this image contains text
f o r c e n e w s l e t t e r s i x t e e n
Email Legend at force@post1.com or Anubis at force@ctel.com.au regarding
any Force related matters.
In life, you can only be sure of two things
1. You will die
2. Force packs will always be late
We here at Force are not willing to change the ballance of the cosmos just
to have packs on time, thus this pack being over two months late is no
suprise. It has been an interesting month at Force, with alot of members
joining and others leaving. A huge uproar occured at the lateness of the
pack etc, but fear not my good friends, we are back bigger and better and
sending a big FUCK YOU to all our critics.
However in the near future we hope to be back to our usual selves and be
releasing every month. Man it so scary. Where almost like Acid at the
Force Members
Joining the ranks this month at Force as an ansi artist is Satanik Uprise.
He has shown enourmous promise as an ansi artist and we are happy to have
him on board. We also welcome ansi artists Mosen and Erosion to the ansi
crew. We look forward to lotsa cool stuff from them.
To administrive matters, Jez has changed his name to Portia, and all the
better i say, even if it does evoke images of latrene humour :
Also changing there name is Black Fire. I think hes changed his name 3 times in the last month. So please can everyone get the name right Name Change hes changed it to Cryogenic here! Id also like to add that his work has also improved with each name change! Check out his work it roks! On a very sad note, Mr Schitzophrenia is leaving Force and the scene
altogether. He has lost all gusto for creating awesome handdrawn artwork.
We wish him all the best in the real world and hope things go well.
Yes its true, Z-force is back.
Yes hes finally out of the pub
and back here he used to be. His
board will be back online as soon
as possible and its great to have
him on the team again.
So lock up your 16 year
PUB!! old daughters and put on your
body armour, just incase he
tries to bet the shit out of
you when in a night club
personal joke !
Group News!
n e w w h q
Due to a lack of time on the part of Legend. Legend decided to move the Whq
to Organised Kaos. The upload site will also be Organized Kaos from now on.
In doing this we hope to bring a new leaf of life to Force and to create
a greater art emphasis on the Whq. Warhammer, the Force ex-whq will assume
position as Ahq.
w w w p a g e
As you may be aware the Force www page is still far from finished. Time
eludes its creator Legend and others who have helped Anubis have not
created what was needed. However, with a greater team effort, this page
will be hopefully finished very soon. Until then, you can still leech
the latest Force pack from this page.
t h e t e m p l e
The Temple is now officially down. The Adelaideian outpost of Force will be
sadly mist. Static Discharge, another Adelaideian board now is a Forcenet
host, so you still can get all that great Forcenet mail from that area.
The temple may come back up at a later date in a different state. stay
tuned for this one!
So where is the great Av these
days. Is the Victorian ansi scene
dead or what. And where did that
little naughty boy come from.
Pissing on the Apocolypes visions
Art groups grave. Shame, Shame
Its proberly just a kid from rip
Adelaide pissed off that they
stole the Australian Grand Prix
Hey Anubis lives in Adelaide!
so does Portia !!
Legends Blah
As some of you may be aware, I am now a Kosmic member. With an increased
concentration on the music / demoscene plus the other factors of my last
year of schooling and my social life, I have decided to take an extended
vacation from Force activities. I will still be here, Ill probably only
do some work on the Force www page or write the newsletter, but from an
administrive point of view i am close to dead. I will be back at some
stage when time allows it, until then, it has been fun while it lasted.
It is now time for the ceremonial presentation of the way-cool pic of
the pack award.
The winner is drum roll .. Anubis for his awesome pic!
Anubiss Blah
Well now what can I say. Finally the pak is ready . I apologize for the
lateness of the pak and now with a bit of restructering well go back to
monthly releases. Id like to take some time now and welcome the new
artists that we picked up over the last 2 months, I didnt think that
there where more artist in .au. Shows you just how much I know. You guys
all rok and I expect great thing out of you in the future
There has been some interesting and unfortunate event happen over the
last 2 month and with that come some changes. Hopefully they will be for
the best, and there are more to come in the future. Anyway enough of my
bullshit, time to look at the pak .. enjoy everyone !!! and have a good
easter .... man I love chocolate !!!!!!
: Force Contact Addresses
If you would like to be a member of Force, you can contact any of us on
one of the boards b-low or leave mail to one of the specified addresses.
Please upload some work of yours and the application generators binary
file as well if possible, since to join Force, we do need a good idea
of the work youre doing. Goes without saying.
BBS Name Sysop Number Position
Organized Kaos Krisis +61-2-9876-1536 World HQ
Warhammer Legend +61-2-9879-6261 Australian HQ
Electric Cube LightKnight +0973-740-611 Bahrain HQ
. Kaoz Poti +49-2421-931494 German HQ
The Bat Cave Cougar +1-206-242-7645 US HQ
Paradise City Crypt Wizard +7-095-112-3589 Russian HQ :
: Organized Kaos Krisis +61-2-9876-1536 Upload Site
Static Discharge Cryptic +61-8-8381-8454 Member board
The FORCE home page is at : moving to new home/under construction
Please send all fORCE Email to : force@post1.com or force@ctel.com.au
f o r c e n e w s l e t t e r s i x t e e n
Email Legend at force@post1.com or Anubis at force@ctel.com.au regarding
any Force related matters.
In life, you can only be sure of two things
1. You will die
2. Force packs will always be late
We here at Force are not willing to change the ballance of the cosmos just
to have packs on time, thus this pack being over two months late is no
suprise. It has been an interesting month at Force, with alot of members
joining and others leaving. A huge uproar occured at the lateness of the
pack etc, but fear not my good friends, we are back bigger and better and
sending a big FUCK YOU to all our critics.
However in the near future we hope to be back to our usual selves and be
releasing every month. Man it so scary. Where almost like Acid at the
Force Members
Joining the ranks this month at Force as an ansi artist is Satanik Uprise.
He has shown enourmous promise as an ansi artist and we are happy to have
him on board. We also welcome ansi artists Mosen and Erosion to the ansi
crew. We look forward to lotsa cool stuff from them.
To administrive matters, Jez has changed his name to Portia, and all the
better i say, even if it does evoke images of latrene humour :
Also changing there name is Black Fire. I think hes changed his name 3 times in the last month. So please can everyone get the name right Name Change hes changed it to Cryogenic here! Id also like to add that his work has also improved with each name change! Check out his work it roks! On a very sad note, Mr Schitzophrenia is leaving Force and the scene
altogether. He has lost all gusto for creating awesome handdrawn artwork.
We wish him all the best in the real world and hope things go well.
Yes its true, Z-force is back.
Yes hes finally out of the pub
and back here he used to be. His
board will be back online as soon
as possible and its great to have
him on the team again.
So lock up your 16 year
PUB!! old daughters and put on your
body armour, just incase he
tries to bet the shit out of
you when in a night club
personal joke !
Group News!
n e w w h q
Due to a lack of time on the part of Legend. Legend decided to move the Whq
to Organised Kaos. The upload site will also be Organized Kaos from now on.
In doing this we hope to bring a new leaf of life to Force and to create
a greater art emphasis on the Whq. Warhammer, the Force ex-whq will assume
position as Ahq.
w w w p a g e
As you may be aware the Force www page is still far from finished. Time
eludes its creator Legend and others who have helped Anubis have not
created what was needed. However, with a greater team effort, this page
will be hopefully finished very soon. Until then, you can still leech
the latest Force pack from this page.
t h e t e m p l e
The Temple is now officially down. The Adelaideian outpost of Force will be
sadly mist. Static Discharge, another Adelaideian board now is a Forcenet
host, so you still can get all that great Forcenet mail from that area.
The temple may come back up at a later date in a different state. stay
tuned for this one!
So where is the great Av these
days. Is the Victorian ansi scene
dead or what. And where did that
little naughty boy come from.
Pissing on the Apocolypes visions
Art groups grave. Shame, Shame
Its proberly just a kid from rip
Adelaide pissed off that they
stole the Australian Grand Prix
Hey Anubis lives in Adelaide!
so does Portia !!
Legends Blah
As some of you may be aware, I am now a Kosmic member. With an increased
concentration on the music / demoscene plus the other factors of my last
year of schooling and my social life, I have decided to take an extended
vacation from Force activities. I will still be here, Ill probably only
do some work on the Force www page or write the newsletter, but from an
administrive point of view i am close to dead. I will be back at some
stage when time allows it, until then, it has been fun while it lasted.
It is now time for the ceremonial presentation of the way-cool pic of
the pack award.
The winner is drum roll .. Anubis for his awesome pic!
Anubiss Blah
Well now what can I say. Finally the pak is ready . I apologize for the
lateness of the pak and now with a bit of restructering well go back to
monthly releases. Id like to take some time now and welcome the new
artists that we picked up over the last 2 months, I didnt think that
there where more artist in .au. Shows you just how much I know. You guys
all rok and I expect great thing out of you in the future
There has been some interesting and unfortunate event happen over the
last 2 month and with that come some changes. Hopefully they will be for
the best, and there are more to come in the future. Anyway enough of my
bullshit, time to look at the pak .. enjoy everyone !!! and have a good
easter .... man I love chocolate !!!!!!
: Force Contact Addresses
If you would like to be a member of Force, you can contact any of us on
one of the boards b-low or leave mail to one of the specified addresses.
Please upload some work of yours and the application generators binary
file as well if possible, since to join Force, we do need a good idea
of the work youre doing. Goes without saying.
BBS Name Sysop Number Position
Organized Kaos Krisis +61-2-9876-1536 World HQ
Warhammer Legend +61-2-9879-6261 Australian HQ
Electric Cube LightKnight +0973-740-611 Bahrain HQ
. Kaoz Poti +49-2421-931494 German HQ
The Bat Cave Cougar +1-206-242-7645 US HQ
Paradise City Crypt Wizard +7-095-112-3589 Russian HQ :
: Organized Kaos Krisis +61-2-9876-1536 Upload Site
Static Discharge Cryptic +61-8-8381-8454 Member board
The FORCE home page is at : moving to new home/under construction
Please send all fORCE Email to : force@post1.com or force@ctel.com.au
log in to add a comment.