this image contains text
n e w s l e t t e r e l e v e n
Email Legend at legend@fl.net.au or Anubis at force@ctel.com.au regarding any
FORCE related matters.
YES, citizens of earth, youre eyes arnt decieving you, FORCE is back with
another super kewlies art pack! - well sort of maybe mega supa pak
We at FORCE would like to apologise for this months pack being on time, but
as the senior of seniors at FORCE, Id like to personally assure everyone that
next months pack will be late as usual
As you know this is pack eleven, and do you know what that means? It means that eleven is one more than ten. Cool eh? Or that its the second derivtive of
5x + x. So remeber boys and girls : fx 5x + x and fx 11.
Its been a fairly quiet month here at FORCE, however, there has been frantic
work being achieved by various members of FORCE. I will discuss this work
further on in this newsletter. so stay tuned!
One word of advice to everyone, go see ID4 a FORCE affiliated production
Mad Photographer I think Legend lost the plot at the end of this
Joining us from umm, lets see, who knows, nah, too many groups is Spear. He
certainly is an international talent and we here at FORCE are excited to
hear that he is now a part of our team. so one, two, three wooop!
and well, thats the only new member , but what a new member he is . So
look out for some awesome work coming from Spear.
Also now that Anubis has a inet account all you fORCE wanna-bees can now
email all your apps n work to anubis at force@ctel.com.au. cool hey, well
maybe not but hey where trying to me more group friendly.
- I wonder who actually reads this Newsletter?
answer : diezynik or however u spell it
u.s hq
With the demize of Evil Intentions we where in need of a U.S hq. After have
a nice chat with Cougar of Legend we decided to make The Bat Cave fORCEs
U.S. Hq. So if your in the us and want to grab the force pak dial
THE BAT CAVE +1-206-242-7645 Sysop: Cougar
www page
yes, finally, FORCE has a world wide web page. At the moment it is still under construction, so dont expect the greatest from it . however, it atleast
contains the email addresses all hotlinked of FORCE members and is a place
to download the latest force pack. and view my crappy vga art and www coding skills . So hey have a look grab the lastest pak, email artist and try
and con them into doing you a ansi or apply to fORCE by emailling Anubis at force@ctel.com.au
The Force home page is at : http://www.fl.net.au/legend/force/
- Legend
Anubis Blah
Anubis bit! - greetz ppl once again to the force pak. I hope you enjoy the
quality coming out of that pak. If you do, why not email the artist that you
like and give them some feedback on there work !!! Moving on Id like to say
once again that all the members have improved on there last work and at this
time where starting to really show some of the scene just how it is done.
For a time there we have been hard to contact but with myself getting a
inet account and with legend putting up the home page were starting once
again to have a presents on the net. Why not drop into force and chat to
one of the force members or just sit there and make the channel look bigger
than it really is . its up to you but hey just do it !!!
Also continuing on and adding to the secret project running by some force
members, due to some techincal problems you will have to wait for the next
pak for the release. It WILL be bigger than the new xbin format!!!!
Anyway thats bout it really. I have been working to hard and not spending
enough time on the compy. Yes I have been actually getting a life there for
a bit .. though Im coming back harder and better and if ppl want a ansi or
want to trade ansi with me just email me at force@ctel.com.au and well talk
about it....
- an
: Force Contact Addresses
If you would like to be a member of Force, you can contact any of us on
one of the boards b-low or leave mail to one of the specified addresses.
Please upload some work of yours and the application generators binary
file as well if possible, since to join Force, we do need a good idea
of the work youre doing. Goes without saying.
BBS Name Sysop Number Position
Warhammer Legend +61-2-9879-6261 World HQ
The Temple Anubis +61-8-8322-4558 Australian HQ .
. The Bat Cave Cougar +1-206-242-7645 U.S HQ
Carnage Caynan +49-224-2851 German HQ :
: Paradise City Crypt Wizard +7-095-112-3589 Russian HQ
Warhammer Legend +61-2-9879-6261 Upload Site
The Force home page is at : http://www.fl.net.au/legend/force/
COVEN 96 coming at ya: Whenever MZ gets off his ass
Please send all Force Email to : legend@fl.net.au or force@ctel.com.au
n e w s l e t t e r e l e v e n
Email Legend at legend@fl.net.au or Anubis at force@ctel.com.au regarding any
FORCE related matters.
YES, citizens of earth, youre eyes arnt decieving you, FORCE is back with
another super kewlies art pack! - well sort of maybe mega supa pak
We at FORCE would like to apologise for this months pack being on time, but
as the senior of seniors at FORCE, Id like to personally assure everyone that
next months pack will be late as usual
As you know this is pack eleven, and do you know what that means? It means that eleven is one more than ten. Cool eh? Or that its the second derivtive of
5x + x. So remeber boys and girls : fx 5x + x and fx 11.
Its been a fairly quiet month here at FORCE, however, there has been frantic
work being achieved by various members of FORCE. I will discuss this work
further on in this newsletter. so stay tuned!
One word of advice to everyone, go see ID4 a FORCE affiliated production
Mad Photographer I think Legend lost the plot at the end of this
Joining us from umm, lets see, who knows, nah, too many groups is Spear. He
certainly is an international talent and we here at FORCE are excited to
hear that he is now a part of our team. so one, two, three wooop!
and well, thats the only new member , but what a new member he is . So
look out for some awesome work coming from Spear.
Also now that Anubis has a inet account all you fORCE wanna-bees can now
email all your apps n work to anubis at force@ctel.com.au. cool hey, well
maybe not but hey where trying to me more group friendly.
- I wonder who actually reads this Newsletter?
answer : diezynik or however u spell it
u.s hq
With the demize of Evil Intentions we where in need of a U.S hq. After have
a nice chat with Cougar of Legend we decided to make The Bat Cave fORCEs
U.S. Hq. So if your in the us and want to grab the force pak dial
THE BAT CAVE +1-206-242-7645 Sysop: Cougar
www page
yes, finally, FORCE has a world wide web page. At the moment it is still under construction, so dont expect the greatest from it . however, it atleast
contains the email addresses all hotlinked of FORCE members and is a place
to download the latest force pack. and view my crappy vga art and www coding skills . So hey have a look grab the lastest pak, email artist and try
and con them into doing you a ansi or apply to fORCE by emailling Anubis at force@ctel.com.au
The Force home page is at : http://www.fl.net.au/legend/force/
- Legend
Anubis Blah
Anubis bit! - greetz ppl once again to the force pak. I hope you enjoy the
quality coming out of that pak. If you do, why not email the artist that you
like and give them some feedback on there work !!! Moving on Id like to say
once again that all the members have improved on there last work and at this
time where starting to really show some of the scene just how it is done.
For a time there we have been hard to contact but with myself getting a
inet account and with legend putting up the home page were starting once
again to have a presents on the net. Why not drop into force and chat to
one of the force members or just sit there and make the channel look bigger
than it really is . its up to you but hey just do it !!!
Also continuing on and adding to the secret project running by some force
members, due to some techincal problems you will have to wait for the next
pak for the release. It WILL be bigger than the new xbin format!!!!
Anyway thats bout it really. I have been working to hard and not spending
enough time on the compy. Yes I have been actually getting a life there for
a bit .. though Im coming back harder and better and if ppl want a ansi or
want to trade ansi with me just email me at force@ctel.com.au and well talk
about it....
- an
: Force Contact Addresses
If you would like to be a member of Force, you can contact any of us on
one of the boards b-low or leave mail to one of the specified addresses.
Please upload some work of yours and the application generators binary
file as well if possible, since to join Force, we do need a good idea
of the work youre doing. Goes without saying.
BBS Name Sysop Number Position
Warhammer Legend +61-2-9879-6261 World HQ
The Temple Anubis +61-8-8322-4558 Australian HQ .
. The Bat Cave Cougar +1-206-242-7645 U.S HQ
Carnage Caynan +49-224-2851 German HQ :
: Paradise City Crypt Wizard +7-095-112-3589 Russian HQ
Warhammer Legend +61-2-9879-6261 Upload Site
The Force home page is at : http://www.fl.net.au/legend/force/
COVEN 96 coming at ya: Whenever MZ gets off his ass
Please send all Force Email to : legend@fl.net.au or force@ctel.com.au
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