this image contains text
mosens logo collee
hey heres my second collection of logos
for force, sorry bout the last one i
dont know who threw it together but
both of those ansis were done roughly
two months ago i think, anyway heres
the newer version which is heaps better
P.s thanks to the force senior who made
that last collection i dunno who?
btw. ansis are roughly from oldest to
inferno logo
i n f e r n o
Black ice matrix
Blackice bbs
this is the first pic
ive done ..
anyway, good try..
organised kaos 2?
not that we need another org kaos logo but heh anyway...
organised kaos 2
white knights
W h i t e K n i g h t s B B S
white knights online game scores
entry to kAS, dark sorrow
dark sorrow
nemesis divina logo
n e m e s i s d i v i n a
inferno main
i n f e r n o
EOF! ps. not exactly oldest to newest, roughly
hey heres my second collection of logos
for force, sorry bout the last one i
dont know who threw it together but
both of those ansis were done roughly
two months ago i think, anyway heres
the newer version which is heaps better
P.s thanks to the force senior who made
that last collection i dunno who?
btw. ansis are roughly from oldest to
inferno logo
i n f e r n o
Black ice matrix
Blackice bbs
this is the first pic
ive done ..
anyway, good try..
organised kaos 2?
not that we need another org kaos logo but heh anyway...
organised kaos 2
white knights
W h i t e K n i g h t s B B S
white knights online game scores
entry to kAS, dark sorrow
dark sorrow
nemesis divina logo
n e m e s i s d i v i n a
inferno main
i n f e r n o
EOF! ps. not exactly oldest to newest, roughly
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