force wish
MZ the best
with the compos.. and all force members entering the ansi/m
usic compos.
Remembering that anubis is bringing all the muches ...
As you can see from the total crap above, its been a quie
t month at Force.
However, we have recieved a couple of new members.
Joining the VGA department are Mr Schizophrenia so
rry if the spelling is
wrong, I had a pre-newsletter BonG ! originally
from ACiD, AV, and MoP
Well be seeing big things from this dood..
Also joining the Vga dept is Akuma who is new to th
e scene, but still rips
out quality art work..If this is his start.. hell be
huge in 6 months.
It seems that Z-force has come into a couple of
problems mainly his H
a beasty yellow ford escort and the prospects
of a life so
Point Zero
will not be coming back up well, not atleast for a while
News FLASH!!!
Legend and Fruitcake
are now writing the
newsletter, so if you think it
sucks, or you just dont like David Letterman jokes...
well, fuck off
Next month, expect jokes from the good o
ld aussie version of
the late
ForceNet is now working like clockwork
thanks to Fruitcakes
new nodelist
and general badgering from Legend and others
Legend would like to thank him
for coming over and fixing his mailer
and to all force members this is
the last time.... do it yourself!. Forc
eNet now has a public area so YOU can
leave comments about artists, talk to them directly,
ask for requests and
ask for help from our qualified and helpful staff.
ps.. fcs really a nice guy, if you ask him nicely hell
help with the
mailer if hes got time.
Some how, it seems that force was taken over by homosexual wa
rez doods.....
No, we dont think that warez dudes are gay, but these guys A
So if your wondering why the chat in force is a little out of
the ordinary,
dont worry, we havnt gone mad yet. Rest assured that Goo
inet eleeeto
will soon re-claim the channel not! Temporalily we
ve moved the channel to
If any irc gun fighters wanna take thisguy in force down
for us. Feelfree
Well make sure you get greetz in thenext force pak
As I mentioned above, AV pack ten was a little, well, strange
? .. Do not
fret, Force has not merged with AV. It was all a bi
g publicity stunt, like
madonna and that sex book with the easy to clean metal cove
r. Shame that
the pack was so thin on art, yet so full of humour?!
just like a chocolate
milkshake only crunchy?
In regard to AV pack 10, Id just
like to say, that Forces great ,
commanding leader Anubis does not
have alzhimers at the ripe old age
of 23. However, on sundays, if the
moon is right, he metomorphisises
into GooGoo The Clown.
GooGoo The Clown anubis.
photographed by the :
the mad photographer 2
The Force homepage is currently being re-worked,
but never fear, Ovadose is
currently working hard on the page, and it will be up as soon
as possible.
Well, probably the biggest thing this month would be K
kAOS, kURRUPtS ANSi HElP CENtRE should be up b
y the time this pack is
released and should help the up and coming artist
s tremendously. All you
yanks give it a call, and check it out. You might actually lea
rn something
And last but not least, any students in syd-aney wishing to
goto Legends
school, look for the pamphlet with the 2 guys sitting
in front of Forceapp.
Yes, thats right, two of my friends are setting infro
nt of Forceapp and its
on the back of the schools pamphlet. big force log
o! .. How lame can
Legends Blah :
To AV,
Id like to thank Blue Apache and Mr Krinkle for lighting up m
y day with AV
pack numero cinco + cinco. Seeing your pack, and an hour of Da
vid Letterman
made my day 110 better!
Thanks AV!
greetz to: goblin, fruitcake, anubis googoo, jax, clarissa,
nme and ozone!
Fruitcakes Blah :
First ill start with AV Pack 10. I dont think that the A
V members actually
have an IQ high enough to figure this out But they sucessf
ully achieved
the feat of being worse than acid at this point in time, a
nd they also
achieved the oppisite of what was intented. Instead o
f bagging out the scene
they sucessfuly bagged themselves out and have probably
ruined their
international reputation. Another Oz group goes down
the toilet.
I would also like to make it clear.. IM NOT SETTING UP ANY
Anybody asking for this will have their nuts cut off, and th
en shoved down
their throat! This is NOT a threat!
Can the following people please contact me at fc@alchemybbs.co
creator, satanic rhythm, the guys
from purg and fsw!
Due to lamer influxes the NUP on Gehenna is now WOOP
Keep the good stuff coming...
Anubiss Blah :
As you have noticed i have let Legend and Fruitcake take
ova the roll of
writting up the monthly news letter. Its all in good fun and
the aim of the
news letter is to inform the art scene whats happening in Au
stralia. lets
enjoy the scene for what it is...
Due to ozemail being wankers they have frozen my account so
please can you
send all applications and mail to Warhhamer at al
.au well endevour to process it asap.
finall Red Haze has spent heaps of time on the force Viewer.
Take note of
the changes hes made, and there is many more to come. As time
goes by I
beleive that force view will be one of the best viewers arou
Best peice in this pak: goes to Nme for
the way cool ascii
Fruitcake to Legend: Just, jst, jst
, just, Shut the fuck up!
Anubis to Fruitcake: You really dont l
ike my ansi? sobcomplex
Legend to Fruitcake: Its too hard being
this good!
Legend to Fruitcake: w00p!
Anubis to Fruitcake: I kno
w yo do all this work.. but be nice..
Mr Krinkle to Fruitcake: Your dick mo
st be so big, can i suck it
Can i have your children
I Love you something so much
Fruitcake: Dj fORCE koming at ya with the ardcore
k-rad krap!
Inspired by the force freestlyin guys
As Said many a time before... we want MORE ansi/rip/vga/mu
sic/coders to head
over to fORCE, Its as simple as filling in the app fo
rm and uploading it to
a fORCE HQ OR Member Board nearest yo
All musicians please apply at the music hq warhammer or
through the inet..
- Legend
- Fruitcake
Force Con
tact Addresses
If you would like to be a member of Force, you can contac
t any of us on
one of the boards b-low or leave mail to one of the specified
Please upload some work of yours and the applicati
on generators binary
file as well if possible, since to join Force, we do need a g
ood idea
of the work youre doing. Goes without saying.
BBS Name Sysop
Number Position
Gehenna Fruticake
+61-2-894-5093 World HQ
The Temple Anubis
+61-8-322-4558 Australian HQ
. Evil Intensions Betrayer
+1-408-251-6220 Canadian HQ
Carnage Caynan
+49-224-2851 German HQ
: Paradise City Crypt Wizard
+7-095-112-3589 Russian HQ
Gehenna Fruitcake
+61-2-894-5093 Upload Site
Warhammer Legend
+61-2-879-6261 Music HQ
The fORCE home page is at:
COVEN 96 coming at ya: 12
th-14th July, SA.
Please send all fORCE Email to : albanisa@closer.br
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