this image contains text
,ss a a a ,aa,
a a
s aa
.sS OCt!Sa Sa a
. - ansi cluster no. 1 - .
.. a a
Ss,,,,sS ,sSSs, S SaSs, Ss,,,,sS
,sSSs, aa ,sS Ss, ,sS
,l l ,l l, ,l ll l, OCtANe
ll a..a ll ll a llaSs, Sll 96
.lla ll l, ll ll .l ll
,sl ll l l l l ll l
,sS aS SaS S SS
.-. S .-. A .-. S .-. U .-. A .-. G .-. E .-.
-the filthy sasuage----------------------------------------------------------
lll lll lll S lll lll lll
,sSlll lll lll lll lll lllaSs,
lll lll lllaS ,sSlll lll lll lll
lll lll lll lll lll lll lll lll OCtANe
,sSs. ,ss. OCtANe 96
l s, ,s l l l l S l l
-digital ectasy no. 1--------------------------------------------------------
/ 96
. D I G I T A L E C T A S Y .
-------- op: warhead --------
---- 24 hours / speeds to 28.8 ----
---- node 1 +61.7.goto.hell ----
-digital ectasy no. 2--------------------------------------------------------
,S .,s 96
Ss,.... S,,SS,,SaS,
a a a a
,sSSs, ,sS Ss, ,sSaSs, ,sS Ss, ,sS Ss,
-neo pagan-------------------------------------------------------------------
OCtANe 96
- Planet X -
- Sysop : greenMaN -
- Phone : 61-7-3289-2448 -
-planet X--------------------------------------------------------------------
SSs, Ss ,sS S SSs, Ss, aS
Ss, ll ll ll ll ll Ss, ll ll ll ll ll
SaS SaS Sa SaS 96
j u n k y a r d
-starship junkyard-----------------------------------------------------------
OCtANe xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx OCtAN
96 SSs, Saxxx xxxx xxxx xxx SSs, 96
a a a
SS a a a a a a
-sycos warehouse------------------------------------------------------------
OCtANe 96 OCtANe 96
-encipted carnage-50 orig-------------------------------------------------
Octane 1996 Octane 1996
-gates to the underworld-----------------------------------------------------
.--. f r e e w a r e .--.
,sS sSSs bs, ,sd ,sSSs,
ll ll lls s,.
96 a s aS
1 *FREEWARE U/Ls* 2 some fucked shit ere
3 some other shit ere 4 some more shit here!
-file area header------------------------------------------------------------
Ss, OCt ,sS ,sSSs, ,s ,sSSs, Ss,
96! S
ss ll ll S ll ll ll llaS ,ll ss
1 *FREEWARE U/Ls* 2 some fucked shit ere
3 some other shit ere 4 some more shit here!
-warez area header-----------------------------------------------------------
Brisbane bomb squad
.Octane 1997/.
-brisbane bomb squad---------------------------------------------------------
aaaa s, OCtaNe 97
l l laaaa
-lesson in aggression--------------------------------------------------------
saaaaaa, aa aa s,. s,
, , ,a, , , s, , , Ss,
s l l l l l l l l l
Y aS ss, ,sS
x Bank time x Bank Kbs
x Withdraw time x Withdraw Kbs
time in bank : kbs in bank :
original font design by OCtANe for the ppl of euphoria
-euphoria timebank menu------------------------------------------------------
l sS l l l l l
Shit goze here man
match colour scheme for best results
original font design by OCtANe for the ppl of euphoria
-euphoria config menu--------------------------------------------------------
Ss, S Ss, aaa
,sS s Ss, s, aaa
aaa l l l
Shit goze here
colour scheme shit
original font design by OCtANe for the ppl of euphoria
-euphoria files menu---------------------------------------------------------
,sS aaaaaaa, aaaaaaa, ,sS
,sS S,sS l ,sS
shit goze here man
follow same colour scheme for best results
original font design by OCtANe for the ppl of euphoria
-euphoria stats menu---------------------------------------------------------
,ali: OCtaNe/fORCE
:illi: :il :il a, :il l: :iaS ,a ,a a, li ,a :i l:aaaaaa, . aSa, l l li i: li : : aaaaaa .: aaali il i: : i:a ,:. .:i i: :i a ,a a: : ::aaaa :. ,:i:. .:il :i i: i: aaaa :i :i aaa i:. ,:lli:.:il il li lia il ila li:.a:lli:aaaaaS a l l laaaa a l laaaa li:aaaaaaaaaa aa aa aa a a aa aa aaaa
. - Shrapnel 97 - .
,s/ / / Ss, aaa s, s, /
Sa ,sS s,
l l l SsS l l l l
-dark alliance no.1-my own board in brizzy---------------------------------
OCtANe 96
-dark alliance no.2-my own board in brizzy---------------------------------
. OCt /.
1. / , , 2.
3. . ./ 4.
5. // 6.
7. / / 8.
9. / ./ / 10.
-ledgend list for dark alliance----------------------------------------------
. OCt /.
1. / , , 2.
3. . ./ 4.
5. // 6.
7. / / 8.
9. / ./ / 10.
-loser list for dark alliance------------------------------------------------
:::::::::::::::::::::::::: x aaa x a x a :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::: x xi xi :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::.,aS ,aS ,aS :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .,-+* the *+-,. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::: Ss, Ss, ,aaSs, ::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::: . . aa, aa, aaaa ::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::: ,aaS . . . s, ::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::: aaaa a, i i ss, ,a ::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::: li li li ,aaSa ,aaSa.::::::::::::::::::::
::::::::::::::::::::::::: a,,a a, a, ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
::::::::::::::::::::::::: ,aS ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
-all the kings men-----------------------------------------------------------
OCtANe 97
-extortion no. 1-------------------------------------------------------------
e x t o r t i o n
-extortion no. 2--------------------------------------------------------------
diz no. 1 -pipes- diz no. 2 -ansi-
97 BRiSBANE B0MB SQUAD 97 . - -OCtaNe 97- - .
o . . . ..
c : : : : : : :: :
. . . . What we release here
/ / / / ??/??/??------------xX/xX
What released here c xX/xX
-fileids for the brisbane bomb squad---------------------------------------
diz no. 1 -ascii- diz no. 2 -trippy ansi-
. extortion . e x t o r t i o n
,sdbs, .,,. bs,
l l l l l
P O 9
,s C 7
. couriering 97 .
release shit goes ere
with disk no. shit release shit here
blah blah etc etc.
diz no. 3 -pipes shit- diz no. 4 -more pipes-
- extortion - . -extortion couriering 97- .
. . . . release shit goze here ppl .
. and more stuff here too .
- couriering 97 -
release stuff goesz
here ok fellas?!?!?
-fileids for extortion-----------------------------------------------------
Octane 1996
------------------------------Main menu header--------------------SNiP-----
Octane 1996
-----------------------------files menu header--------------------SNiP-----
Octane 1996
-----SNiP-------------------msgs menu header--------------------SNiP-----
Octane 1996
-----SNiP-------------------msgs menu header--------------------SNiP-----
Octane 1996
-gates to the underworld---stats menu header-------------------------------
. aaa , ,sS ,s Ss, ,s .
, S OCt S :
. S s, 97 Ss, .
OCt ..,., .. .. ,.,. NtK
: : x Menu x in : :
. , x commands x here , .
: x go x OCtaNe/fORCE
-euphoria main menu----------------------------------------------------------
Ansi By Octane 1996
-gooses nest---730 lines--------------------------------------------end-
ok this is my ansi collection since ive started drawing ansi/ascii afew months
ago.. it has ansis from my start right up to when ive joined force.
Greetz: spAwn, Infamous, Superior, Amnesia, 3east, Evil Spirit, Cyndicate
whoeva else wants me to say greetings ...
If ya want a ansi/ascii or something contact me on altered sanity in the +617,
or email me at octane@bluesky.net.au
,ss a a a ,aa,
a a
s aa
.sS OCt!Sa Sa a
. - ansi cluster no. 1 - .
.. a a
Ss,,,,sS ,sSSs, S SaSs, Ss,,,,sS
,sSSs, aa ,sS Ss, ,sS
,l l ,l l, ,l ll l, OCtANe
ll a..a ll ll a llaSs, Sll 96
.lla ll l, ll ll .l ll
,sl ll l l l l ll l
,sS aS SaS S SS
.-. S .-. A .-. S .-. U .-. A .-. G .-. E .-.
-the filthy sasuage----------------------------------------------------------
lll lll lll S lll lll lll
,sSlll lll lll lll lll lllaSs,
lll lll lllaS ,sSlll lll lll lll
lll lll lll lll lll lll lll lll OCtANe
,sSs. ,ss. OCtANe 96
l s, ,s l l l l S l l
-digital ectasy no. 1--------------------------------------------------------
/ 96
. D I G I T A L E C T A S Y .
-------- op: warhead --------
---- 24 hours / speeds to 28.8 ----
---- node 1 +61.7.goto.hell ----
-digital ectasy no. 2--------------------------------------------------------
,S .,s 96
Ss,.... S,,SS,,SaS,
a a a a
,sSSs, ,sS Ss, ,sSaSs, ,sS Ss, ,sS Ss,
-neo pagan-------------------------------------------------------------------
OCtANe 96
- Planet X -
- Sysop : greenMaN -
- Phone : 61-7-3289-2448 -
-planet X--------------------------------------------------------------------
SSs, Ss ,sS S SSs, Ss, aS
Ss, ll ll ll ll ll Ss, ll ll ll ll ll
SaS SaS Sa SaS 96
j u n k y a r d
-starship junkyard-----------------------------------------------------------
OCtANe xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx OCtAN
96 SSs, Saxxx xxxx xxxx xxx SSs, 96
a a a
SS a a a a a a
-sycos warehouse------------------------------------------------------------
OCtANe 96 OCtANe 96
-encipted carnage-50 orig-------------------------------------------------
Octane 1996 Octane 1996
-gates to the underworld-----------------------------------------------------
.--. f r e e w a r e .--.
,sS sSSs bs, ,sd ,sSSs,
ll ll lls s,.
96 a s aS
1 *FREEWARE U/Ls* 2 some fucked shit ere
3 some other shit ere 4 some more shit here!
-file area header------------------------------------------------------------
Ss, OCt ,sS ,sSSs, ,s ,sSSs, Ss,
96! S
ss ll ll S ll ll ll llaS ,ll ss
1 *FREEWARE U/Ls* 2 some fucked shit ere
3 some other shit ere 4 some more shit here!
-warez area header-----------------------------------------------------------
Brisbane bomb squad
.Octane 1997/.
-brisbane bomb squad---------------------------------------------------------
aaaa s, OCtaNe 97
l l laaaa
-lesson in aggression--------------------------------------------------------
saaaaaa, aa aa s,. s,
, , ,a, , , s, , , Ss,
s l l l l l l l l l
Y aS ss, ,sS
x Bank time x Bank Kbs
x Withdraw time x Withdraw Kbs
time in bank : kbs in bank :
original font design by OCtANe for the ppl of euphoria
-euphoria timebank menu------------------------------------------------------
l sS l l l l l
Shit goze here man
match colour scheme for best results
original font design by OCtANe for the ppl of euphoria
-euphoria config menu--------------------------------------------------------
Ss, S Ss, aaa
,sS s Ss, s, aaa
aaa l l l
Shit goze here
colour scheme shit
original font design by OCtANe for the ppl of euphoria
-euphoria files menu---------------------------------------------------------
,sS aaaaaaa, aaaaaaa, ,sS
,sS S,sS l ,sS
shit goze here man
follow same colour scheme for best results
original font design by OCtANe for the ppl of euphoria
-euphoria stats menu---------------------------------------------------------
,ali: OCtaNe/fORCE
:illi: :il :il a, :il l: :iaS ,a ,a a, li ,a :i l:aaaaaa, . aSa, l l li i: li : : aaaaaa .: aaali il i: : i:a ,:. .:i i: :i a ,a a: : ::aaaa :. ,:i:. .:il :i i: i: aaaa :i :i aaa i:. ,:lli:.:il il li lia il ila li:.a:lli:aaaaaS a l l laaaa a l laaaa li:aaaaaaaaaa aa aa aa a a aa aa aaaa
. - Shrapnel 97 - .
,s/ / / Ss, aaa s, s, /
Sa ,sS s,
l l l SsS l l l l
-dark alliance no.1-my own board in brizzy---------------------------------
OCtANe 96
-dark alliance no.2-my own board in brizzy---------------------------------
. OCt /.
1. / , , 2.
3. . ./ 4.
5. // 6.
7. / / 8.
9. / ./ / 10.
-ledgend list for dark alliance----------------------------------------------
. OCt /.
1. / , , 2.
3. . ./ 4.
5. // 6.
7. / / 8.
9. / ./ / 10.
-loser list for dark alliance------------------------------------------------
:::::::::::::::::::::::::: x aaa x a x a :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::: x xi xi :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::.,aS ,aS ,aS :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .,-+* the *+-,. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::: Ss, Ss, ,aaSs, ::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::: . . aa, aa, aaaa ::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::: ,aaS . . . s, ::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::: aaaa a, i i ss, ,a ::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::: li li li ,aaSa ,aaSa.::::::::::::::::::::
::::::::::::::::::::::::: a,,a a, a, ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
::::::::::::::::::::::::: ,aS ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
-all the kings men-----------------------------------------------------------
OCtANe 97
-extortion no. 1-------------------------------------------------------------
e x t o r t i o n
-extortion no. 2--------------------------------------------------------------
diz no. 1 -pipes- diz no. 2 -ansi-
97 BRiSBANE B0MB SQUAD 97 . - -OCtaNe 97- - .
o . . . ..
c : : : : : : :: :
. . . . What we release here
/ / / / ??/??/??------------xX/xX
What released here c xX/xX
-fileids for the brisbane bomb squad---------------------------------------
diz no. 1 -ascii- diz no. 2 -trippy ansi-
. extortion . e x t o r t i o n
,sdbs, .,,. bs,
l l l l l
P O 9
,s C 7
. couriering 97 .
release shit goes ere
with disk no. shit release shit here
blah blah etc etc.
diz no. 3 -pipes shit- diz no. 4 -more pipes-
- extortion - . -extortion couriering 97- .
. . . . release shit goze here ppl .
. and more stuff here too .
- couriering 97 -
release stuff goesz
here ok fellas?!?!?
-fileids for extortion-----------------------------------------------------
Octane 1996
------------------------------Main menu header--------------------SNiP-----
Octane 1996
-----------------------------files menu header--------------------SNiP-----
Octane 1996
-----SNiP-------------------msgs menu header--------------------SNiP-----
Octane 1996
-----SNiP-------------------msgs menu header--------------------SNiP-----
Octane 1996
-gates to the underworld---stats menu header-------------------------------
. aaa , ,sS ,s Ss, ,s .
, S OCt S :
. S s, 97 Ss, .
OCt ..,., .. .. ,.,. NtK
: : x Menu x in : :
. , x commands x here , .
: x go x OCtaNe/fORCE
-euphoria main menu----------------------------------------------------------
Ansi By Octane 1996
-gooses nest---730 lines--------------------------------------------end-
ok this is my ansi collection since ive started drawing ansi/ascii afew months
ago.. it has ansis from my start right up to when ive joined force.
Greetz: spAwn, Infamous, Superior, Amnesia, 3east, Evil Spirit, Cyndicate
whoeva else wants me to say greetings ...
If ya want a ansi/ascii or something contact me on altered sanity in the +617,
or email me at octane@bluesky.net.au
log in to add a comment.