this image contains text
.s@ ll
l .S
P .s@ @s..s@S..s@ . .s@ s.
l l l l l l l l
l P--
. l l l l l4 l
do not underestimate the power of the force...
mosen logo collection number 5
ok here it is, collee 5! whoa, not many requests... but no probs,
greets to all the ppl who visit frc... enough talk, on with the
collee! :...
bane logo number tre
b a n e
cess pool logo
p o o l
another food logo
stasis logo, yep stasis, not staesis, as in cyntaxs board:
l .S
P .s@ @s..s@S..s@ . .s@ s.
l l l l l l l l
l P--
. l l l l l4 l
do not underestimate the power of the force...
mosen logo collection number 5
ok here it is, collee 5! whoa, not many requests... but no probs,
greets to all the ppl who visit frc... enough talk, on with the
collee! :...
bane logo number tre
b a n e
cess pool logo
p o o l
another food logo
stasis logo, yep stasis, not staesis, as in cyntaxs board:
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