this image contains text
an essay of opinion by waste. /
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::well, hi people, this is just a list of 10 things that are pissing me off at
the moment, if you dont like what i have written, then dont tell me reasons
why i am wrong, you are not changing my opinion, after all hate is a very
powerful word, and if i hate something, then i really, really, dislike it.
i havent written anything about race/religion or any serious insulting subjects
so if you dont like one of the things, then forget it and move onto the next.
1.techno music- how can people enjoy listening to this repetitive, boring,
manufactured crap? i like music that actually has *real* drums in it.
oh, that must have pissed off a lot of people already hi rippa :
2.hanson- they are just a bunch of kids manufactured by their smothering
parents who realise that they need to get the boys famous now because they
will be gone and forgotten in 6 months. anyone remember kriss kross? didnt
think you would. people say i hate them because im jealous. well if you
think that i am jealous of being able to sing and look like a girltaylor
or want to pretend to play the drums, and act like i have attention defa-
sate disorder whenever i am being interviewed the youngest one, or act
like the big brother who is really jealous because none of the girls like
him, then you think that.. but i know, i sure as hell aint jealous bitch.
3.warez traders who think they are l33t- i dont see how being able to spend
your whole night waiting for some program that you probably wont ever use,
and then spending the next night uploading it to some other bbs, so you can
get more credits to repeat the process again and again, means that you have
some skill nobody else does. even a fucking 6 year old could become a l33t
warez trader, as long as you taught him how to dial, upload and download.
the fact is that there is no real skill in it at all is there?
4.losers who start up groups and then let them die after two releases, all
the time saying how the group will become the all new force in xxxxx be it
anarchy/warez/art. its not as bad to start a group and then die, but when you
use it as a reason to make out how great you are because you founded a group
then you are just making it worse for yourself when everyone laughs after it
your all new force of leetness group dies a few weeks later.
5.vocal harmony shit- you know what i mean, the music groups that are becoming
real popular at the moment, where its a group of hunks with really high
beautiful voices singing in harmony about all this useless shit.. its really
fucking shitty, i mean the guys look like theyre homosexuals half the time,
or they have their shirts off dancing in front of some pre-pubescent girls at
at concert that we all know has just been set up for the music video.
6.sepultura- whats with the vocalist? why must he yell so as to make himself
incomprehensible just to get the point across. i mean, the music as in
the guitars/drums etc sound fine to me, but why fuck it all up with yelling?
i mean, i tried to enjoy it, but as soon as i heard the voice, i switched off.
in case you want to know what type of music i like, its heavy metal/rock like
metallica,soundgarden etc. at least with that i can understand what the singers
trying to say.
7.12 year old anarchists- what im talking about here is the year 6 or 7
pre-teen little shits who believe that because they have found through their
net hacking, a copy of the terrorists handbook or similar, you know what im
talking about, one of those big books of bomb recipes. and then read it and try
to make some of the bombs only to find out they are too hard to make anyway.
they will then, realising that they cannot make the bombs, go looking for easy
to do anarchy, and eventually stumble upon something like soda bulb bombs.
then theyll let one of them off in someones letterbox, and the next day, brag
about how they blew the fuck out of it man, and yeah, i love making bombs,
im like a master anarchist and believe with that attitude, they are suddenly
the coolest, toughest guy around. the fact is kiddies, you are not a master
anarchist, just a little malicious fuck, who thinks that anarchy is all about
blowing up letterboxes. im dont believe in anarchy, but i do know what its
about and it sure as hell doesnt mean roaming the streets destroying shit.
8.the seinfeld crews lust for money- dont get me wrong here, i fucking love
the television show, but what i dont understand is how the stars got real
worried that getting 500 grand an episode wasnt enough, and demanded no less
than 1 million dollars per episode. i mean, all you have to do is play for a
season and you are more than set up for life with 500,000, but then you decide
that it wont be enough, and want 1 million? i mean with that much money, why
do you want more, what are you afraid of? isnt 500,000 enough?!!?!
9.the media- what im singleing out here, is how television news has stories
about the wonders of the internet/info superhighway/cyberspace/cybersurfing/
cyberchat etc.. i mean, its the fucking internet, shut the fuck up about it
being the greatest technical achievement ever. it might be eventually, but for
the moment it is in a very archaic state, as in for every time you find what
you are looking for, you will also get 17 links to some swedish porn site,
and then you still have to wait for the page to download. i doubt that the
internet will truly live up to what it is promising now for a while to come.
10.child geniuses- i am writing this after seeing some thing on 60 minutes
about a 14 year old boy with an I.Q of 400 or something, who has finished
highschool, finished college etc. now im not really pissed off at the kid
for being so smart, but how 60 minutes made him out to be, when what i saw
was a spoilt little faggot, with what appeared to me to be attention defasate
disorder, and a fucking huge ego to match his fucking huge brain. i dont think
that makes him any better than the rest of us. by the time hes 30, hell be
like every other smart adult. if we are supposed to be equal, then why do we
insist on worshipping these prodigies. how about we forget about the kid and
worry about something else, like the dumb kid who is addicted to heroin, or
the poor little shit dying of cancer? what is the point of giving the prodigy
more attention, when it is clearly what he wants? as i said, i think he has
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::well, thats 10, i decided i would stop at 10, and i will. so if i have offended
anyone from this, then well, just forget about it, unless you are angry about
my hate for hanson. if thats the case i will say this. aim higher! they SUCK!
i might do another one of these, another time, when i feel like it, but dont
expect anything. if its the case that you agree with me on any of these things
then id be happy to discuss our similar hates with each other, youll find me in
ascii if im online at the time.
and one last thing- aint gonna waste my hate on you!
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::well, hi people, this is just a list of 10 things that are pissing me off at
the moment, if you dont like what i have written, then dont tell me reasons
why i am wrong, you are not changing my opinion, after all hate is a very
powerful word, and if i hate something, then i really, really, dislike it.
i havent written anything about race/religion or any serious insulting subjects
so if you dont like one of the things, then forget it and move onto the next.
1.techno music- how can people enjoy listening to this repetitive, boring,
manufactured crap? i like music that actually has *real* drums in it.
oh, that must have pissed off a lot of people already hi rippa :
2.hanson- they are just a bunch of kids manufactured by their smothering
parents who realise that they need to get the boys famous now because they
will be gone and forgotten in 6 months. anyone remember kriss kross? didnt
think you would. people say i hate them because im jealous. well if you
think that i am jealous of being able to sing and look like a girltaylor
or want to pretend to play the drums, and act like i have attention defa-
sate disorder whenever i am being interviewed the youngest one, or act
like the big brother who is really jealous because none of the girls like
him, then you think that.. but i know, i sure as hell aint jealous bitch.
3.warez traders who think they are l33t- i dont see how being able to spend
your whole night waiting for some program that you probably wont ever use,
and then spending the next night uploading it to some other bbs, so you can
get more credits to repeat the process again and again, means that you have
some skill nobody else does. even a fucking 6 year old could become a l33t
warez trader, as long as you taught him how to dial, upload and download.
the fact is that there is no real skill in it at all is there?
4.losers who start up groups and then let them die after two releases, all
the time saying how the group will become the all new force in xxxxx be it
anarchy/warez/art. its not as bad to start a group and then die, but when you
use it as a reason to make out how great you are because you founded a group
then you are just making it worse for yourself when everyone laughs after it
your all new force of leetness group dies a few weeks later.
5.vocal harmony shit- you know what i mean, the music groups that are becoming
real popular at the moment, where its a group of hunks with really high
beautiful voices singing in harmony about all this useless shit.. its really
fucking shitty, i mean the guys look like theyre homosexuals half the time,
or they have their shirts off dancing in front of some pre-pubescent girls at
at concert that we all know has just been set up for the music video.
6.sepultura- whats with the vocalist? why must he yell so as to make himself
incomprehensible just to get the point across. i mean, the music as in
the guitars/drums etc sound fine to me, but why fuck it all up with yelling?
i mean, i tried to enjoy it, but as soon as i heard the voice, i switched off.
in case you want to know what type of music i like, its heavy metal/rock like
metallica,soundgarden etc. at least with that i can understand what the singers
trying to say.
7.12 year old anarchists- what im talking about here is the year 6 or 7
pre-teen little shits who believe that because they have found through their
net hacking, a copy of the terrorists handbook or similar, you know what im
talking about, one of those big books of bomb recipes. and then read it and try
to make some of the bombs only to find out they are too hard to make anyway.
they will then, realising that they cannot make the bombs, go looking for easy
to do anarchy, and eventually stumble upon something like soda bulb bombs.
then theyll let one of them off in someones letterbox, and the next day, brag
about how they blew the fuck out of it man, and yeah, i love making bombs,
im like a master anarchist and believe with that attitude, they are suddenly
the coolest, toughest guy around. the fact is kiddies, you are not a master
anarchist, just a little malicious fuck, who thinks that anarchy is all about
blowing up letterboxes. im dont believe in anarchy, but i do know what its
about and it sure as hell doesnt mean roaming the streets destroying shit.
8.the seinfeld crews lust for money- dont get me wrong here, i fucking love
the television show, but what i dont understand is how the stars got real
worried that getting 500 grand an episode wasnt enough, and demanded no less
than 1 million dollars per episode. i mean, all you have to do is play for a
season and you are more than set up for life with 500,000, but then you decide
that it wont be enough, and want 1 million? i mean with that much money, why
do you want more, what are you afraid of? isnt 500,000 enough?!!?!
9.the media- what im singleing out here, is how television news has stories
about the wonders of the internet/info superhighway/cyberspace/cybersurfing/
cyberchat etc.. i mean, its the fucking internet, shut the fuck up about it
being the greatest technical achievement ever. it might be eventually, but for
the moment it is in a very archaic state, as in for every time you find what
you are looking for, you will also get 17 links to some swedish porn site,
and then you still have to wait for the page to download. i doubt that the
internet will truly live up to what it is promising now for a while to come.
10.child geniuses- i am writing this after seeing some thing on 60 minutes
about a 14 year old boy with an I.Q of 400 or something, who has finished
highschool, finished college etc. now im not really pissed off at the kid
for being so smart, but how 60 minutes made him out to be, when what i saw
was a spoilt little faggot, with what appeared to me to be attention defasate
disorder, and a fucking huge ego to match his fucking huge brain. i dont think
that makes him any better than the rest of us. by the time hes 30, hell be
like every other smart adult. if we are supposed to be equal, then why do we
insist on worshipping these prodigies. how about we forget about the kid and
worry about something else, like the dumb kid who is addicted to heroin, or
the poor little shit dying of cancer? what is the point of giving the prodigy
more attention, when it is clearly what he wants? as i said, i think he has
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::well, thats 10, i decided i would stop at 10, and i will. so if i have offended
anyone from this, then well, just forget about it, unless you are angry about
my hate for hanson. if thats the case i will say this. aim higher! they SUCK!
i might do another one of these, another time, when i feel like it, but dont
expect anything. if its the case that you agree with me on any of these things
then id be happy to discuss our similar hates with each other, youll find me in
ascii if im online at the time.
and one last thing- aint gonna waste my hate on you!
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