this image contains text
i did this one for the hell of it ..it aint for any board/group, i was jus :: bored at the time ..i need to work on my shading a bit tho .. - - -- ----------
tha bomb -gf
erm, this one sez bLUNt, and its for my up-commin board, bLUNtEd SYStEMS, :: which wont be up for a while, but i thaught i would do a logo anywayz : - - -- ----------
b u t
this one is for my boss spOonman/fTS, and his board MORBID INCITE . not :: too bad methinx, i like doing this kind of shading too ..what do ya think? - - -- ---------- m o r b i d
two -gf
+618-8281-O568, 144OO24 hours!sysOp:spOonman
fTS wHQY0LK MemberWinter DistroRad DistroTTTDist
this is another quick ansi for the fTS H/P mag paranoia. fuck i badly need :: to work out a different color scheme : owell, this will do for now i spose - - -- ----------
fTS hP Divison presents
ishoo three!!
- swine, you cant stop a mind like mine! -
this is for me friend board, called 21G. so yeah, this one is for you to :: use Resistance, ill try and start a menu set soon ..mabey ..oneday .. - - -- ----------
cornel cheesefistshire --
t w e n t y
g e e
.. sysopResistanceco-sysopCrashZer0 ..
this one is for a local rave production crew Waxworx, which are holding a :: rave in adelaide during novermber ..best of luck guys, keep the vibe alive! - - -- ----------
w a x w o r x
w a x w o r x r a v e p r o d u c t i o n s
and thats about it for this pack. not much i know, but ive been hella busy
: and shit, so i didnt get around to doing too much ...anywayz, hope the art : looks ok, dont take it all too seriously : - - -- ------------- g r e e t s f l y o u t t o -- -- - -
anibus, fc, aki, noOdles, chef, kurrupt, cryptic, and all my peeps in fORCE,
: spoOnman, mOf, centy, phorte, pheon, bUd, and all my peeps in fTS, stote, : crash zerO, and all who attended Coven 1996 - see yas next year baby! - - -- ----------
tha bomb -gf
erm, this one sez bLUNt, and its for my up-commin board, bLUNtEd SYStEMS, :: which wont be up for a while, but i thaught i would do a logo anywayz : - - -- ----------
b u t
this one is for my boss spOonman/fTS, and his board MORBID INCITE . not :: too bad methinx, i like doing this kind of shading too ..what do ya think? - - -- ---------- m o r b i d
two -gf
+618-8281-O568, 144OO24 hours!sysOp:spOonman
fTS wHQY0LK MemberWinter DistroRad DistroTTTDist
this is another quick ansi for the fTS H/P mag paranoia. fuck i badly need :: to work out a different color scheme : owell, this will do for now i spose - - -- ----------
fTS hP Divison presents
ishoo three!!
- swine, you cant stop a mind like mine! -
this is for me friend board, called 21G. so yeah, this one is for you to :: use Resistance, ill try and start a menu set soon ..mabey ..oneday .. - - -- ----------
cornel cheesefistshire --
t w e n t y
g e e
.. sysopResistanceco-sysopCrashZer0 ..
this one is for a local rave production crew Waxworx, which are holding a :: rave in adelaide during novermber ..best of luck guys, keep the vibe alive! - - -- ----------
w a x w o r x
w a x w o r x r a v e p r o d u c t i o n s
and thats about it for this pack. not much i know, but ive been hella busy
: and shit, so i didnt get around to doing too much ...anywayz, hope the art : looks ok, dont take it all too seriously : - - -- ------------- g r e e t s f l y o u t t o -- -- - -
anibus, fc, aki, noOdles, chef, kurrupt, cryptic, and all my peeps in fORCE,
: spoOnman, mOf, centy, phorte, pheon, bUd, and all my peeps in fTS, stote, : crash zerO, and all who attended Coven 1996 - see yas next year baby! - - -- ----------
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