this image contains text
fo r c e 1 7 . n e w z .
blood scattered on dawns highway bleeding,
ghosts crowd the young childs fragile
eggshell mind.
ok enough of Jim, hes dead, leave the poor cunt alone.
logo by pOrtia force14.
Muhahaha! Back better than ever! Yup Z-force here with bigger steroid
pumped testicles than ever before. A few of you know why I dissapeared
from the scene for about 5 months, and those who dont, ask my parole
officer, but a few things have changed while ive been on vacation,
Legend grew pubes.
Anubis quit hanging around the kindergartens.
But apart from the obvious, force has continued to bring in more and more
awsome local and o/s talent.
Member News!
Joining us this month comes Impulse, currently a member of
CIA, showing wicked logos thanks to Impulse for the Memberlist.
Were gonna see great shit from him.
Rzarector Jumps aboard this month too, which ive seen some nice work from
overthelast month or so, YUP! big brother is watching.
Unsane Velocity who joined us last month Is also due for a mention as we
can see some pretty shmako doodling from him both in ascii and ansi lately.
Cyntax a local respected musician and artist has also joined, dont worry
hes ok, over time he might realise that the spurs SUCK :
From around our local sydney scene more and more artists are coming aboard
with us. We have also seen names such as Hellfire,Sadistic Intent,Duke,
Erosion jump in. wow, really earthy names...is that cool? :
**IMPROTANT NOTE!** If anybody knows how to ride the dog in MegaMan ...
email Anubis at force@ctel.com.au
A *BIG* Cheerio goes out to Mearve Wolf for her guest appearence in the pack! havent seen her in a while and its good to see her around! yay!!!
Group News!
The shift of WHQ to Organized Kaos seems to be a well deserved one as Krisis
has done a great job on his board, and if you havent checked it out yet..
DO SO! Organized kaos is looking to further the wonderous cause of ansi
accross the sydney scene and is doing a great job, well done.
Our Web page as always, said is somewhere in existance. Probably the only
existing copy lives on a desolate 15meg HDD owned by some 11yo baldie, but
it will be with us soon. Anubis tells me it will DEFINATLY be worth the
wait with some awsome VGA being included from some great artists.
We would love to see more people come and join us in our irc channel..
nHnn/ / nnHn GAYDAD/SON/SEX ....
Join Us in FRC, dont accept
** Man this newsletter is gonna keep goin and goin the more turkeys I sink..
As you can see from our member lists...were growing more and more each month
More and more artists are turning their way to force ... which brings me
to my next point ...
Where has AV been stashed away since before their latest release? Alot of
people have alot of different opinions.
There is anubis theory
anubis refuses to belive that they were spotted down at 7eleven with elvis.
and of course Impulses theory
Impulse AV Who?
...But of course they have announced their triumphant return to the oz
scene, coz i mean, we have all been waiting...rite guys? ...guys? awww..
....They have gone again
just kiddin guys i luvz yaz all.:
Forces adopted modding group Xpress is looking for some more interested/
original modders to join the clan. If you think thats you...call
Organized kaos on the listed at the bottom.
The Temple will be no longer roqing Adelaide as said in 16 but will
arriving on the Sydney shores in a couple of weeks, so be prepared for
that one. hail hail. :
Departing Words
Well of course this newsletter has been a total piece of shit this month
but I mean only expect the best, im not capable of much more.
I know this pack is almost on time but im SORRY! it was beyond my control
as late as we like our packs this baby is almost early!
And dont forget! you got it? we want it! join the force crew tahday!
Can I also Point This out, due to our usual lack of communication....
There will be a meet on Monday 12th May on IRC FRC. force pplz only
that nite sorry fellas
** Theos liquor stores have a special on Wild Turkey ONLY 29.95! while stocks
ok just so i can be like everyone else i wanna share my funny quote....
fucked up quote of the month goes to .......Oxidizer/blade
Oxidizer hey zfc, can i be the dream smasher? the guy that tells people
to fuck off cause we dont like them/their art? PLEASE?? :
crude/rude/fuckedup....but still funny :
and before i go id like to say anubis is a lazyarsed nob-jockey for not
getting that pic done for the pack..everyone together! BOOOOO!
: Force Contact Addresses
If you would like to be a member of Force, you can contact any of us on
one of the boards b-low or leave mail to one of the specified addresses.
Please upload some work of yours and the application generators binary
file as well if possible, since to join Force, we do need a good idea
of the work youre doing. Goes without saying.
BBS Name Sysop Number Position
Organized Kaos Krisis +61-2-9876-1536 World HQ
Warhammer Legend +61-2-9879-6261 Australian HQ
Electric Cube LightKnight +0973-740-611 Bahrain HQ
. Kaoz Poti +49-2421-931494 German HQ
The Bat Cave Cougar +1-206-242-7645 US HQ
Paradise City Crypt Wizard +7-095-112-3589 Russian HQ :
: Organized Kaos Krisis +61-2-9876-1536 Upload Site
Static Discharge Cryptic +61-8-8381-8454 Member board
The FORCE home page is at : moving to new home/under construction
Please send all fORCE Email to : force@post1.com or force@ctel.com.au
fo r c e 1 7 . n e w z .
blood scattered on dawns highway bleeding,
ghosts crowd the young childs fragile
eggshell mind.
ok enough of Jim, hes dead, leave the poor cunt alone.
logo by pOrtia force14.
Muhahaha! Back better than ever! Yup Z-force here with bigger steroid
pumped testicles than ever before. A few of you know why I dissapeared
from the scene for about 5 months, and those who dont, ask my parole
officer, but a few things have changed while ive been on vacation,
Legend grew pubes.
Anubis quit hanging around the kindergartens.
But apart from the obvious, force has continued to bring in more and more
awsome local and o/s talent.
Member News!
Joining us this month comes Impulse, currently a member of
CIA, showing wicked logos thanks to Impulse for the Memberlist.
Were gonna see great shit from him.
Rzarector Jumps aboard this month too, which ive seen some nice work from
overthelast month or so, YUP! big brother is watching.
Unsane Velocity who joined us last month Is also due for a mention as we
can see some pretty shmako doodling from him both in ascii and ansi lately.
Cyntax a local respected musician and artist has also joined, dont worry
hes ok, over time he might realise that the spurs SUCK :
From around our local sydney scene more and more artists are coming aboard
with us. We have also seen names such as Hellfire,Sadistic Intent,Duke,
Erosion jump in. wow, really earthy names...is that cool? :
**IMPROTANT NOTE!** If anybody knows how to ride the dog in MegaMan ...
email Anubis at force@ctel.com.au
A *BIG* Cheerio goes out to Mearve Wolf for her guest appearence in the pack! havent seen her in a while and its good to see her around! yay!!!
Group News!
The shift of WHQ to Organized Kaos seems to be a well deserved one as Krisis
has done a great job on his board, and if you havent checked it out yet..
DO SO! Organized kaos is looking to further the wonderous cause of ansi
accross the sydney scene and is doing a great job, well done.
Our Web page as always, said is somewhere in existance. Probably the only
existing copy lives on a desolate 15meg HDD owned by some 11yo baldie, but
it will be with us soon. Anubis tells me it will DEFINATLY be worth the
wait with some awsome VGA being included from some great artists.
We would love to see more people come and join us in our irc channel..
nHnn/ / nnHn GAYDAD/SON/SEX ....
Join Us in FRC, dont accept
** Man this newsletter is gonna keep goin and goin the more turkeys I sink..
As you can see from our member lists...were growing more and more each month
More and more artists are turning their way to force ... which brings me
to my next point ...
Where has AV been stashed away since before their latest release? Alot of
people have alot of different opinions.
There is anubis theory
anubis refuses to belive that they were spotted down at 7eleven with elvis.
and of course Impulses theory
Impulse AV Who?
...But of course they have announced their triumphant return to the oz
scene, coz i mean, we have all been waiting...rite guys? ...guys? awww..
....They have gone again
just kiddin guys i luvz yaz all.:
Forces adopted modding group Xpress is looking for some more interested/
original modders to join the clan. If you think thats you...call
Organized kaos on the listed at the bottom.
The Temple will be no longer roqing Adelaide as said in 16 but will
arriving on the Sydney shores in a couple of weeks, so be prepared for
that one. hail hail. :
Departing Words
Well of course this newsletter has been a total piece of shit this month
but I mean only expect the best, im not capable of much more.
I know this pack is almost on time but im SORRY! it was beyond my control
as late as we like our packs this baby is almost early!
And dont forget! you got it? we want it! join the force crew tahday!
Can I also Point This out, due to our usual lack of communication....
There will be a meet on Monday 12th May on IRC FRC. force pplz only
that nite sorry fellas
** Theos liquor stores have a special on Wild Turkey ONLY 29.95! while stocks
ok just so i can be like everyone else i wanna share my funny quote....
fucked up quote of the month goes to .......Oxidizer/blade
Oxidizer hey zfc, can i be the dream smasher? the guy that tells people
to fuck off cause we dont like them/their art? PLEASE?? :
crude/rude/fuckedup....but still funny :
and before i go id like to say anubis is a lazyarsed nob-jockey for not
getting that pic done for the pack..everyone together! BOOOOO!
: Force Contact Addresses
If you would like to be a member of Force, you can contact any of us on
one of the boards b-low or leave mail to one of the specified addresses.
Please upload some work of yours and the application generators binary
file as well if possible, since to join Force, we do need a good idea
of the work youre doing. Goes without saying.
BBS Name Sysop Number Position
Organized Kaos Krisis +61-2-9876-1536 World HQ
Warhammer Legend +61-2-9879-6261 Australian HQ
Electric Cube LightKnight +0973-740-611 Bahrain HQ
. Kaoz Poti +49-2421-931494 German HQ
The Bat Cave Cougar +1-206-242-7645 US HQ
Paradise City Crypt Wizard +7-095-112-3589 Russian HQ :
: Organized Kaos Krisis +61-2-9876-1536 Upload Site
Static Discharge Cryptic +61-8-8381-8454 Member board
The FORCE home page is at : moving to new home/under construction
Please send all fORCE Email to : force@post1.com or force@ctel.com.au
log in to add a comment.