this image contains text
eclipseforce + rzarectorforce
+- -- -- - ---- - + force advertisments c 1997 :: disk nineteen, july/august 1997
W elcome to the latest episode from the force crew. This month we are
extremely late as always, and hope it was worth the wait. The 4th was
cool as hell as always. Alcohol and fireworks... what a combination!
If you dont celebrate it, uhm, Im sure you can think of something to
be proud of, or at least find some kid to shoot fireworks at...
N ew team members
Lots of activity for this month, we have acquired several new artists
such as :
Currently in Society, grav2 joins the force art team providing his mad
elite ascii skills. He has a strange style, but thats a good thing
Also new this month is icepick also known as Ark Anjel. Icepick is now
currently in fuel and brings the force art team his mad ansi skills.
This guy never sleeps. EVER. Icepick is an irc warrior we like him.
Back from the dead, jinx comes out from the shadows to join the team.
His pics and fonts are great and he has an odd sence of humor as well!
He should make a great addition to the team, and hes just a pimp...
This month we started something new called the farce. Its a parody of
info about the scene and life in general. I dont want to give it all
away, but just make sure your on the lookout for it. Heading up this
project is the crowe of blade productions and host of www.lit.org. He
is working on this project with his right hand man, acolyte, who is a
current member of the new lit group, pipe. Check out the farce today!
D epartures from Force
The departures for this month are mainly all due to inactivity of these
members. If your name is on the list bleow it does not nesecarilly mean
you are out of force. It means you wont be onthe memberlist until the
situation of inactivity is dealt with. Sorry :
demonic tutor, erosion, flava flav, flipside, funky worm, hellraiser,
holosphere, mephisto, primus, prophet, phyrrus, shezza, twinkle toes,
and last but certainly not least, griffin
You may be wondering why so many people are being kicked from force?!
The reason is that we are rebuilding force. Starting with new outlooks
and new standards. Therefore we need to have a consistant and quality
art team, which means you have to draw once in a blue moon. If youre
one-hundred percent sure we made a mistake, email impulse with your
reasons. Other than that, the team is still getting stronger, and we
are gonna keep on pushin the packs!
N ews-o-the-month
This month has been another reorganizing month in the ranks. We have
reorganized the member list again and that always provides a spark of
life into us. Since we put so much effort into reorganizing the group
we made a colaberative descision to make this pack represent july and
august together. Not only will this constitute a larger pack, but it
will give our artists more time to draw for pack twenty, which we are
hoping will be a great release september. Read below for more info!
The memberlist has changed again. As you may have noticed there is an
order of things in the works. rGt has earned the rank of president of
force. Anubis has decided to step down from the throne due to lack of
time he can spend with the politics in the group. I, eclipse, have
stepped down from the ansi team lead in order to focus more on the
group itself and the web site. I also need more time to draw, hehe :
Do not fear, because dangermouse has filled the position. He has had
this comming to him for a long time and he is extremely excited. Next
in the order is the ascii team lead. Now that rGt is the head hauncho
someone needs to be in charge of our phearless ascii team. After the
debate, we selected dshay to fill the void. His talent and experience
were extremely helpfull and once again, he is excited and has a few
great ideas to incorperate in the upcomming packs. We are not done,
so hang with me here. We selected impulse to join us in the ranks of
the staff because of his relentless efforts to work on the packs. He
has been there day and night to help with everything for a couple of
months, doing member reviews and tons of misc ansi for last minute
things. If anyone has any comments, questions or concerns partaining
to the memberlist or member status of any sort, dont hesitate to get
in touch with your team lead. All questions that are posted on OK/2,
the world headquarters of force will be directly transfered to me by
rzarector. So if there are any questions about anything, please be
sure to tell tell somone.
There were rumors of a seperate force ascii division, that would be
spawning from the mainstream of the group known as penguin ascii. As
a matter of fact, the discussion was brought to the table. It seemed
as though the majority of the members were not to fond of it and we
have all seen what happends to groups when they divide their team. In
essence, we bagged that idea real quick.
Next month we will be putting out pack number twenty! This should be
extremely cool. We are trying to put together a huge pack this time.
Any donational force 20 art would be greatly appreciated. All of you
inactive members out there, get off yer butts and participate. Its
gonna be great and we are gonna have a good time. Join us on frc for
more information.
We are attempting to redesign our viewer, forceview/2, so hopefully
we will have something that is pretty neat within the next couple of
months. Goblin, if you are out here give me a pulse or a heartbeat
or something. Or you could email either eclipse or rGt. Anyone with
good coding experience is welcome to help out.
Acheron had a complete facelift this month. Be sure you check it out
at www.ca.com.au/acheron It now has a mirror on lit.org so it should
be a bit faster from the United States. Thanks go out to the crowe!
If you like to track, check out revelation music at www.blade.org/rev
Disk number four should be on its way out anytime now and it will
defenatly be worth a listen. Force is not anti-blade. Quit saying it!
ForceNET is scheduled for a redesign SOON, I promise. Hopefully there
will be a chance for me to pick up www.force.org this month. After I
get the page worked out and everything up to speed Ill look into it.
--eclipse/impulseforce senior staff
D angermouses Say
Welp, i was appointed head of ansi, and now it seems, even after all
this nice text from eclipse, that force is dead.. Bugger me why, but
it seems from lack of organisation, and a breakdown in communication.
If anyone disagrees with this statement, then by all means run force
It also seems that most of the New South Wales area has either quit
or died of boredom, and for the last few packs, by admittedly our own
lack of communicational skills, we havent been able to obtain their
Anubis has done a great job, for better and worse, over the time he
started up the group, from pack 1 just by himself, to where it is
today -- Australias largest art group. Your an inspiration to all of
Just closing, Im now off to Society, for i cause ArchAng3l keeps
asking me to join every bloody day!, and ii cause I cant see any
reason to continue being involved with force, or whats left of it,
if that..
If anyone wishes to revive force, or some senior thinks that Im wrong
about this situation, then by all means take the group over, and
breathe some life into it.
--dangermouseforce senior, acheron op
+- -- -- - ---- - + force advertisments c 1997 :: disk nineteen, july/august 1997
W elcome to the latest episode from the force crew. This month we are
extremely late as always, and hope it was worth the wait. The 4th was
cool as hell as always. Alcohol and fireworks... what a combination!
If you dont celebrate it, uhm, Im sure you can think of something to
be proud of, or at least find some kid to shoot fireworks at...
N ew team members
Lots of activity for this month, we have acquired several new artists
such as :
Currently in Society, grav2 joins the force art team providing his mad
elite ascii skills. He has a strange style, but thats a good thing
Also new this month is icepick also known as Ark Anjel. Icepick is now
currently in fuel and brings the force art team his mad ansi skills.
This guy never sleeps. EVER. Icepick is an irc warrior we like him.
Back from the dead, jinx comes out from the shadows to join the team.
His pics and fonts are great and he has an odd sence of humor as well!
He should make a great addition to the team, and hes just a pimp...
This month we started something new called the farce. Its a parody of
info about the scene and life in general. I dont want to give it all
away, but just make sure your on the lookout for it. Heading up this
project is the crowe of blade productions and host of www.lit.org. He
is working on this project with his right hand man, acolyte, who is a
current member of the new lit group, pipe. Check out the farce today!
D epartures from Force
The departures for this month are mainly all due to inactivity of these
members. If your name is on the list bleow it does not nesecarilly mean
you are out of force. It means you wont be onthe memberlist until the
situation of inactivity is dealt with. Sorry :
demonic tutor, erosion, flava flav, flipside, funky worm, hellraiser,
holosphere, mephisto, primus, prophet, phyrrus, shezza, twinkle toes,
and last but certainly not least, griffin
You may be wondering why so many people are being kicked from force?!
The reason is that we are rebuilding force. Starting with new outlooks
and new standards. Therefore we need to have a consistant and quality
art team, which means you have to draw once in a blue moon. If youre
one-hundred percent sure we made a mistake, email impulse with your
reasons. Other than that, the team is still getting stronger, and we
are gonna keep on pushin the packs!
N ews-o-the-month
This month has been another reorganizing month in the ranks. We have
reorganized the member list again and that always provides a spark of
life into us. Since we put so much effort into reorganizing the group
we made a colaberative descision to make this pack represent july and
august together. Not only will this constitute a larger pack, but it
will give our artists more time to draw for pack twenty, which we are
hoping will be a great release september. Read below for more info!
The memberlist has changed again. As you may have noticed there is an
order of things in the works. rGt has earned the rank of president of
force. Anubis has decided to step down from the throne due to lack of
time he can spend with the politics in the group. I, eclipse, have
stepped down from the ansi team lead in order to focus more on the
group itself and the web site. I also need more time to draw, hehe :
Do not fear, because dangermouse has filled the position. He has had
this comming to him for a long time and he is extremely excited. Next
in the order is the ascii team lead. Now that rGt is the head hauncho
someone needs to be in charge of our phearless ascii team. After the
debate, we selected dshay to fill the void. His talent and experience
were extremely helpfull and once again, he is excited and has a few
great ideas to incorperate in the upcomming packs. We are not done,
so hang with me here. We selected impulse to join us in the ranks of
the staff because of his relentless efforts to work on the packs. He
has been there day and night to help with everything for a couple of
months, doing member reviews and tons of misc ansi for last minute
things. If anyone has any comments, questions or concerns partaining
to the memberlist or member status of any sort, dont hesitate to get
in touch with your team lead. All questions that are posted on OK/2,
the world headquarters of force will be directly transfered to me by
rzarector. So if there are any questions about anything, please be
sure to tell tell somone.
There were rumors of a seperate force ascii division, that would be
spawning from the mainstream of the group known as penguin ascii. As
a matter of fact, the discussion was brought to the table. It seemed
as though the majority of the members were not to fond of it and we
have all seen what happends to groups when they divide their team. In
essence, we bagged that idea real quick.
Next month we will be putting out pack number twenty! This should be
extremely cool. We are trying to put together a huge pack this time.
Any donational force 20 art would be greatly appreciated. All of you
inactive members out there, get off yer butts and participate. Its
gonna be great and we are gonna have a good time. Join us on frc for
more information.
We are attempting to redesign our viewer, forceview/2, so hopefully
we will have something that is pretty neat within the next couple of
months. Goblin, if you are out here give me a pulse or a heartbeat
or something. Or you could email either eclipse or rGt. Anyone with
good coding experience is welcome to help out.
Acheron had a complete facelift this month. Be sure you check it out
at www.ca.com.au/acheron It now has a mirror on lit.org so it should
be a bit faster from the United States. Thanks go out to the crowe!
If you like to track, check out revelation music at www.blade.org/rev
Disk number four should be on its way out anytime now and it will
defenatly be worth a listen. Force is not anti-blade. Quit saying it!
ForceNET is scheduled for a redesign SOON, I promise. Hopefully there
will be a chance for me to pick up www.force.org this month. After I
get the page worked out and everything up to speed Ill look into it.
--eclipse/impulseforce senior staff
D angermouses Say
Welp, i was appointed head of ansi, and now it seems, even after all
this nice text from eclipse, that force is dead.. Bugger me why, but
it seems from lack of organisation, and a breakdown in communication.
If anyone disagrees with this statement, then by all means run force
It also seems that most of the New South Wales area has either quit
or died of boredom, and for the last few packs, by admittedly our own
lack of communicational skills, we havent been able to obtain their
Anubis has done a great job, for better and worse, over the time he
started up the group, from pack 1 just by himself, to where it is
today -- Australias largest art group. Your an inspiration to all of
Just closing, Im now off to Society, for i cause ArchAng3l keeps
asking me to join every bloody day!, and ii cause I cant see any
reason to continue being involved with force, or whats left of it,
if that..
If anyone wishes to revive force, or some senior thinks that Im wrong
about this situation, then by all means take the group over, and
breathe some life into it.
--dangermouseforce senior, acheron op
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