this image contains text
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news -
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f o r c e n e w s l e t t e r f o u r t e e n
Email Legend at legend@fl.net.au or Anubis at force@ctel.com.au regarding
any fORCE related matters.
NO! Your eyes arnt decieving you, FORCE is back with another kicken artpak!
It seems that the calculus flavour has been well recieved with Krisis also
using the standard y, y, y notation, because of this, I will continue
the calculus crap, but this time adding a triganomertic feel.
y 13 + Sin14x therefore y 14Cos14x Kewl eh?
Many of you may be asking yourselves pack 14.. where the hell is pack 13?
Well, there is a simple answer to that. Our great and commanding leader
Anubis has decided that in his supersticious old-age to skip pack 13
as its un-lucky. Well, we all knew Anubis was crazy, this just further
proves our case.
It has been quite an interesting month at FORCE, so Ill now continue with
some real news, not just a one line maths lesson
- come join fORCE, we dont bite
well, cept Clarissa joking
Joining the ansi ranks here at FORCE is Erosion. His pic in this pack with
c3. He shows great promise. Hes certainly an up-and-coming artists and we
forward to seeing more stuff from him in the future.
Also joining the ansi crew is Metphisto. Hes a kewl ansi artist and we
hope to see more from him in the future.
I wonder who actually reads this Newsletter?
answer: diezynik or however u spell it
you too could have your name here! just email
N E W S legend@fl.net.au to recieve your free mention
Stop the world, put your son down in his cradel, get that brunette of your
lap, gound-breaking things have occured this month, so start reading now!!!
w t f i s f o r c e ?
what the fuck is force? It is a question that ive answered a few times,
often it is hard, especially if you are talking to a person who is not
versed in the art scene or in computers at all. Kurrupt, in his great vision
and originality has answered this question along with some of the best and
most diliegent members of FORCE. A picture speaks a thousand words, and this
picture also happens to be a thounsand lines.
It brings together a melting pot of styles, from old school to new-age, it
brings together all that FORCE is about. Fun, enjoyment and self-expression.
I urge you to have a good long look at this picture and see really what
force is about. After reading it, you may be interested even in joining .
As youll see all through wtf is force at FORCE you are not a number. You
are treated as an important and integral part of the group. Each member has
a say and the leaders of FORCE Anubis and Legend are approachable and are
always willing to discuss ideas with members, help them out, guide them,
talk to new members and anyone who wants to talk about FORCE.
FORCE is one big happy family, and if youd like to join, just fill in an
application with forceapp.exe and send it to legend legend@fl.net.au or
anubis force@ctel.com.au
n e w h q
fORCE how have a new HQ in the Germany. Carnage our old HQ aparantly has
closed down, so KAOZ will be taking its place. It is also an XPS member
board. So, youll always be able to grab the latest FORCE and XPS packs from
this board.
w w w p a g e
The FORCE www page is STILL being re-written. Check it out sometime next
month to see the new cool changes. The old page will still be in place for
the time being.
- Legend
Legends Blah
Some people have reported bugs in forceview/2. A bugfixed release of the
viewer is included in this pack. We hope that all the bugs have been fixed
and we are now starting work on adding new features and perfecting old ones
in forceview/2.
It is now time for the ceremonial presentation of the way-cool pic of the
pack award.
The winner is drum roll .. Mr Schizo for his absoloutly AWESOME VGA pic!
: Force Contact Addresses
If you would like to be a member of Force, you can contact any of us on
one of the boards b-low or leave mail to one of the specified addresses.
Please upload some work of yours and the application generators binary
file as well if possible, since to join Force, we do need a good idea
of the work youre doing. Goes without saying.
BBS Name Sysop Number Position
Warhammer Legend +61-2-9879-6261 World HQ
The Temple Anubis +61-8-322-4558 Australian HQ
Evil Intensions Betrayer +1-408-251-6220 Canadian HQ .
Electric Cube LightKnight +0973-740-611 Bahrain HQ
. Kaoz Poti +49-2421-931494 German HQ
The Bat Cave Cougar +1-206-242-7645 US HQ :
: Paradise City Crypt Wizard +7-095-112-3589 Russian HQ
Warhammer Legend +61-2-9879-6261 Upload Site
The FORCE home page is at : http://www.fl.net.au/legend/force/
OZ97 or whatever itll be called comin at ya in early 97
Please send all fORCE Email to : legend@fl.net.au or force@ctel.com.au
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news -
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f o r c e n e w s l e t t e r f o u r t e e n
Email Legend at legend@fl.net.au or Anubis at force@ctel.com.au regarding
any fORCE related matters.
NO! Your eyes arnt decieving you, FORCE is back with another kicken artpak!
It seems that the calculus flavour has been well recieved with Krisis also
using the standard y, y, y notation, because of this, I will continue
the calculus crap, but this time adding a triganomertic feel.
y 13 + Sin14x therefore y 14Cos14x Kewl eh?
Many of you may be asking yourselves pack 14.. where the hell is pack 13?
Well, there is a simple answer to that. Our great and commanding leader
Anubis has decided that in his supersticious old-age to skip pack 13
as its un-lucky. Well, we all knew Anubis was crazy, this just further
proves our case.
It has been quite an interesting month at FORCE, so Ill now continue with
some real news, not just a one line maths lesson
- come join fORCE, we dont bite
well, cept Clarissa joking
Joining the ansi ranks here at FORCE is Erosion. His pic in this pack with
c3. He shows great promise. Hes certainly an up-and-coming artists and we
forward to seeing more stuff from him in the future.
Also joining the ansi crew is Metphisto. Hes a kewl ansi artist and we
hope to see more from him in the future.
I wonder who actually reads this Newsletter?
answer: diezynik or however u spell it
you too could have your name here! just email
N E W S legend@fl.net.au to recieve your free mention
Stop the world, put your son down in his cradel, get that brunette of your
lap, gound-breaking things have occured this month, so start reading now!!!
w t f i s f o r c e ?
what the fuck is force? It is a question that ive answered a few times,
often it is hard, especially if you are talking to a person who is not
versed in the art scene or in computers at all. Kurrupt, in his great vision
and originality has answered this question along with some of the best and
most diliegent members of FORCE. A picture speaks a thousand words, and this
picture also happens to be a thounsand lines.
It brings together a melting pot of styles, from old school to new-age, it
brings together all that FORCE is about. Fun, enjoyment and self-expression.
I urge you to have a good long look at this picture and see really what
force is about. After reading it, you may be interested even in joining .
As youll see all through wtf is force at FORCE you are not a number. You
are treated as an important and integral part of the group. Each member has
a say and the leaders of FORCE Anubis and Legend are approachable and are
always willing to discuss ideas with members, help them out, guide them,
talk to new members and anyone who wants to talk about FORCE.
FORCE is one big happy family, and if youd like to join, just fill in an
application with forceapp.exe and send it to legend legend@fl.net.au or
anubis force@ctel.com.au
n e w h q
fORCE how have a new HQ in the Germany. Carnage our old HQ aparantly has
closed down, so KAOZ will be taking its place. It is also an XPS member
board. So, youll always be able to grab the latest FORCE and XPS packs from
this board.
w w w p a g e
The FORCE www page is STILL being re-written. Check it out sometime next
month to see the new cool changes. The old page will still be in place for
the time being.
- Legend
Legends Blah
Some people have reported bugs in forceview/2. A bugfixed release of the
viewer is included in this pack. We hope that all the bugs have been fixed
and we are now starting work on adding new features and perfecting old ones
in forceview/2.
It is now time for the ceremonial presentation of the way-cool pic of the
pack award.
The winner is drum roll .. Mr Schizo for his absoloutly AWESOME VGA pic!
: Force Contact Addresses
If you would like to be a member of Force, you can contact any of us on
one of the boards b-low or leave mail to one of the specified addresses.
Please upload some work of yours and the application generators binary
file as well if possible, since to join Force, we do need a good idea
of the work youre doing. Goes without saying.
BBS Name Sysop Number Position
Warhammer Legend +61-2-9879-6261 World HQ
The Temple Anubis +61-8-322-4558 Australian HQ
Evil Intensions Betrayer +1-408-251-6220 Canadian HQ .
Electric Cube LightKnight +0973-740-611 Bahrain HQ
. Kaoz Poti +49-2421-931494 German HQ
The Bat Cave Cougar +1-206-242-7645 US HQ :
: Paradise City Crypt Wizard +7-095-112-3589 Russian HQ
Warhammer Legend +61-2-9879-6261 Upload Site
The FORCE home page is at : http://www.fl.net.au/legend/force/
OZ97 or whatever itll be called comin at ya in early 97
Please send all fORCE Email to : legend@fl.net.au or force@ctel.com.au
log in to add a comment.