this image contains text
f o r c e n e w s l e
t t e r t w e l v e
Email Legend at legend@fl.net.au or
Anubis at force@ctel.com.au regarding
any fORCE related matters.
AHUH, that is right, fORCE is coming at
you with another beyond cool art pack!
Last month, I assured everyone that the pack would be late
as usual And I
havnt let you down. Due to some social commitments and bugs
in forceview/2.
The pack was late due to frantic coding. Now this leaves
me to move on to
the usual crap. Last month I spoke about differentiation and
calculus. This
month I will continue the calculus flavour. However the oppo
site will occur
I will now speak about intergration, which as you might know
is the opposite
to differensiation. This pack 12, so its now time to intergr
ate 12.
fx 12 indefinitly intergrating we get - Fx 12x
+ C w00000p!
s c e n e n e w s
Moving onto scene news, It has been a pretty interesting mon
th in the world
scene. ACiD have turned fifty. We here at
fORCE would like to wish ACiD a
happy aniversary and may there be many more. We all hope tha
t acid continues
so they can celebrate their 100th aniversary. On the same
note, DARK has
turned 25. Again the same greets, wishes and accolaides go
out to DARK and
its members.
Its been a fairly monumental month at fORCE. Thi
s pack introduces the new
forceview, which has been named forceview/2.
It is definatly one of, if
not THE best art scene viewer in the world. Ill
talk more about forceview/2
later on in this news letter.
- come join
fORCE, we dont bite
fORCE has recieved many new artists. Joining us f
rom Brisbane, Australia is
Pezclown. I am sure he will bring great amount
s of fun, joy, laughter,
confectionary and ansi artwork to fORCE.
Twinkle Toes also joins the
art-crew at fORCE. And what can I say, this guy ca
n not only churn out great
artwork but also dance his way through the hippest night clu
bs in Australia.
This guy got tha mooves gowen on as those americans on
ricki lake say .
Also jumping into the ansi division of fORCE is
Ferret. Hes joined us from
ROC sydney group and already has started churni
ng out top-quality artwork
check out his way cool pic with Fruitcake in thi
s months pack.
Just when you thought that thats the only ppl that jo
ined this month
THERSS MORE! you get a free set of unbreakable steak knive
s with each new
member. Wooo!!! what a deal. Wait theres more!!! Juic
e formally of Gas, has
joined the ranks of our ansi division. Man you cant get
a deal like th
but yes once again theres more.. eclipse also
joins the crew. Speaking
of which can eclipse please email me at force@ctel.com.au
And just when you thought all jokes where done, theres more
. Flava Flav
, Tribal and Skatterway cool ascii do
od, have joined the ranks of fORCE
so over all not a bad month for new members and everone here
at fORCE would
like to warmly welcome you guys. ERK!!! soppy stuff
On a sader note, warhammerour great ansi and vga
artist has left the scene
altogether. We wish warhammer the greatest sucess
in the real world, and we
hope that he might change his mind one day. please!
I wonder who act
ually reads this Newsletter?
answer: diezynik
or however u spell it
you too could have your name here! just e
legend@fl.net.au to recieve your free
Hold the phone, put your daughter down in her cradel, get th
at blonde of your
face, monumental things have occured this month, so start r
eading already!!
f o r c e v i e w / 2
This month marks the release of forceview/2, forc
es very own art viewer! It
has all the features of the other art viewers and more. It b
osts such things
as the most accurate ansi to vga viewing, protected mode co
de which means
that the size of ansi/file you can load is only limited to
the amout of RAM
you have. forceview/2 also bosts RIP, BIN, XBIN,
TD and ADF support just to
mention a few. forceview/2 is the only art view
er to offer 89 standard VGA
textmodes. That means you can view ansis in 40x12 upto 90x80
which is great
BINs. No other art viewer comes even close to 89 textmodde
s. Added to this
full configurability! YOU can configure which
textmodes you wish to use,
which great GUI frontend to use, personalise colour scheme
s, screen savers
you name it, you can configure it. forceview/2
is the ultimate art scene
art scene viewer, end of story.
If you would like a certain feature to be added to f
orceview/2 please mail
either Legend at legend@fl.net.au or Go
blin at s2190983@cse.unsw.EDU.AU.
Some interest has been shown in native OS/2, Win95 and Linux
support, please
mail us if you are interested in either of these.
c h a o t i c p r i s o n e r
Recently a file called cpriptsk.zip has been going around,
it contained a
file filled with ansi and some text.
It seems that chaotic prisoner has bee
n caught for ripping. Whether he did
or not is not a issue here, casue we at fORCE ha
te rippers as much as the
next guy/girl . We where unaware of the alledged ripping
and would like
it to be know that fORCE DOES NOT CONDONE this ty
pe of behaviour !
Lastly, as a part of brood of hatred diskmag,
or as s5 would say broom
of hatred Id like to say that, I thought that we did a fa
irly decent job.
Next time please dont go defaming the work of respected sc
ene members like
diezynik,fonebone eerie
for simply being associated with chaotic prison
in this production. Calling our work crap. I personally w
arned him not to
flame unsane but he did not listen. He has
now payed the price. In
the future please do not bring myself or any of the above p
eople into your
witch hunts. Finishing off, Id like to say that Ive ne
ver had a scene
argument and I never will. I have never had any problems wi
th unsane and he
seems to me to be a fairly normal guy who happens to be a v
ery good artist.
In my experience if you dont like attitudes and the stuff
that happens in
ansi its usually all a big joke, just dont join it. Alr
eady I think I
have said too much. This isnt my problem. However, I thoug
ht that since he
was an ex-member of fORCE, we atleast needed to m
ake an official statment
- Legend
n e w h q
fORCE how have a new HQ in the middle east. Yes,
there actually is a scene
there so we are very happy to have an outpost there in th
e form of the
electric cube. This board will soon also be carrying
ForceNet which will
mean that you to can talk to fORCE Members throug
h Forcenet.
f o r c e n e t
ForceNet seems to be growing at a rapid pace. As
I said before, we now have
a Middle Eastern bahrain HQ and we have also picked up tw
o new boards in
the US. With ForceNet now in North America, Austr
alia and the Middle East,
it should be easier and cheaper for boards to join in.
The new ForceNet
info pack will be in this months force pack.
w w w p a g e
The fORCE www page is currently being re-written
Check it out sometime next
month to see the new cool changes. The old page will still
be in place for
the time being.
- Legend
Legends Blah
forceview/2 was extremely rushed this month. Bec
ause of this rush, a number
of features were left out/bugs were left in. All features w
ill be added/all
bugs will be removed in the coming months. Please keep a l
ook out for new
versions of forceview/2. We will always be addin
g new and cool features. So
expect more from us when we have more time .
Ive decided to do a way-cool pic in the pack
award. This award is nothing
but a little way of saying i really like your work or y
ouve really come
a long way since the last pack, great improvment.
And the winner is drum roll... Criminal Enigma
for his WAY-COOL Xposed pic.
Anubis Blah
Hey its my turn again to say somthing YaY!! Well maybe not
. What can I say
forceview/2 is here, well the first beta anyway. Its time t
o progress the
art scene once again and rok the scene and trust me forc
eview/2 will do
just that !!!
We have picked up some new members this month which only c
onfirms the fact
that fORCE is a STRONG group. Maybe not the m
ost l33t , but never the
less we have strong foundations within the group, whick m
eans that artist
can be asured that fORCE WILL NOT GO BACKWARDS.
Quality and group projects
are on the increase and if your thinking of joining
fORCE just remember
this. If you join now in a few months the standa
rds will be higher and the
group more progressive and YOULL be contributing to the gr
oup!!! We listen
to what our members
have to say an
d this is what
makes - fORCE.
- an.
Force Contact Addresses
If you would like to be a member of Force, you can contact
any of us on
one of the boards b-low or leave mail to one of the specif
ied addresses.
Please upload some work of yours and the application gener
ators binary
file as well if possible, since to join Force, we do need
a good idea
of the work youre doing. Goes without saying
BBS Name Sysop
Number Position
Warhammer Legend
+61-2-9879-6261 World HQ
The Temple Anubis
+61-8-322-4558 Australian HQ
Evil Intensions Betrayer
+1-408-251-6220 Canadian HQ
Electric Cube LightKnight
+0973-740-611 Bahrain HQ
. Carnage Caynan
+49-224-2851 German
The Bat Cave Cougar +1-
206-242-7645 US HQ :
: Paradise City Crypt Wizard
+7-095-112-3589 Russian
Warhammer Legend
+61-2-9879-6261 Upload S
The FORCE home page is at :
COVEN 96 coming at ya .. wait
a minute, its already gone!
Please send all fORCE Email to : legend@fl.net.
au or force@ctel.com.au
f o r c e n e w s l e
t t e r t w e l v e
Email Legend at legend@fl.net.au or
Anubis at force@ctel.com.au regarding
any fORCE related matters.
AHUH, that is right, fORCE is coming at
you with another beyond cool art pack!
Last month, I assured everyone that the pack would be late
as usual And I
havnt let you down. Due to some social commitments and bugs
in forceview/2.
The pack was late due to frantic coding. Now this leaves
me to move on to
the usual crap. Last month I spoke about differentiation and
calculus. This
month I will continue the calculus flavour. However the oppo
site will occur
I will now speak about intergration, which as you might know
is the opposite
to differensiation. This pack 12, so its now time to intergr
ate 12.
fx 12 indefinitly intergrating we get - Fx 12x
+ C w00000p!
s c e n e n e w s
Moving onto scene news, It has been a pretty interesting mon
th in the world
scene. ACiD have turned fifty. We here at
fORCE would like to wish ACiD a
happy aniversary and may there be many more. We all hope tha
t acid continues
so they can celebrate their 100th aniversary. On the same
note, DARK has
turned 25. Again the same greets, wishes and accolaides go
out to DARK and
its members.
Its been a fairly monumental month at fORCE. Thi
s pack introduces the new
forceview, which has been named forceview/2.
It is definatly one of, if
not THE best art scene viewer in the world. Ill
talk more about forceview/2
later on in this news letter.
- come join
fORCE, we dont bite
fORCE has recieved many new artists. Joining us f
rom Brisbane, Australia is
Pezclown. I am sure he will bring great amount
s of fun, joy, laughter,
confectionary and ansi artwork to fORCE.
Twinkle Toes also joins the
art-crew at fORCE. And what can I say, this guy ca
n not only churn out great
artwork but also dance his way through the hippest night clu
bs in Australia.
This guy got tha mooves gowen on as those americans on
ricki lake say .
Also jumping into the ansi division of fORCE is
Ferret. Hes joined us from
ROC sydney group and already has started churni
ng out top-quality artwork
check out his way cool pic with Fruitcake in thi
s months pack.
Just when you thought that thats the only ppl that jo
ined this month
THERSS MORE! you get a free set of unbreakable steak knive
s with each new
member. Wooo!!! what a deal. Wait theres more!!! Juic
e formally of Gas, has
joined the ranks of our ansi division. Man you cant get
a deal like th
but yes once again theres more.. eclipse also
joins the crew. Speaking
of which can eclipse please email me at force@ctel.com.au
And just when you thought all jokes where done, theres more
. Flava Flav
, Tribal and Skatterway cool ascii do
od, have joined the ranks of fORCE
so over all not a bad month for new members and everone here
at fORCE would
like to warmly welcome you guys. ERK!!! soppy stuff
On a sader note, warhammerour great ansi and vga
artist has left the scene
altogether. We wish warhammer the greatest sucess
in the real world, and we
hope that he might change his mind one day. please!
I wonder who act
ually reads this Newsletter?
answer: diezynik
or however u spell it
you too could have your name here! just e
legend@fl.net.au to recieve your free
Hold the phone, put your daughter down in her cradel, get th
at blonde of your
face, monumental things have occured this month, so start r
eading already!!
f o r c e v i e w / 2
This month marks the release of forceview/2, forc
es very own art viewer! It
has all the features of the other art viewers and more. It b
osts such things
as the most accurate ansi to vga viewing, protected mode co
de which means
that the size of ansi/file you can load is only limited to
the amout of RAM
you have. forceview/2 also bosts RIP, BIN, XBIN,
TD and ADF support just to
mention a few. forceview/2 is the only art view
er to offer 89 standard VGA
textmodes. That means you can view ansis in 40x12 upto 90x80
which is great
BINs. No other art viewer comes even close to 89 textmodde
s. Added to this
full configurability! YOU can configure which
textmodes you wish to use,
which great GUI frontend to use, personalise colour scheme
s, screen savers
you name it, you can configure it. forceview/2
is the ultimate art scene
art scene viewer, end of story.
If you would like a certain feature to be added to f
orceview/2 please mail
either Legend at legend@fl.net.au or Go
blin at s2190983@cse.unsw.EDU.AU.
Some interest has been shown in native OS/2, Win95 and Linux
support, please
mail us if you are interested in either of these.
c h a o t i c p r i s o n e r
Recently a file called cpriptsk.zip has been going around,
it contained a
file filled with ansi and some text.
It seems that chaotic prisoner has bee
n caught for ripping. Whether he did
or not is not a issue here, casue we at fORCE ha
te rippers as much as the
next guy/girl . We where unaware of the alledged ripping
and would like
it to be know that fORCE DOES NOT CONDONE this ty
pe of behaviour !
Lastly, as a part of brood of hatred diskmag,
or as s5 would say broom
of hatred Id like to say that, I thought that we did a fa
irly decent job.
Next time please dont go defaming the work of respected sc
ene members like
diezynik,fonebone eerie
for simply being associated with chaotic prison
in this production. Calling our work crap. I personally w
arned him not to
flame unsane but he did not listen. He has
now payed the price. In
the future please do not bring myself or any of the above p
eople into your
witch hunts. Finishing off, Id like to say that Ive ne
ver had a scene
argument and I never will. I have never had any problems wi
th unsane and he
seems to me to be a fairly normal guy who happens to be a v
ery good artist.
In my experience if you dont like attitudes and the stuff
that happens in
ansi its usually all a big joke, just dont join it. Alr
eady I think I
have said too much. This isnt my problem. However, I thoug
ht that since he
was an ex-member of fORCE, we atleast needed to m
ake an official statment
- Legend
n e w h q
fORCE how have a new HQ in the middle east. Yes,
there actually is a scene
there so we are very happy to have an outpost there in th
e form of the
electric cube. This board will soon also be carrying
ForceNet which will
mean that you to can talk to fORCE Members throug
h Forcenet.
f o r c e n e t
ForceNet seems to be growing at a rapid pace. As
I said before, we now have
a Middle Eastern bahrain HQ and we have also picked up tw
o new boards in
the US. With ForceNet now in North America, Austr
alia and the Middle East,
it should be easier and cheaper for boards to join in.
The new ForceNet
info pack will be in this months force pack.
w w w p a g e
The fORCE www page is currently being re-written
Check it out sometime next
month to see the new cool changes. The old page will still
be in place for
the time being.
- Legend
Legends Blah
forceview/2 was extremely rushed this month. Bec
ause of this rush, a number
of features were left out/bugs were left in. All features w
ill be added/all
bugs will be removed in the coming months. Please keep a l
ook out for new
versions of forceview/2. We will always be addin
g new and cool features. So
expect more from us when we have more time .
Ive decided to do a way-cool pic in the pack
award. This award is nothing
but a little way of saying i really like your work or y
ouve really come
a long way since the last pack, great improvment.
And the winner is drum roll... Criminal Enigma
for his WAY-COOL Xposed pic.
Anubis Blah
Hey its my turn again to say somthing YaY!! Well maybe not
. What can I say
forceview/2 is here, well the first beta anyway. Its time t
o progress the
art scene once again and rok the scene and trust me forc
eview/2 will do
just that !!!
We have picked up some new members this month which only c
onfirms the fact
that fORCE is a STRONG group. Maybe not the m
ost l33t , but never the
less we have strong foundations within the group, whick m
eans that artist
can be asured that fORCE WILL NOT GO BACKWARDS.
Quality and group projects
are on the increase and if your thinking of joining
fORCE just remember
this. If you join now in a few months the standa
rds will be higher and the
group more progressive and YOULL be contributing to the gr
oup!!! We listen
to what our members
have to say an
d this is what
makes - fORCE.
- an.
Force Contact Addresses
If you would like to be a member of Force, you can contact
any of us on
one of the boards b-low or leave mail to one of the specif
ied addresses.
Please upload some work of yours and the application gener
ators binary
file as well if possible, since to join Force, we do need
a good idea
of the work youre doing. Goes without saying
BBS Name Sysop
Number Position
Warhammer Legend
+61-2-9879-6261 World HQ
The Temple Anubis
+61-8-322-4558 Australian HQ
Evil Intensions Betrayer
+1-408-251-6220 Canadian HQ
Electric Cube LightKnight
+0973-740-611 Bahrain HQ
. Carnage Caynan
+49-224-2851 German
The Bat Cave Cougar +1-
206-242-7645 US HQ :
: Paradise City Crypt Wizard
+7-095-112-3589 Russian
Warhammer Legend
+61-2-9879-6261 Upload S
The FORCE home page is at :
COVEN 96 coming at ya .. wait
a minute, its already gone!
Please send all fORCE Email to : legend@fl.net.
au or force@ctel.com.au
log in to add a comment.